Robert Schapiro

Robert Schapiro

  • January 9, 2015

    Has the weather become too dangerous to risk flying?

    The Air Asia 8501 crash is causing people to focus anxiously on severe weather as a new danger to flying.  It is not.   The aviation industry has a deep understanding and respect for weather, built up over a century of continuous op...

  • August 31, 2013

    Regulating our way to Mediocrity

    I have baked bread at home my whole life. Because I love baking and eating, my bread is very good. So it was no surprise an entrepreneur opening a year round trendy indoor market in New York asked me to take a stall and sell my bread to the public on...

  • July 19, 2013

    A Distorted Market about to get Worse

    I recently had a freak accident while cutting some timber on a saw table. A sliver of the off-cut wood fell under the blade guard and was flung into my forearm like an arrow. I had a deep puncture wound which necessitated a quick visit to the emergen...

  • July 8, 2013

    What Went Wrong with Asiana Flight 214

    Why would an experienced crew crash a perfectly functional Boeing 777 on what should have been a simple everyday approach and landing in perfect weather? The jury is still out on the official cause of the Asiana crash but most experienced airline pi...

  • July 8, 2012

    Air France 447 Crash Report Reveals a Flaw in Modern Aviation

    The  report by France's aviation authority, the BEA, cites technical faults and subsequent pilot error as the cause of the deadly crash in June 2009.  As a 30-plus-year international Boeing pilot, I feel qualified to offer a few observation...