Robert Zubrin

Robert Zubrin

  • December 27, 2016

    Mars Is within Reach

    On November 28, a syndicated op-ed by Charles Wohlforth and Amanda Hendrix appeared in the Los Angeles Times and carried over the following days by a number of other newspapers claiming that journeys to Mars are just a dream. According to these write...

  • August 20, 2016

    WWII Airmen Get Their Memorial

    On Saturday August 6, I was privileged to attend the unveiling of the memorial to American airmen who fought in World War II at the Wings Over the Rockies aviation museum in Denver, Colorado. Created by Major Frederic Arnold (ret.), an artist who fle...

  • June 22, 2016

    Campaign launched to free the delegates

    A grassroots campaign has begun to unbind the delegates to the Republican National Convention so they can be free to nominate a candidate more worthy of the presidency than Donald Trump. The “Free the Delegates” campaign was initiated ...

  • June 12, 2016

    Charles Zubrin: An American Life

    My father died a few days ago. He was 100 years old. I never met his parents, he barely knew them himself. His mother, the daughter of a Russian Jewish immigrant who fought for the Union, taught second grade in New York City public schools. She di...

  • April 28, 2016

    Present at the Destruction

    The United States has a pretty good track record at winning wars, but there is only one important conflict in recent memory where we also won the peace. Fortunately, this singular victory occurred in conjunction with the largest of them all, World Wa...

  • April 20, 2016

    Where are America’s Drowned Cities?

    Global warming lengthens the growing season and increases net rainfall worldwide. The enrichment of the atmospheric carbon dioxide accelerates the rate of plant growth. These are all very positive developments, both for humanity and for wild nature. ...

  • March 22, 2016

    Colorado GOP resolution: No voting for Trump

    In the caucuses March 1, I was elected an alternate delegate to the Colorado State GOP convention, which on April 9 will select and instruct our delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer. Accordingly, I have drawn u...

  • March 4, 2016

    Trump falters on Super Tuesday

    The media talking heads are all agog chatting up Donald Trump’s “commanding victory” on Super Tuesday.  But they are wrong.  In fact, Trump fell seriously short. While it is true that Trump won 7 out of the 11 states in...

  • February 17, 2016

    How to Stop Trump

    The Republican Party is now facing the threat of a hostile takeover. Donald Trump is not a conservative, he is not a Republican; he is not even a Democrat. Donald Trump is a radical demagogue who has chosen to invoke the tribal instinct to mobilize m...

  • February 9, 2016

    The Assad Republicans Are Wrong

    There is a serious dispute among the Republican presidential candidates on one of the most important foreign policy issues facing America. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump want the United States to join with Russia and Iran in backing Syrian dictator Bashar...

  • August 24, 2015

    What is Donald Trump?

    Casino and strip club magnate Donald Trump is a crude lout. His followers claim that such qualities are forgivable in an aspirant for the office of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, because Trump is a true conservative. In a recent posting, Jona...

  • December 25, 2013

    This Christmas, Please Help the NSA

    The Guppy is Secure. The Mice are Ready. Bubba has the clock. I say these things because I am trying to help the unappreciated men and women of the NSA. The NSA has a really tough job. While the precise budget of its internet surveillance program is...