Robin Osborne

Robin Osborne

  • March 7, 2013

    Enhanced interrogation techniques do work...even on TV.

    I must profess, I follow The Following.  This show is the incredibly fast based story of a sinister cult lead by an even more sinister serial murderer using the internet while in prison.  The television show on the Fox Network is never s...

  • February 28, 2013

    Medicaid Expansion -- the New Wealth Killer

    It is clear that the Democrats win by creating constituents. They use the ObamaPhones, Food Stamps, and other freebies to accomplish exactly this. The American people are all the while screaming "stop!" But they also scream, "just don't stop mine." T...

  • February 27, 2013

    It's the Vanishing Ink, Stupid

    We have all tried labeling the things that make the Obama administration troubling. This president was never sufficiently vetted and many questions remain unanswered. Everything about him is suspect. If he were any other president, especially a Repub...

  • February 13, 2013

    Which Chris do you honor?

    The world as we know it is changing more and more each day.  We get information non-stop and often it is clouded by the deliverer's opinion. The State of the Union's lofty promises and the turmoil all around the world give us a surreal feeling t...

  • February 9, 2013

    The president is lying about Benghazi

    We all remember when Bill Clinton argued that it all depends on what the meaning of 'is' is. We were all disgusted that the office of the President had become so low that we were deciphering legalistic terms and arguing about sex acts. Oh for the goo...

  • February 1, 2013

    Working poor families to be big losers under Obamacare

    ObamaCare is here to stay and will financially impact everyone.  It will burden business owners and their employees alike.  But who may be hurt the most? is reporting: Using the conditions laid out in the regulations,...

  • January 29, 2013

    Will the GOP get Stupaked?

    It's not longer controversial to say that President Obama lies. It's one of those things that just happens to be true, like water flowing downhill. Whatever our president says is only a formality and will be used at a later date to show how much he h...

  • January 26, 2013

    Why did Harry Reid Cave on the Filibuster?

    It was not because of the strength of the opposition.  If we have seen anything lately it is not a strong and formidable Republican Congress.  These hapless warriors concede on all of their ideals with a similar battle cry.  We'll get ...

  • January 12, 2013

    Bloomberg acts to restrict painkillers in public hospitals

    According to the New York Times, Mayor Bloomberg has imposed limitations on prescriptions for certain pain killers in their 11 public hospitals: "City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and prevent...