Robert Weissberg

Robert Weissberg

  • The Enduring Battle Over ‘Merit’

    March 7, 2025

    The Enduring Battle Over ‘Merit’

    The push for group-based preferences that began with affirmative action in the 1960s and evolved into today’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) movement is now in decline. Merit, not skin color, sex or sexual peccadilloes, may soon decide ...

  • How American Education Promotes Sloth

    February 8, 2025

    How American Education Promotes Sloth

    President Trump’s plan to reindustrialize American will invariably focus on education. After all, it is impossible to imagine building things with an innumerate and illiterate workforce. Equally predictably, this reinvigorated focus will be on ...

  • Jim Crow Education Comes to New York City

    January 3, 2025

    Jim Crow Education Comes to New York City

    Education has long been central for African Americans in the quest for equality and historically, what blacks sought was identical to what whites received. In the landmark case of Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) the plaintiff -- Oliver Brown -- w...

  • The Feminization of American Politics

    November 29, 2024

    The Feminization of American Politics

    The term “permanent campaign” emerged in 1976 and has come to mean candidates beginning their next campaign immediately after election day. Think Gavin Newsom, who is already campaigning for the 2028 presidency. Trump’s 2024 victory...

  • A Primordial Win

    November 21, 2024

    A Primordial Win

    “Pocketbook” issues such as grocery prices are central to voters, but only up to a point. More fundamental, though rarely articulated, are genetically hardwired values resting on 750,000 years of human evolution. These “primordial v...

  • The Party of the Well-Educated Offers the Least Well-Educated Candidates

    November 15, 2024

    The Party of the Well-Educated Offers the Least Well-Educated Candidates

    All presidential elections offer paradoxes, but the Harris-Trump contest offers a truly remarkable oddity. Specifically, the Democrats, now the party of the college educated, especially college professors, nominated Presidential and Vice-Presidential...

  • The Next Inclusion Madness: Neurodiversity

    November 8, 2024

    The Next Inclusion Madness: Neurodiversity

    Contemporary American society seems obsessed with inclusion. Homosexuality has gone from a crime to being openly celebrated. Adultery is no longer an offense punishable by death and would-be adulterers now can legally find partners on the Internet...

  • The Futile Quest for Equity

    November 3, 2024

    The Futile Quest for Equity

    Being a pedestrian in New York City can be dangerous. As one headline put it, “Last Years was Deadliest in NYC Streets in Nearly a Decade.” Reckless drivers killed 124 pedestrians, 50 motorcyclists, and 19 bike riders. New York City has t...

  • The Rise of Political Vitriol

    October 26, 2024

    The Rise of Political Vitriol

    American presidential campaigns have become increasingly vitriolic. One of President Biden’s campaign organizations even explicitly compared Trump to Hitler, Terms like “fascist” and “mentally unbalanced” are commonplace...

  • What Happens to All the Unnecessary DEI Workers?

    October 5, 2024

    What Happens to All the Unnecessary DEI Workers?

    Recall the adage to be careful of what you wish for… you might just get it. This sage advice is currently being demonstrated in the decline of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) crusade. Scarcely a week passes without major corporations...

  • Are Fat Jokes an Existential Threat to American Universities?

    September 21, 2024

    Are Fat Jokes an Existential Threat to American Universities?

    When I entered Syracuse University in 1959, the doctrine of in loco parentis, from the Latin, in place of the parent, ruled. Never openly admitted, but crystal clear was the aim of thwarting sex, so freshmen women were required live in dorms with str...

  • The Blank Slate and Totalitarian Creep

    September 15, 2024

    The Blank Slate and Totalitarian Creep

    The most career-destroying, toxic heresy in today’s hypersensitive world is attributing highly valued traits such as intelligence to a person’s genes and then saying that these and other biologically hard-wired traits were unevenly distri...

  • The Democrat Plan to Restore the Higher Education Indoctrination Industrial Complex

    September 2, 2024

    The Democrat Plan to Restore the Higher Education Indoctrination Industrial Complex

    The Democrat party’s craving for power is insatiable so nothing is ever enough. How else can you explain their infatuation with open borders with quick paths to citizenship, undermining the electoral process with mail-in voting or schemes to...

  • The Lure of Easy Home Ownership

    August 24, 2024

    The Lure of Easy Home Ownership

    The Harris/Walz economic agenda might be called “Free Stuff Socialism” where government taxes the "super-rich" to provide ordinary Americans with “free stuff,” or at least stuff at sharply reduced prices. Obviously, ...

  • Racial Equality and Election Fraud

    August 15, 2024

    Racial Equality and Election Fraud

    The African-American quest for political equality has been a long and often difficult struggle. Though the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution enacted in 1870 stated “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or...

  • Democracy and the Donor Class

    July 27, 2024

    Democracy and the Donor Class

    Among recent political events, perhaps the most notable has been the power of a small group of super-rich Americans to exercise outsized political influence. Recall how President Biden soldiered on despite sinking poll numbers, pleas from worried dow...

  • The Stonewall Riot Hoax

    July 19, 2024

    The Stonewall Riot Hoax

    The left is obsessed with falsifying American history.  For these radicals, the Founding Fathers did not write the Constitution to form a more perfect union; it was merely a ploy by racist white males to protect slavery.  Similarl...

  • Will New York City Die of Stupidity?

    June 13, 2024

    Will New York City Die of Stupidity?

    Since the 1960s many of America’s foremost cities, notably Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, and Baltimore have exhibited sharp declines in population, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. Today, other major cities such as Los Angeles, Chi...

  • Will the United States Become a Third World Nation?

    June 7, 2024

    Will the United States Become a Third World Nation?

    Is the United States becoming a Third World nation? This question has long been on the edge of polite conversation, but former President Trump’s conviction in two New York courts has pushed the query to the forefront. The short answer is that w...

  • Confronting University Anti-Semitism

    June 1, 2024

    Confronting University Anti-Semitism

    Watching pro-Hamas campus demonstrations can be dangerous to one’s health. Such stupidity, mendacity, and gratuitous violence virtually guarantees high blood pressure or cardiac arrest. It's not easy watching Ivy League presidents explain h...

  • Escaping from Bloody Reality

    May 25, 2024

    Escaping from Bloody Reality

    Off-hand remarks can destroy a candidate.  In August of 1967, for example the then-governor of Michigan, George Romney, a leading contender for the Republican nomination for president explained his shifting change of opinion on the war in Vie...

  • The Two Public Opinions on Race

    May 17, 2024

    The Two Public Opinions on Race

    There is an old puzzle about if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear the crash, does it make a sound? A similar, though more serious question, concerns public opinion: if people have opinions on a subject but the pollsters ignore th...

  • Useful Idiots for Hamas

    May 7, 2024

    Useful Idiots for Hamas

    Current campus disturbances outwardly resemble past protests. It would be as if they all shared a common script—righteous indignation, yelling and screaming slogans, lists of non-negotiable demands, going limp when police try to remove them, pi...

  • Killing Capitalism by Ending Racial Discrimination

    April 30, 2024

    Killing Capitalism by Ending Racial Discrimination

    For more than a half century the federal government has enacted countless laws and issued thousands of administrative decrees to promote racial equality. Central to this quest has been the doctrine of “disparate impact” (based on Title VI...

  • Black Wars of Liberation Come to America

    April 22, 2024

    Black Wars of Liberation Come to America

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently appointed Zakiya Carr Johnson as the State Department’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Her mission, according to Blinken, was to help build a workforce that reflects America. Given that B...

  • DIE Kills American Chip Manufacturing

    March 18, 2024

    DIE Kills American Chip Manufacturing

    If all the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity functionaries and their supporters were a corporation -- DIE, Inc. -- it might rival Apple’s market value. Its “product” of eviscerating America has been widely successful. Just look ...

  • Black Politics: The Case of Selma, Alabama

    March 9, 2024

    Black Politics: The Case of Selma, Alabama

    American ethnic groups have relied on various paths to move up the economic ladder, but among African Americans the foremost pathway has been elections. This effort has produced notable successes.  Voting rates are now roughly equal and Blacks h...

  • The End of Assimilation

    March 3, 2024

    The End of Assimilation

    America’s open borders have put huge strains on our social services, schools, and police departments, let alone facilitating drug addiction and human sex-trafficking.  Donald Trump has promised to shut the door on day one of his admin...

  • The Day All the Free Food Vanished

    February 9, 2024

    The Day All the Free Food Vanished

    FBI Director Christopher Wray recently warned America about a possible Chinese cyberattack on our electric grid, transportation centers, and energy facilities that would almost destroy our economy. The impact of such an attack is hardly hypothetical ...

  • January 31, 2024

    The De-evolution of the West

    It has been said that intellectuals can reduce a city of stone to sand. Unfortunately, this is especially true as today’s “thinking class” wages all-hands-on deck warfare against Western Civilization. The most prominent of these att...

  • January 19, 2024

    What If DIE Dies?

    The widespread pro-Hamas demonstrations, particularly at elite universities, has, ironically, had a positive impact by alerting Americans to the ideological rot infecting higher education. They now realize that the slogan “Diversity, Inclusion,...

  • January 10, 2024

    Claudine Gay’s Most Grievous Sin

    Claudine Gay’s sudden resignation from Harvard has been an eye-opener. Why would Harvard appoint a serial plagiarizer with an undistinguished scholarly record as its president?  Or a person with such limited administrative experience? ...

  • December 19, 2023

    The Real Claudine Gay Scandal

    Dr. Claudine Gay, current President of Harvard University, is one lucky woman or, as she might describe herself a “a lucky woman of color.” She first survived her dreadful testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforc...

  • December 11, 2023

    Anti-Discrimination Laws and the War on Capitalism

    It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but in New York City the infatuation with “disastrous good intentions” is a sacred command.   The latest installment of the march down a ruinous path are laws pr...

  • December 4, 2023

    A Plague of College Student Dishonesty

    This is not a good time for American higher education, but as bad as this may seem, matters are even worse.  The students themselves are part of the problem when they seek admission to top schools with tactics that are at best questionable ...

  • November 20, 2023

    The Plight of Jews on College Campuses

    This is not the best of times for many — perhaps most — Jews on college campuses.  Pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrations and occasional vandalism have become commonplace, with more than a few explicitly calling for the extermina...

  • October 31, 2023

    A Watershed Moment for Jews

    What dominates the mass media is often fleeting importance for the enduring political landscape. Nevertheless, some events can harbinger momentous changes despite their initial ordinary nature. A particularly telling example was the initial shift of ...

  • October 27, 2023

    Megadonors Should Fund New Universities

    The size and vitriol of the anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rallies on campus has been a game changer. Yes, everyone knew that college students tend to be ill-informed politically, but the seething hatred of Jews and the misinformation -- labeling Israel an ap...

  • October 22, 2023

    Time for Billionaire Donors to Face Reality

    An important repercussion of the recent campus anti-Israel/pro-Hamas rallies is that major university donors, many of whom are Jewish, say that they are re-thinking their continued support of their alma mater. The billionaire Ronald Lauder has th...

  • October 17, 2023

    The Alternate Universe of Anti-Israel Protestors

    The sudden outpouring of anti-Israel, pro-Palestine outrage on countless campuses is hardly surprising given how universities are so grievance group friendly. More surprising is the content of these protests, namely proclaiming a morally upside-down ...

  • October 12, 2023

    The Queering of America

    For most Americans, labels such as “gay,” “non-binary,” and even “members of the LGBTQ community” are generally used interchangeably to describe those preferring same sex partners. This imprecision suffices for ord...

  • October 9, 2023

    Punishing 'Hate' but Not Criminals

    America appears to be becoming a society with fewer and fewer laws, or at least not enforcing those that remain on the books.  We have decriminalized "recreational" drugs and reduced felonies into minor misdemeanors while ignoring...

  • September 29, 2023

    What the Senate's New Dress Code Is Really About

    Disputes over dress codes have been ongoing for decades, and defenders of high standards such as mandatory suits and ties have fought a losing battle.  Even exclusive private clubs have generally surrendered, though strict requirements typi...

  • September 8, 2023

    Protecting the Rule of Law

    American justice depends on the widespread belief that the blindfolded lady (Themis, the Greek goddess of justice and law) is, indeed, blindfolded and not putting her thumb on the scale. Yes, American justice may not be perfect and historical abuses ...

  • August 21, 2023

    President Biden's Dementia

    Has President Biden become so senile that he is now longer qualified to be commander-in-chief?  The outward signs of dementia are everywhere.  He often appears confused, unsure of his next move, and unable to remember his speech....

  • July 10, 2023

    The War on Native American Names and Mascots

    America’s never-ending quest for inclusion has now turned its attention to supposedly offensive school nicknames and mascots. Native American names are a particular target of this ire—Braves, Warriors, Chiefs together with individual trib...

  • June 23, 2023

    What Happens if the Supreme Court Bans Racial Preferences?

    The Supreme Court will soon decide the legality of racial preferences in higher education, In Students for Fair Admission Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College, the plaintiffs contend that Harvard University (and the University of N...

  • May 29, 2023

    The Futility of School Reform

    American schools are hardly noted for their academic excellence, but post-COVID data have fueled a near panic. Statistics from the well-regarded National Assessment of Educational Progress showed historic declines in reading and math scores. Similar ...

  • May 23, 2023

    The Path to National Suicide

    Without unrestricted immigration, nations like the United States cannot survive unless women have about 2.1 children each (the .1 reflects women who do not have children).  The bad news is that the U.S. is falling short in reproducing itself. Oc...

  • May 18, 2023

    What the Arrest of Daniel Penny is All About

    The New York City subway incident in which former Marine Daniel Penny, whose sleeper hold inadvertently killed career criminal and homeless vagrant Jordan Neely quickly became front-page news. Matters exploded when Alvin Bragg, Manhattan’s Soro...

  • May 1, 2023

    America’s Transgender Craze

    Future historians may look back on 2023 as Peak Trans Women insanity. The highly publicized boycott of Bud Light beer over Anheuser-Busch’s choice to feature the trans “influencer” Dylan Mulvaney may have garnered the most publicity...

  • April 8, 2023

    The Battle Over School Library Censorship

    Public school libraries are apparently under siege by book banners. A steady stream of alarmist headlines tell of angry parents demanding libraries remove books that will corrupt their children. As Pen America, the premier defender of free expression...

  • April 3, 2023

    Teachers’ Unions Are Destroying American Education

    American public schools are witnessing a mass exodus of teachers. The term “stampede” may be more appropriate. According to one poll conducted in 2022, some 55% of educators were ready to leave the profession, and this unease is often...

  • February 4, 2023

    American Students -- Dumber and More Woke

    Professors often complain about the current crop of students being less intellectually talented than when they began their careers decades back. Such griping is, of course, easy to dismiss -- it has occurred for millennia. Unfortunately, this time ar...

  • January 24, 2023

    The Quixotic Quest for Reparations

    The idea of reparations for African Americans due to slavery began during the Civil War when General William Tecumseh Sherman, on January 16, 1865, issued Special Field Order No. 15 that called for allocating up to 40 acres and lending mules to newly...

  • January 13, 2023

    Obsessing over Racism

    It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and this certainly seems to apply to America’s current race relations. Ill-advised accusations of White racism are ubiquitous, as if expunging this alleged toxicity will bring a ra...

  • December 21, 2022

    America’s Growing Political Impotence

    First-world countries have governments that work. Perhaps imperfectly, and perhaps not in the most economically efficient way, but they successfully fulfill their responsibilities. But what happens when government not only fails to perform as expecte...

  • December 3, 2022

    The Futile Quest to Protect Racial Diversity

    In June of 2023 the Supreme Court will render its decision regarding the legality of racial preferences in higher education. Considering recent rulings, the Court is likely to ban outright or at least severely limit these preferences. Will the Court ...

  • November 15, 2022

    Racial Preferences: An Engine of Resentment

    If a hostile foreign power wanted to sow division in the U.S., it would be hard to think of a better tactic than promoting racial preferences. Just demand that government “level the playing field” with quotas and set-asides based on skin ...

  • September 8, 2022

    How Biden Gets it Wrong

    In his recent “fascist” speech, President Biden attacked former President Trump and his MAGA supporters as a dangerous, extremist threat to American democracy since they opposed gay marriage, abortion, the rule of law, the right to privac...

  • August 26, 2022

    PEN Works to Destroy Education

    Controlling education is the grand prize in today’s culture wars. Why worry about elections if voters arrive at the polls fully ideologically indoctrinated? The Left has recognized this reality for decades and its long march through the institu...

  • August 1, 2022

    When Public Health Goes Woke

    For over a century the public health profession has successfully improved the health of the American public. Notable successful campaigns have included anti-smoking, regular vaccinations, periodic check-ups for breast and skin cancer, and promoting h...

  • July 2, 2022

    Hispanics Will Not Join a Black/Brown Coalition

    The adage "be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it" most certainly applies to recent efforts by black political leaders to expand ballot access. Their reasoning seems alluring: voting has been their ticket to progress...

  • June 22, 2022

    Manufacturing Social Justice Warriors on an Industrial Scale

    For over a half century, American institutions of higher education have been guilty of promoting oikophobia -- hatred of one’s own people and, more generally, Western civilization. Instruction initially only occurred in traditional academic dis...

  • July 28, 2020

    Defunding School Police

    Craziness now exits on an industrial scale but among all foolish ideas, none is stupider than trying to defund police departments, particularly where poor people, disproportionately African Americans, depend on policing. Yet, just when it seems ...

  • June 25, 2020

    The Coming Demise of American Big Tech?

    Future historians with an eye for inflection points may well focus on the Wall Street Journal of June 12, 2020. A page 1 banner reads, “Companies Pledge Actions to Promote Racial Justice” and recounts how in response to the George Floyd k...

  • June 21, 2020

    Why Are University Students So Stupidity-Friendly?

    The contemporary political landscape is mired in a tsunami of bad ideas. Who would have ever anticipated that defunding police departments, emptying out prisons, eliminating cash bail, free health care, free college, looting as a legitimate form...

  • June 2, 2020

    Lying for Diversity

    The University of California’s recent decision to replace the SAT and ACT with some future “fairer” test so as to boost black and Hispanic enrollment has generated immense controversy. A key argument was that whites and Asians enjoy...

  • May 28, 2020

    Distance Learning's Downfall

    Disasters, it is said, often have silver linings, and in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, this might be a widening access to computerized learning. Now, it is alleged, as a result of school closings, thousands of youngsters, disproportionately poor...

  • May 18, 2020

    Is COVID-19 Our New Sputnik Moment?

    American universities are troubled institutions.  More serious than the attention-getting P.C. madness, however, has been the subversion of intellectual standards — armies of "diversity and inclusion" bureaucrats tasked with...

  • May 11, 2020

    The COVID-19 sword of Damocles

    A continuum exists in how to address the COVID-19 virus.  On one end are those wanting to quickly phase out the lockdown ("a cure worse than the disease") despite the mounting deaths.  Opposed are Americans so terrified ...

  • May 3, 2020

    Bankrupting Government to Achieve Educational Utopia

    Like the Energizer Bunny, radical egalitarians just keep on going and going no matter how futile their utopian schemes and all the wasted money. This is particularly true in education where levelers are convinced that they can coerce government to en...

  • December 27, 2019

    The Campaign Money Industrial Complex

    The current Democratic presidential primary with its fifteen surviving candidates is a political spectacle of the first order.  Oddities abound, for example, several former governors and members of Congress, many with illustrious records, have d...

  • August 13, 2019

    Understanding Recent Mass Shootings

    When it comes to mass shootings, America lives in two separate worlds. The first is the one of Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio among many others. They follow a familiar script: a white shooter using a high-powered weapon kills mu...

  • August 1, 2019

    Too Many Candidates Undermine Democratic Elections

    Democratic elections require at least two candidates, both of which, at least in principle, have a shot at winning. But, while two office-seekers may be the minimum, is there a maximum? Might adding candidates eventually diminish the election’s...

  • July 23, 2019

    Free Tuition and Forgiving Student Debt will Not Save Radical College Faculty

    Americans are keen supporters of higher education and Washington has traditionally generously concurred. But, in the 2020 presidential Democratic primary, several prominent potential nominees have endorsed once-unimaginable levels of government aid f...

  • December 21, 2018

    What Makes Trump Run

    It is an understatement to say that many Americans, particularly mass-media pundits, are baffled by President Trump’s “polarizing” behavior. There has never been any public figure quite like him: a president who speaks his mind so f...

  • November 3, 2018

    'If you see a white person...say something'

    In New York City, where I live, the "If you see something, say something" signs are ubiquitous.  Certainly sound advice, at least in the abstract, as regards the war on terror and criminality.  Unfortunately, in settings...

  • October 30, 2018

    Is Donald Trump Responsible for the Caravans?

    Why are caravans of migrants from Central America slowly making their way north to the U.S. border?  Certainly not an exodus from the horrors of war, famine, or a devastating natural disaster.  Yes, poverty and corruption are ubiq...

  • September 15, 2018

    Faking Your Way to Racial Equality

    Since the mid-1960s, billions have been spent to close race-related gaps in educational achievement.  While these gaps have been somewhat narrowed, they have remained substantial and seem impervious to nearly a...

  • September 8, 2018

    The Elephant at the Southern Border

    Why do the public discussions of immigration overwhelmingly focus on our Southern border while the influx of almost equal numbers of Asians, Europeans, and Indians goes unnoticed?  Why fixate on Hispanics? The prevailing explanation...

  • July 13, 2018

    The Old versus the New Left

    Politics often evolves in strange, unpredictable ways.  For example, what white Southern Democrat in 1960 would have foreseen that within forty years, the South would be solidly Republican?  And that black voters would help elect ...

  • April 16, 2018

    Would Progress in Genetics Research End the Racial Spoils System?

    A recent NY Times essay. “How Genetics Is Changing Our Understanding of ‘Race’” by Harvard genetics professor David Reich directly confronted the Mother of All Taboos: racial differences in intelligence. Despite his references...

  • January 12, 2018

    Privatizing the wall

    President Trump's promise to "build the wall" has been much delayed.  Its funding seems mired in multiple other immigration-related problems, and given the contentious history of such legislation, construction may wait ye...

  • September 18, 2017

    Spending Millions to Fill Garbage Cans with Nutritious Meals

    For most people, even those paying attention, the seemingly endless expansion of government spending and its accompanying debt is a mystery. A timely parallel might be a tropical storm out in the middle of nowhere developing into a Cat 5 hurricane. S...

  • July 29, 2017

    Training Americans for Dependency One Bite at a Time

    Over the last century America has gone from a nation that prized self-reliance to one where  millions seem unbothered by dependency. For a political leader just to hint at curtailing entitlements or adding a work requirement certifies him as evi...

  • July 22, 2017

    Improving Health Care: The Doc-in-a-Box Option

    The current debate over government-subsidized health care seems unsolvable -- there is just not enough money to give everyone what they demand. Nevertheless, this circle can be squared, at least partially, and in a way that will satisfy both free mar...

  • June 6, 2017

    'Free' Government-Funded Health Care

    The rights enjoyed by Americans have undergone a major transformation from rights that constrain government power -- for example, the Bill of Rights – to rights guaranteeing tangible benefits. This shift is especially notable for healthcare as ...

  • May 8, 2017

    The New York Times and Upper West Side Segregation

    Of all of the taboo topics in today’s political landscape, absolutely nothing is more fraught with danger than race. Recall the old joke about how people dance at a nudist camp -- carefully, very carefully. Everything from vocabulary to tone of...

  • December 19, 2016

    Defending the Electoral College

    Who would ever have predicted that the Electoral College would attract so much public discussion, let alone the last-ditch hope of the anti-Trump fanatics?  Given so many misstatements about it, let me briefly set the record straight. Begin w...

  • September 10, 2016

    What Happens When Trump Departs?

    Donald Trump’s so far successful presidential run has raised a heretofore unnoticed irony. On the one hand, the GOP establishment has long called for a “Big Tent” strategy to attract African Americans, Hispanics, even gays plus othe...

  • June 6, 2016

    The Obama Museum: the Education Wing

    The Obama presidency has been among the worst in American history but will the disaster be remembered? No easy task, given the Left’s cultural domination. Conceivably, in a few decades millions of youngsters might well learn that our first Afri...

  • May 18, 2016

    Why Donald Trump can be the real conservative

    Countless self-proclaimed conservatives are denouncing Trump (or being coy in promising future support) for being insufficiently conservative.  Leaving aside whether there exists some authoritative written-in-stone conservative doctrine, this as...

  • May 14, 2016

    The Human Case for Economic Nationalism

    Critics of Donald Trump “America First” economic nationalism are undoubtedly correct when they assert that his policies will raise consumer prices or, put concretely, the $5 made-in-who knows where but probably overseas shirt from Walmart...

  • April 8, 2016

    Obama Administration Sticking it to Whitey

    Is the Obama administration, or at least some officials in it, hostile toward whites? This is certainly an awkward, publicly unspeakable question -- and answering it is exceptionally difficult. Not easy to discern the motives of countless Washington ...

  • March 12, 2016

    Bernie’s Doomed Democratic Socialism

    Thanks to Bernie Sanders, “Democratic Socialism”, by which he means a cornucopia of state-supplied benefits paid for by squeezing billionaires, is now all the rage. And according to Bernie and his fans, this vision is hardly Utopian -- ge...

  • February 22, 2016

    Antonin Scalia and the Battle against Kritarchy

    Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia's death has been a tragedy, at least for conservatives.  Less obvious, though I would argue of ultimately greater importance, is that this outpouring of feeling and machinations regarding his replacement ...

  • January 13, 2016

    Finding the Real Anti-PC Presidential Candidate

    Multiple explanations exist for Donald Trump’s popularity, but one stands out above all: his willingness to violate that taboos of Political Correctness and speak the unvarnished truth on such hot button topics as immigration and Islam. Nearly ...

  • December 17, 2015

    Ridding the Campus of the Social Justice Pox

    All across American universities the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) are on the march demanding increased black faculty, more black undergraduates, various buildings re-named, more public lectures on race, class and gender, the immediate firing of thos...

  • November 23, 2015

    Useful Idiots Gone Wild

    Race-related protests on American college campuses are spreading faster than head lice at a daycare center (for an update, see here). Though each disturbance has its own idiosyncrasies, all include demands that the university recruit more black ...

  • November 2, 2015

    America's Real Education Woes

    Despite ever-growing educational spending and endless experimentation to discover magic bullets, the recent news from the education front is depressing. For example, scores on the National Assessment for Educational Progress (the NAEP) showed a lack ...

  • September 16, 2015

    Why Trump Terrifies the Establishment

    Remember “Bush Derangement Syndrome” when otherwise normal people become apoplectic at the very mention of George W. Bush or wore tee shirts with pictures of Bush photo-shopped to make him look moronic? Well, while a single robin may not ...

  • September 9, 2015

    Europe's Immigrant Problem

    The flood of migrants from the Middle East and Africa into the EU seems unstoppable. Leaders talk of curtailing the human traffickers but the human tsunami may persist for years. Left unsaid is whether million of Syrians, Afghans, Libyans and sub-Sah...

  • August 21, 2015

    Making College More Affordable (and Less PC)

    Outside of the 50 or so top schools, American higher education is troubled. This is especially true as tuition soars and students receive diplomas of questionable value. In 2014, for example, the average bill at a private college for tuition plus roo...

  • August 12, 2015

    Radical Egalitarianism Is the Real Threat

    The recent GOP debate clearly demonstrates that so-called conservatives exhibit scant consensus on America’s problems. Ted Cruz said we need a commander-in-chief who speaks the truth. John Kasich talked about the need to provide medical se...

  • May 11, 2015

    Sanitizing Higher Education

    The intellectual damage caused by forcing the university to admit academically ill-prepared minority students is seemingly endless, but just when it seems that matters cannot get any worse, they do. The latest installment of this crusade now occur...

  • May 2, 2015

    The Futility of Jobs Programs

    Given America’s experience with hundreds of urban riots and the ensuing calls for “domestic Marshall Plans” to heal the wounds, recent events in Baltimore are, as Yogi Berra, once said, déjà vu all over again. The pres...

  • April 13, 2015

    How Diversity Subverts the University

    Opponents of campus affirmative action typically rest their case on the immorality of using racial or ethnic categories (more delicately called “diversity”) versus treating people as individuals. That objection is certainly valid but when...

  • April 1, 2015

    The 'Honest Conversation on Race' Trap

    Good news:  Starbucks customers need not worry that some barista will try to engage you in an honest discussion about American race relations. The whole idea was laughed off the stage and rightly so. One comic suggested that he’d prefer to...

  • March 17, 2015

    Profiting from the N-Word

    Judged by the outrage, those University of Oklahoma Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) frat boys who sang a ditty that used the N-Word must certainly have done something particularly egregious. Why else did the university immediately, sans any hearing or due ...

  • February 27, 2015

    Anti-Racism Mania at Elite Private Schools

    For over half a century America has struggled to improve race relations and progress is modest, at best. But optimism soldiers on although failure only seems to breed desperation. A recent New York Times article recounts the latest crackpot panacea. ...

  • February 19, 2015

    Social Justice Warriors Come to Campus

    Since the late 1960s, radical students have periodically taken over the university president’s offices to propose a laundry list of “non-negotiable” demands. Early takeovers tended to be about their school’s cooperation with t...

  • February 8, 2015

    A Movement Led by Sheep

    Scanning today’s conservative movement, one cannot help but notice widespread lethargy.  Yes, scores of followers subscribe to its magazines, make tax-deductible donations, attend banquets, and usually vote as directed, but with few except...

  • October 28, 2014

    The Real Scandal at UNC

    The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill has been caught cooking the books to keep some 3000 academically troubled youngsters eligible, most of whom were in the revenue sports of basketball and football. Shocking! And this has been going on for 1...

  • August 20, 2014

    Do the Ferguson Protestors Really Want Justice?

    African Americans in Ferguson, MO are demanding justice over the shooting of Michael Brown. But, a clear-eyed observer might conclude differently: what they really want is vengeance, a public lynching, hauling out Officer Darren Wilson in chains, wat...

  • August 6, 2014

    Congressman Ryan and the Ending of Poverty

    Remember poor Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) who had the misfortunate to explain high levels of male inner-city poverty by a weak work ethic? He was, of course, excoriated for his heretical opinion, forced to apologize to the Congressional Black Caucus...

  • July 30, 2014

    The Radical Egalitarian Assault on the Big Apple

    Radical egalitarians are relentless and will not rest until the very idea of “merit” is banished and all the goodies are divided (selectively) according to race/ethnicity. Unfortunately, New York City is the latest battleground in this ca...

  • July 14, 2014

    When it Comes to Race, Why Worry About Facts?

    Since the 1960s and Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, Washington has spent some $22 trillion on 80 programs attempting to uplift the bottom rungs of American society. We can argue over the details, but widespread failure is abundantly clear. Just...

  • March 17, 2014

    How 'My Brother's Keeper' Stands to Destroy Already Bad Schools

    Though the Obama presidency has years to go, he has already initiated his legacy project. It’s called My Brother’s Keeper and attempts to help “at risk” young men of color – those prone to crime, mayhem, drug addiction, ...

  • December 10, 2013

    Beware Educational Hysteria

    When it comes to flushing billions down the toilet and relentlessly aggrandizing Washington's power, nothing, absolutely nothing, outshines "fixing" our supposedly woeful schools. This disorder conspicuously erupts every three years with the release ...

  • November 8, 2013

    Social Services and the Free Lunch Fallacy

    Americans love fine-sounding expensive social welfare programs. In New York City, where I live, it is almost axiomatic that government should build ever more affordable housing, force "greedy" landlords to subsidize tenants, supply shelters for the h...

  • October 31, 2013

    The Education Reform Racket

    Decades ago the longshoreman-turned-philosopher Eric Hoffer asserted, "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket." Nowhere does this observation apply more forcefully than in American public ...

  • October 23, 2013

    Curing Majority Faction Mischief

    As the recent federal "shutdown" and the possibility of Washington defaulting on its debt fade into history, the chattering class turns to preventing future similar crises. The consensus is that "something is broken" (usually thanks to the demonic Te...

  • October 10, 2013

    The Real Beneficiaries of Racial Preferences

    Despite their public unpopularity and court ordered restrictions, racial preferences in higher education still manage to hang on and if anything, the Obama administration has pushed them even harder.  To wit, on Friday September 27th, both the D...

  • September 6, 2013

    What to Do about Black Crime?

    In today's sensitive times, "crime" is often interpreted as a code word for "black crime," and even raising the subject invites accusations of hurtful racism.  Nevertheless, rampant African-American criminality is not some racist fantasy, and it...

  • August 26, 2013

    Obama's Crackpot Scheme to Make College 'More Affordable'

    On August 22, the White House released President Obama plan to make college more affordable.  It began with the usual boilerplate of the importance of "investing" in a college education and noted that the cost of college had soared 250% over the...

  • August 24, 2013

    What is to be Done?

    Among those who pay attention, it is widely accepted that something is wrong, very wrong with American politics. But unease acknowledged, what is to be done? Donald J. Devine's America's Way Back offers some answers, lots of them. It is a serious boo...

  • August 16, 2013

    America's Educational Madness

    Imagine you were the CEO of something called "American K-12 Public Schools" and it was the annual Board meeting. With everyone assembled, the firm's Chief of Research distributed this one-page "progress" report (Chart prepared by Andrew Coulson of th...

  • August 7, 2013

    What's Next for Civil Rights?

    I first encountered the civil rights movement in 1960 when racial inequality was ubiquitous, much of it state imposed. Glaring gaps existed in education resulting from segregation and unequal funding. Blacks faced huge obstacles in employment and obt...

  • August 1, 2013

    Obama Suffers from Compulsive State Aggrandizing Disorder

    As a matter of principle I am loath to treat political behavior from a medical perspective. But, there comes a time when the evidence is so overwhelming that a medical framework is appropriate. To wit, I have concluded that President Obama suffers fr...

  • July 22, 2013

    Where Is the Rule of Law?

    Public reaction to the Zimmerman verdict, at least the reaction reported in the mass media, has been to condemn the "not guilty" outcome (see here).  Indignation has been especially true for blacks, whether they are CNN-paid legal analysts or th...

  • July 12, 2013

    Lies, Damned Lies and University Lies

    Lying is an inescapable part of public life but not all liars are equally tolerated. Lying politicians are sufferable but the when it comes to universities, the bar is much higher. After all, if universities refuse to separate truth from falsehoods, ...

  • June 25, 2013

    Forcing Businesses to Hire Criminals

    The civil rights movement was initially focused on ending state-imposed racial segregation, especially in education. From the mid-1960s onward emphasis shifted to compensatory measures such as extra spending for schools with large black enrollments a...

  • May 18, 2013

    Witch-Hunting Returns to Massachusetts

    By all accounts, today's college campuses grow more intolerant by the day.  We move closer to the old Soviet Empire, where political dissidents risked the gulag for even joking about Marxism.  In the U.S., however, the hate crimes concern a...

  • April 4, 2013

    Creating Dependency, One Mouthful at a Time

    The number of Americans receiving "free" government benefits has soared, and this expansion seems unstoppable even as the economy recovers (see here and here).  Less obvious than the depressing numbers is how this assistance inculcates a depende...

  • March 28, 2013

    The GOP Outreach that Dare Not Speak Its Name

    Mitt Romney's disappointing 2012 defeat has unleashed an orgy of GOP self-reflection aimed at winning in 2016. Alas, nearly everything entails "outreach" and "inclusion" to assorted minority groups plus ending the alleged Republican "war on women." D...

  • February 18, 2013

    The Risk of Obama's Universal Daycare

    Scientists may eventually decode the Radical Egalitarian genome and, rest assured, they will find a totalitarian gene. But, even without this research, the evidence for this gene's existence is overwhelming -- what begins as an idealistic Utopian vis...

  • October 9, 2012

    NAACP Tries to Kill the Golden Goose

    The last 75 years have seen remarkable civil rights progress.  As Jesse Jackson would put it, African-Americans have gone from the outhouse to the White House.  Foremost in this campaign has been the NAACP (and its closely aligned Legal Def...

  • May 31, 2012

    What Mitt Should Do about Education

    You may recall that I awarded an "F" to Mitt Romney's proposals to fix America's schools.  But better to light a candle than curse the darkness, so let me propose an "A" alternative.  I'll begin with what I call "The Four Don'ts." First, do...

  • May 29, 2012

    Mitt Flunks Education 101

    The Romney campaign has been remarkably focused -- it's the economy, the economy, and then the economy.  At least until Wednesday, May 23, when Mitt veered off-mission to address America's educational woes.  The result is, at least in my ex...

  • May 23, 2012

    The Obama Administration's War on Poor Blacks

    Judged by today's campaign rhetoric, we now live in a war zone.  Democrats insist that the GOP has declared "war" on women and opened a second front with a "war" on the poor.  Thus far, Republicans have yet to accuse Democrats of war-monger...

  • May 3, 2012

    Deciphering the Occupy Wall Street Movement

    How are we to understand the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement?  Is it, as many on the left insist, a commendable reaction to "obscene" inequalities in wealth?  Or is it, as according to the right, a union-financed, thinly disguised Obama-s...

  • April 26, 2012

    Obama's Dangerous, Futile Anti-Bullying Crusade

    I have long suspected that deep within the Obama White House there exists a super-secret agency dedicated to undermining the America cherished by most Americans.  Probably innocuously called something like the "Office of Special Projects," its s...

  • March 29, 2012

    The Trayvon Martin Case and the Rule of Law

    The death of Florida black teenager Trayvon Martin at the hands of George Zimmerman has generated millions of words, nearly all predictable (for example, see here).  It is almost as if a contest is being held to see who could be the most outrage...

  • March 15, 2012

    'Racial Discrepancy' Madness Spreads

    I recently suggested that our secretary of education, Arne Duncan, had his brain hacked by enemies of the United States.  As proof I offered his bizarre reaction to a report recounting racial discrepancies in school discipline.  I argued, f...

  • March 9, 2012

    U.S. Schools under Attack as Secretary of Education's Brain Hacked

    Years ago when I began researching American education I suspected that at least some of our woes were the machinations of foreign enemies. My reasoning resembles what some Muslims said after 9-11: the Mossad must have organized the attack since Arabs...

  • February 28, 2012

    The Work Ethic and U.S. Unemployment

    That millions of Americans, but especially young African-American males, are unemployed is obvious.  Predictably, solutions number in the dozens and come from every point on the political spectrum, but unmentioned in today's nostrums is U.S. wor...

  • February 26, 2012

    The Silence Regarding the Persecution of Christians

    In case you haven't noticed, thousands -- perhaps millions -- of Christians living in Muslim nations are being prosecuted, even brutally murdered.  For example, in Nigeria in 2011, the Muslim extremist group Boko Haram killed 510 Christians and ...

  • February 9, 2012

    Is Exporting Democracy Subversive?

    On Sunday, February 5, the Egyptian government announced that it was bringing criminal charges against 43 the leaders (19 of whom are Americans) of foreign-financed non-government organizations (NGOs).  Particularly prominent targets were the Na...

  • February 2, 2012

    Why There is 'Too Much' Money in Elections

    As the upcoming elections draw closer, let me make three predictions that I personally guarantee.  First, they will set a record as being the most expensive ever, even accounting for inflation.  Second, all the usual do-gooders and reformer...

  • January 16, 2012

    Settling for Mitt Romney

    If the eyes of most conservative Republicans, Mitt Romney is too wishy-washy, a flip-flopper, and, worst of all, a RINO (Republican in Name Only).  Mitt's primary victories aside, these critics insist that his mushiness reflects poorly on the cu...

  • January 3, 2012

    The Case against Presidential Primaries

    Elections are sometimes called celebrations of democracy, but the 2012 election, especially for many Republicans, is hardly a joyous occasion.  Three things in particular seem disturbing. First, the campaign seems far, far too long.  It beg...

  • October 23, 2011

    Yet One More Doomed Education Reform

    That education reform is back in the national news once more sadly illustrates our fascination with trying to square circles while wasting hundreds of millions, if not billions.  The latest incarnation is President Obama's altering of President ...

  • August 25, 2011

    The Wacky World of Liberal Fundamentalism

    The candidacies of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, Bible-affirming Christians, predictably have ignited the liberal media's zeal for exposing their allegedly odd if not wacko religious beliefs (see here).  Support for some version of creationis...

  • August 17, 2011

    Bloomberg/Soros Millions for Futile Social Engineering

    Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg recently announced that New York City would spend nearly $130 million dollars over three years to help the city' 315,000 young blacks and Hispanics who are undereducated, incarcerated and unemployed. Bloomberg himself would...

  • August 5, 2011

    Politics is Not the Answer to Black Economic Woes

    A recent Pew Research Center report using US Census Bureau data painted a grim picture of economic decline among blacks (and Hispanics) during the current downturn (see here).  In 2005, for example, the average white household net worth was $135...

  • May 16, 2011

    Taj Mahal Schools

    There's an old joke about a policeman around midnight spotting a drunk crawling around a lamp post. When asked what he was doing, the drunk replied "looking for my lost car keys." "Where did you lose them," asked the police office...

  • May 2, 2011

    Are Democratic Elections Feasible in the Middle East?

    Americans are hopelessly infatuated with "democracy" and relentlessly try to export it.  The recent "Arab Spring" testifies to the seductive power of our proselytizing.  Protestors often demand "freedom and democrac...

  • April 25, 2011

    The Racialization of Deficit Cutting

    Race is increasingly infusing the current debate over federal spending and the soaring national debt. This is what lies at the heart of accusing the Tea Party of "racism."  Needless to say, this racial element bodes poorly for solving ...

  • April 19, 2011

    Statists and the Racial 'Health Gap'

    I often speculate that deep in the bowels of the Obama administration there exists an obscure office charged with inventing egalitarian schemes to increase American dependency on government.  Ignore the high-sounding "fairness" and ...

  • March 14, 2011

    Academic Excellence and the Mix of Students

    Is American education in crisis? Are we falling behind our economic rivals in today's knowledge-driven world economy? According to the politicians and experts, the unequivocal answer is yes. Who could dispute the multiple international proficiency te...

  • February 16, 2011

    Time to Defend the West

    Europe finally appears to be waking up to the dangers of multiculturalism. Last October German Chancellor Angela Merkel confessed that multiculturalism was "a total failure" and British Prime Minister David Cameron more recently agreed, eve...

  • February 1, 2011

    Obama's Rathole Moment

    President Obama got matters exactly backward when he addressed education last week before a joint session of Congress.George Orwell once said that he who controls the present controls the past, and he who controls the past controls the future.  ...

  • January 21, 2011

    Education Cutbacks and Urban Violence

    Bloated public education budgets in our large cities may be immune from serious cuts for an unpalatable reason: the threat of urban violence.For decades education budgets have grown fat, though America has little to show for this generosity. Alas, as...

  • January 5, 2011

    The Attack of the Radical Egalitarians

    Radical egalitarians are an energetic bunch, and while it may be tempting to dismiss their pleadings as hopelessly Utopian, history cautions otherwise.  A century ago, who would have believed that America would struggle to abolish differences be...

  • December 29, 2010

    How Not to Help Blacks Find Employment

    As of November 2010, the overall unemployment rate for whites was 9.2%, but for African Americans, it was 16.0%.  Among those aged 16 to 19, the difference (including both males and females) was significantly larger -- 20.9% for young whites ver...

  • December 21, 2010

    The College Diploma Fraud

    For more than a half-century, government has tried to close racial gaps in educational attainment.  Sad to say, those gaps have proven intractable.  Nevertheless, the impulse remains as heartfelt as ever (perhaps due to its financially lucr...

  • November 21, 2010

    The Evil of Cultural Engineering

    The totalitarian urge is ubiquitous in human history, though in the United States, this has been expressed more as Nanny State, less Bolshevik Revolution. Familiar examples include dictating our food choices, demonizing smokers, and, most forcefully,...

  • November 10, 2010

    Spending Less for Better Education

    The GOP's victories on November 2 have once again raised the call for smaller government, and given soaring budgets and lack of improvement, reducing K-12 education spending is one obvious target. This will not be easy, but there is a sensible strate...

  • October 28, 2010

    College for Those Who Can't Learn

    It is not easy being a connoisseur of educational foibles -- just as one is recovering from the latest foolishness, along comes something new, and it's back to the anti-depressants. The latest installment of Educators Gone Wild is the push to enroll ...

  • October 14, 2010

    Destroying Schools to Achieve Racial Justice

    I've long suspected that the federal government is consciously subverting American education. Deep inside the Department of Education, there must exist a top-secret Bureau of Educational Disasters (BED) whose mission is to concoct alluring but guaran...

  • October 8, 2010

    Waiting for the Superman Who Will Never Arrive

    Movies about education, especially documentaries lacking any star power, are unlikely blockbuster hits. Waiting for "Superman," directed by Davis Guggenheim of An Inconvenient Truth fame (and Obama's 2008 Democratic presidential convention ...

  • September 20, 2010

    Motivating Students, or Why Big Bird Must Die

    Regardless of ideological pedigree, today's educational reforms all share a common theme: students themselves are not responsible for their dreadful academic performance. The model is intravenous feeding: the student will arrive and passively be ...

  • September 8, 2010

    The War on Academic Achievement

    Judged by all the billions of dollars now flowing into "education reform," it appears that Washington, and especially the Obama administration, is obsessed with improving academic achievement (see, for example, here). The billions are certa...

  • September 1, 2010

    Football Is the Model for Education Reform

    On Tuesday, August 24, 2010, the Obama administration proudly announced the winners in its Race to the Top competition, its prescription for improving American education. Nine states plus Washington, D.C. were to split $3.4 billion. Winners were sele...

  • August 27, 2010

    President Obama's Compulsive Appeasement Disorder

    With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the U.S. became the world's only superpower -- Uncle Sam would say, "Jump," and the response would be, "How high?" This has not continued; if anything, on today's world stage, Uncle S...

  • August 5, 2010

    The Education Gimmick of the Year Club Strikes Again

    Since sometime in the 1960s, American educators, and especially the federal government, have been enrolled in the Education Gimmick of the Year Club. Like the legendary Time/Life book club, every so often, a package would arrive; educators could peru...

  • July 22, 2010

    What the NAACP/Tea Party Battle Is Really About

    The recent dust-up between the NAACP and the Tea Partiers over charges of "racism" appears to be yet one more instance of blacks accusing whites of insensitivity, real or imagined. In reality, however, these exchanges reflect far deeper ani...

  • July 20, 2010

    Evil Educators

    One of these days, a libertarian billionaire will create a museum of failed government policies. Most exhibits will be generic boondoggles, but there will be a terrifying section called Inferno (After Dante's Divine Comedy) -- the Eighth Circle, to b...

  • July 11, 2010

    Magical Education and the Slide into Third-Worldism

    Though the U.S. is indisputably a first-world nation, this is not the typical human condition. Far more commonplace are the billions of people who, in the words of political philosopher Thomas Hobbes, live lives that are nasty, brutish, and short -- ...

  • July 5, 2010

    Dependency, the Liberals' Natural Resource

    Decades back, when I studied geography in third grade, a nation's wealth was depicted by natural resources on maps -- little coffee cups in Brazil, diamonds in South Africa, and oil derricks in Arabia. Industrial production then replaced raw material...

  • June 27, 2010

    Foundations Gone Wild

    A July 17, 2010 Wall Street Journal story, "Gates, Buffett Goad Peers to Give Billions to Charity," told how these two billionaires, plus other members of this exclusive club (notably Michael Bloomberg, Ronald Perlman, and David Rockefeller...

  • June 9, 2010

    Pushing Big Government Through the Gap

    Enemies of limited government are an energetic, persistent bunch, and one of their most effective strategies to aggrandize state power is what I call "gapism." Here's how it works.Begin by uncovering some "gap" between haves and h...

  • May 23, 2010

    Demonstrations and Dependency

    Recent riot-like street demonstrations in Greece reflect more than comeuppance for profligacy; these outbursts illustrate today's flight from personal responsibility. It is as if Greeks are saying "let's assemble sufficient numbers of agitated p...

  • May 14, 2010

    Obama Buyer's Remorse

    President Obama's disappointing performance has indisputably brought enormous buyer's remorse to many of his fans, the feeling that the "purchase" (i.e., voting for Obama) was a mistake. And while little can be done until November 2012, it ...

  • May 10, 2010

    Tea Parties and Racism

    Get used to it, Tea Partiers: You are going to be called racists. A Google search on "racism tea parties" gets 190,000 hits. Fortunately, I am a self-appointed one-man rescue squad to help beleaguered Tea Partiers fight back. Having written...

  • April 29, 2010

    A Stranger in Our Midst

    As the Obama administration enters its second year, I -- and undoubtedly millions of others -- have struggled to develop a shorthand term that captures our emotional unease. Defining this discomfort is tricky. I reject nearly the entire Obama agenda,...

  • March 28, 2010

    Uplifting the Poor One Lie at a Time

    Joseph Schumpeter, the great Austrian economist, observed that the first thing a man would do for his ideals is lie[1]. Nowhere is this more true than when defending America's burgeoning social welfare colossus. Deceit is almost a moral imperative. W...

  • February 3, 2010

    Obama and Education: Pork You Can Believe In

    It's been a tough year for President Obama's legislative agenda. His centerpiece proposals have likely died while generating intense ideological rancor. Almost predictably, he now falls back on the apple pie and motherhood issue of education to elici...

  • January 27, 2010

    President Obama Flunks Campaign Finance 101

    Last Thursday, in a 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court struck down portions of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, commonly called McCain-Feingold, that prohibited corporations and unions from explicitly endorsing candidates thirty days prior to...

  • January 20, 2010

    Should the Worst Schools Get the Best Teachers?

    I have an odd hobby -- namely, collecting terrible ideas intended to solve our educational woes. Most, I admit, are pretty run-of-the-mill, but a few are truly museum quality. What distinguishes them is:(a) they appear absolutely guaranteed; (b) no s...

  • December 28, 2009

    The Liberal Plot against American Education

    I am usually skeptical about conspiracy theories, but American education's sorrowful state has increasingly pushed me in that direction. Some background: I've analyzed K-12 schooling for years and observed an odd pattern: We increasingly spend billio...

  • October 6, 2009

    The Long March of Kevin Jennings

    An Obama appointee has attracted unwelcome media attention, namely Kevin Jennings his erstwhile Czar for school safety. The triggering incident was that he once counseled a 15 year engaged in homosexual sex with an older man to wear a condom versus r...

  • September 29, 2009

    Revenge of the Golden Goose

    As taxes increase, and inflation brings bracket creep, expect tax avoidance and outright tax cheating to soar in America. President Obama's "soak-the-rich" economic populism grows increasingly obvious and the initial promise of no tax incre...

  • September 23, 2009

    White Racism Forever

    White racism is back. Not so much any actual racist behavior by any actual white people, but rather the charge leveled against political opponents of President Obama.Obama's election supposedly ushered in a new post-racial era where old animosities w...

  • August 24, 2009

    Will the Real Public Opinion on ObamaCare Please Stand Up

    In the battle over ObamaCare the president's supporters point to numerous polls showing majorities endorsing stronger, more inclusive government-subsidized healthcare.[1] Opponents meanwhile stress Town Hall meetings in which hundreds of otherwise do...

  • August 12, 2009

    Midas Muffler, Not Canada is the Model for Health Care Reform

    Today's healthcare debate often focuses on helping the uninsured, the unemployed, the working poor or those who otherwise cannot afford expensive insurance or hefty out-of-pocket fees. This "under-served" population may be relatively small ...

  • April 26, 2009

    Demand, Not Supply Drives Educational Achievement

    Free market conservatives passionately insist that school choice will solve America's education woes. So as schools proliferate and competition heats up, academic achievement will soar just as fierce market competition has delivered better and c...

  • March 24, 2009

    The Futility of American Educational Reform

    As anticipated, President Obama recently unveiled his proposed solution to America's educational tribulations, namely greater early childhood intervention, merit pay for teachers, more charters and national standards. Though this smorgasbord differs ...