Robin Ridless

Robin Ridless

  • January 19, 2018

    The 'Case Study' against Trump and the Threat of Nazi Psychiatry

    The cry-in-their-beer plaint in Politico recently by Bandy X. Lee and Leonard L. Glass, co-editors of the anthology The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, has a tell.  It argues that the mental health professionals in their anthology, in promo...

  • January 12, 2018

    Fusion GPS Gets a Rude Awakening

    Note to Fusion GPS: If you're going to mouth off to the media and ignore the public record, you'd better be prepared to have your confidential documents subpoenaed. That's the takeaway from last week's ruling by Judge Richard J. Le...

  • December 29, 2017

    The Evils...No, the Virtues of Seduction

    The year 2017 saw the wounding of the cultural leviathan, the multi-limbed monster that strangles all forms of discourse and political imagination that threaten its progressive habitat.  To poultice the ailing behemoth, post-Harvey Weinstein fem...

  • December 16, 2017

    The Morality Sweepstakes

    I have a theory.  It is not that the scales have fallen from our eyes about sexual harassment.  It’s that the cultural left has run out of game.  Without game, it can’t pass off sleazy exploitation as something else.  ...

  • December 9, 2017

    SCOTUS and Wedding Cakes: Don't Celebrate Yet

    A few days' passing and thorough reading of the oral argument transcript for Masterpiece Cakeshop Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission leave me less optimistic than commentators such as Amy Howe at Scotusblog and David French at National Revi...

  • December 5, 2017

    'Make Them Bake Cake': The Bizarre Arguments against Bakers' Free Speech Rights

    Last week's New York Times piece by Jennifer Finney Boylan, "The Masterpiece Cakeshop Case Is Not About Religious Freedom," floored me with the number of distortions it crowded into a few paragraphs.  I can only conclude that the l...

  • November 20, 2017

    Has Ben Shapiro Been Watching Too Much Judge Judy?

    Ben Shapiro is one of a number of conservative journalists recently bent on assuring us we're at liberty to disregard due process of law in formulating our verdict on Roy Moore.  We have his permission, he tells us, because we're decidin...

  • November 5, 2017

    Turning the Supreme Court into a Safe Space

    On December 5, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commissioner, the controversial case about Jack Phillips, a Christian baker seeking an exemption from his state's public accommodations law ...

  • October 21, 2017

    Excusing Rape in the Name of Art

    The most striking thing about the Harvey Weinstein revelations is the complete, almost syndicated, nature of the imputed wrongdoing. Seamlessness characterizes all successful cover-ups, but this one appears particularly sinister because narcissistic ...