Robert Oscar Lopez

Robert Oscar Lopez

  • You’re Welcome, Mr. Kennedy

    August 30, 2024

    You’re Welcome, Mr. Kennedy

    On August 20, 2024, Michelle Obama gave one of the most dishonest speeches in American history. Speaking at the Democrat party’s convention in Chicago, she claimed the following: “We don’t get to change the rules so we always win...

  • March 27, 2023

    Some Advice for the Young Conservative Gender Warrior

    Dear Generation Z gender warrior, So you've realized that American culture has lost its mind when it comes to gender and sex.  Welcome to the club. The left's crusade to redefine sex and gender has spawned a new generation of ...

  • February 2, 2023

    Joe Biden as the Doddering King of Spain

    As I recently had to prepare a lecture series on the kings of Spain, I stumbled upon a striking parallel between the United States today and Spain 300 years ago. In the fifty years between 1665 and 1715, the collapse of Spain's monarchy led to...

  • November 23, 2022

    What 1972 Can Teach Us about 2022

    Good philosophers will tell you that many things can be true at once.  This principle will be crucial as conservatives try to make sense of the 2022 midterms. The past can help us decipher what just happened.  For instance, in ...

  • July 3, 2022

    Roe, Dobbs, and God's Judgment

    The news came down from Washington, D.C.: Roe v. Wade has been overturned! There was some rioting, of course — there was bound to be.  But a lot of America rejoiced. The Good News First Notwithstanding the important caveats r...

  • June 11, 2022

    The Right Can't Win the Culture, but the Left Can Lose It

    Ten years ago, if you leaned right, you could speak up against only socialism (especially universal health care), immigration, or gun control.  On any issue where the left's philosophy threatened the moral foundation of society, there w...

  • April 11, 2022

    Why BRICS and MINT Might Save Russia and Sink the US

    In 2001, a Goldman Sachs economist named Jim O'Neill thought of the term "BRIC" to describe a bloc of countries, which he believed would grow from "emerging economies" to the dominant force in global trade (Rached 91). ...

  • March 30, 2022

    The Democrats' New 'Latino' Problem: The Ghost of James Monroe

    On social media, some disturbing maps have circulated showing the globe in terms of which nations have sanctioned Russia over her invasion of Ukraine.  Bolivian writer Ollie Vargas posted this map, which makes clear that sanctions in Russia...

  • March 21, 2022

    How the USA Might Lose the Public Relations War against Russia

    It's that time again: wartime.  We find ourselves back in Orwell's Eurasia, with an Emmanuel Goldman we are supposed to despise, two-minute hates, and a torture room with rats somewhere waiting for us if we choose to go against Big ...

  • April 3, 2021

    Why Kristi Noem's Transgender Turn Is Good for the Pro-Family Movement

    South Dakota governor Kristi Noem transitioned — at sprinting speed — from Miss Thing to Miss Nothing.  On March 8, Gov. Noem expressed joy over a bill passed by the South Dakota Legislature, which would have banned males from w...

  • January 27, 2021

    How the Destruction of Grammar and Logic Got Biden into the Oval Office

    Many people snickered at the claim made in Texas v. Pennsylvania that there is only a one in a quadrillion chance that Joe Biden won all the swing states as currently claimed.  The true meaning beneath the statistic is simple: the vote coun...

  • January 4, 2021

    We Were Laughed Out of Court because the Courts Have Become Ridiculous

    Conservatives who object to election fraud have found that liberals' favorite retort is "your claims have been laughed out of court." This argument is authoritarian in its reasoning.  It defers to a juridical priesthood and...

  • November 23, 2020

    2020 Stakes Are High for Everyone, but They're Higher for Democrats

    As the fight over electoral votes continues, the stakes are high for conservatives.  Countless writers have done a good job explaining this, from John Zmirak to Stella Morabito.  But the stakes are even higher for Democrats and li...

  • November 19, 2020

    How Trump Let Us Down on Higher Ed, and How He Can Make Amends in 2021

    I'm rooting for Donald Trump to beat the odds and get sworn in for a second term in January 2021. I'm also praying that in a second term, he'll pick up one of the balls he dropped in his first term.  The ball to which I refer...

  • October 13, 2020

    Why Some People Take Q-Anon's Pedophilia Allegations Seriously

    In Billy Joel's rock classic, "You May Be Right," he has the memorable lines: You may be right I may be crazy But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for. It's too late to fight It's too late to change me You...

  • September 7, 2020

    Jezebel's Eunuchs and the Prophets of the Church

    The biblical character of Jezebel is unforgettable.  The original femme fatale appears quite a bit in popular culture.  Bette Davis starred in a movie named after her.  In 2007, now defunct Gawker launched Jezebel, marke...

  • August 25, 2020

    What Will Replace the Police? Ten Historical Examples

    The future of local police departments has become a top election issue. Rasmussen released recent polls showing that Americans pay close attention to debates about law and order.  For instance, 50% of likely voters want to see harder crackd...

  • August 13, 2020

    Et Tu, Falwell? The Left's Playbook at Liberty U

    Jerry Falwell, Jr. is one of Donald Trump's most vocal evangelical supporters.  He did something foolish, posting a tasteless photo on Instagram.  Now he will take an indefinite leave of absence from his presidency and chancel...

  • July 25, 2020

    The Implosion of the Left's Language Circus

    Recent fiascos in Portland and Chicago indicate a dangerous turn for the left.  Portland's mayor let anarchists terrorize the downtown for fifty days, then fueled a psy-op campaign blaming the destruction on Trump.  Chicago...

  • July 10, 2020

    The Curse of the Twenty-Year Crusade

    On January 8, 1964, Lyndon Johnson delivered his first State of the Union address.  He chose to launch a massive crusade that was most likely far from most Americans' minds: he declared war on poverty itself.  He opened the sp...

  • June 19, 2020

    How to Say Black Lives Matter without Burning Down Cities

    In October 2019, Atatiana Jefferson was killed while she played videogames next to her young nephew.  The twenty-eight-year-old black woman was the sixth person killed by Fort Worth police that year.  Jefferson has been cited by n...

  • May 16, 2020

    In Honor of the Class of 2020, Some Scalding Coffee

    In 2020 many memes pay homage to the high school and college seniors who were supposed to have a commencement and walk up in robes and square hats to receive diplomas. That is how civilized societies reward teenagers and young adults for wrapping up ...

  • April 23, 2020

    COVID-19 Completes Liberal Takeover of Southern Baptist Convention

    Crisis and upheaval have brought out the best in some (think of Ulysses Grant) and the worst in others (think of Vidkun Quisling).  This holds true of Christian churches and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).  In previous colu...

  • April 10, 2020

    The Left Took Over the Churches, and the Right Never Fought Back

    Amid so many historic aspects to the 2020 election, one bit of important history may be getting lost.  While Trump has ushered in a whole new era in politics, changes to American church life during the last four years have been sweeping.  T...

  • March 18, 2020

    Viral Soul-Searching: Left and Right Politics after a Plague

    Drawing from Boccaccio's Decameron, I posted some thoughts on how the bubonic plague transformed European culture to reflect on how our current pandemic might transform our way of life. Despite their political differences, left and right share...

  • February 4, 2019

    Homo RICO: The Feds Need to Bust Big Gay

    Gay men Ed Buck and Terry Bean donated huge sums to Democrats and played leading roles in LGBT activism.  Now they find themselves under scrutiny for misconduct with younger men.  David Daniels and Scott Walter...

  • January 3, 2019

    When Do Legal Immigrants Get to 'Speak Out'?

    I went to El Salvador last year.  This commentary explains how the experience finally reconciled me with the conservative position on immigration.  I emphasize the pain caused to a beautiful people, the Salvadorans, by their livin...

  • December 31, 2018

    The Most Memorable Leftist Hypocrisies of 2017-8

    The left is composed of horrible people.  Most sane people realize this, even if they have friends on the dark side.  I have friends on the left, so I can say, "Some of my best friends are horrible people."  Th...

  • December 22, 2018

    What to Expect from a Kamala Harris Presidency

    According to CNN's Grace Sparks, polls show Kamala Harris winning 4% support from Democrats going into the 2020 presidential run.  Harris trails behind Joe Biden (30%), Bernie Sanders (14%), Robert Francis O'Rourke (9%), and Cory Bo...

  • December 17, 2018

    Student Says He Loves White People; Columbia University Explodes

    Columbia University is no longer a legitimate university.  It is simply a joke.  One recent event – the "Julian von Abele Affair" – has shown that this organization no longer serves the common good, advances ...

  • November 26, 2018

    The Education Issue for 2020: Get Off the Path of Least Resistance

    That old cliché holds here: "I can't say I have all the answers."  My musings today may sound critical of others.  They are.  But they apply to myself, too.  At any rate, we must face reali...

  • October 1, 2018

    How to Survive a Character Assassination

    A friend jarred me the other day by sending me this note: Watching the left's insane treatment of Kavanaugh reminds me of some of what you dealt with at CSUN. "CSUN" stands for California State University Northridge.  My...

  • September 13, 2018

    Christians Who Oppose Conversion Therapy Need a Reality Check

    To be loving does not mean to be gullible.  Jesus Christ mentions that we will come across dishonest people, especially among those who have prestige (or are seeking it).  We should love people, but that does not mean we should le...

  • September 8, 2018

    The NY Times Op-Ed: Another Page from the Left's Utopian Playbook

    Before we lose our minds over the New York Times' anonymous op-ed, we should remind ourselves about who the leftists are.  And how they play their game. Who are they?  As conservatives, why do we not agree with them? ...

  • September 6, 2018

    Is the Queer Reckoning upon Us?

    Over the last ten years, the LGBT movement created a brotherhood out of its victims.  I have gotten to know countless people who lost their jobs, families, public reputation, homes, or incomes because they chose to defend God's design f...

  • August 21, 2018

    What to Expect if Democrats Win the Midterms

    Would conservatives achieve an easy victory against the left if it came down to civil war?  The question seems less absurd by the day as tensions increase between the right and left.  Many conservative writers seem to think the le...

  • June 19, 2018

    Sleazy Sex Games and Dirty Politics in the Southern Baptist Convention

    Ross Douthat published a column late last May with the imperious title "The Baptist Apocalypse."  Rather than prophetic piece, this seems to have served as a guidebook.  Following Douthat's column, a new coterie swep...

  • April 24, 2018

    It's Fine to Call for the Firing of Randa Jarrar

    "Conservatives should not want Randa Jarrar to be fired," conservative writer Megan McArdle lectures us from (what a surprise!) the Washington Post. In case you missed it, Randa Jarrar has tenure in an English department at Fresno State...

  • March 9, 2018

    Sex and the Midnight Sun

    In a classic Twilight Zone episode called "Midnight Sun," a female artist faces the dreadful fate of being burnt alive in an abandoned New York City.  She and her landlord remain in an apartment building after everyone else has es...

  • February 19, 2018

    Postcard from a Coal Mine: CPAC 2018

    As reported at the Resurgent, Breitbart, Barbwire, and LifeSiteNews, this year, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) chose to embrace the sponsorship of the Log Cabin Republicans, a pro-homosexual organization, while denouncing and ban...

  • January 8, 2018

    A Peloponnesian Pep Talk: Trump's Hoplites Storm Washington

    Culture wars are wars.  When I go on Twitter, I am going downrange.  I approach my tweeting, retweeting, blocking, and replying as such. This is still war even if (for now) the conflict is not an armed clash between us con...

  • December 22, 2017

    Good Riddance, Evangelicalism Incorporated

    Trump's base in 2016 was defined not by race or class, but by belief in God.  Evangelical Christians and Catholics came together and pushed Trump to the win, in defiance of the media, academia, Hollywood, the professional class, elite Republ...

  • December 11, 2017

    The Time Has Come: Higher Ed-a-geddon

    Last summer, my essay for Dissident Prof prompted a challenge from Julie Ponzi, who suggested I write a brief essay with proposals of what to change about academia.  I waited several months, and now I have my proposals.  I mentioned most of...

  • December 6, 2017

    Experts Killed Epistemology

    Well, 2017 is almost over, and what a year it has been.  A retrospective could leave you happy or depressed, depending on your focus. Donald J. Trump is president.  The left has decided that its fundamentalist enemies were right about Bi...

  • November 27, 2017

    Our National Obsession Does Not Help Abuse Victims

    Many groups to which I am supposed to belong should command my allegiance.  Yet I avoid some like the plague.  For instance, I find it tiring to be around veterans who get self-righteous about the fact that I spent very little time in the R...

  • November 9, 2017

    Troy Has Fallen. Don't Let Helen Trick You.

    If you want to get away with anything, you need only one skill: distraction. Today, we Americans find ourselves sinking into swamp after swamp of institutional corruption, from Washington's Russia eruptions to Hollywood's frisky lust to ac...

  • October 15, 2017

    On the Cowardice of 'Brave' Stances

    Do you remember 2004?  That was when John Kerry suffered a massive blow in the press because of what happened when he was serving in Vietnam.  In a nation full of men and women who avoid military service entirely, one would normally not hol...

  • June 21, 2017

    Narcissus Revises Christianity, Makes It Liberal

    In Book III of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Narcissus pines away, looking at his own reflection, until he dies and turns into a flower.  Many misread Ovid's character as someone conceited and self-absorbed.  In the Latin tale, he does not ...

  • March 30, 2017

    Poor Timing in Talk of Christian Surrender

    One question seems everywhere these days: Is it time for us Christians to surrender the culture wars, and retreat? “The culture wars” seem to mean conflicts over homosexuality and transgenderism. This question is not as new as it might...

  • March 11, 2017

    Juvenal’s Ghost Asks: Who Is Watching the Watcher?

    With each day the ghost of Juvenal looms larger. This famed Roman satirist sought to capture the Emperor Domitian’s vice-infested culture, in the gloomy years ending the first century. The more people tried to censor him the more merciless his ...

  • February 18, 2017

    The perfect way not to talk to Trump supporters

    On February 11, 2017, Huffington Post published an open letter from Susan M. Shaw, professor of women, gender & sexuality studies at Oregon State University.  She writes to "White, Christian Trump Supporters." ...

  • January 25, 2017

    Will Men Ever Pull a Lysistrata on Feminists?

    "Eradicate men," read a sign at one of the anti-Trump "women's marches" that took place on January 21, 2017. Alongside footage of women wearing knitted vulvas on their heads (which do not look like vulvas to me, but I have ...

  • January 19, 2017

    Want to Know Why Trump Won? Just Ask His Supporters

    Few things should have been easier to predict than Trump's victory in the Electoral College.  Recall where things stood by 2015: political correctness had become a mix of psychological warfare and threats of institutional punishment.  H...

  • January 2, 2017

    Academia's Broken, so Why Defend Academic Freedom?

    Here we go again.  Debates about academic freedom and political bias at colleges are as hot and outrageous as ever.  Consider five recent farragoes. First in Oregon, there is the case of a professor, Nancy Shurtz, being disciplined harsh...

  • December 14, 2016

    Trump-Haters and Chocolate-Covered Raisins

    Travel back in time to October 18, 1994 – when the twenty-somethings of 2016 were newborns, toddlers, or making their way through nursery school.  An episode of Frasier aired that will prove useful in analyzing the liberal reaction to Trum...

  • November 27, 2016

    Let California Go

    When people speak of Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote, they are really speaking about California.  In that state, Hillary Clinton won 6,621,346 votes to Donald Trump's 3,549,576 as of this writing.  This margin of over three mil...

  • October 19, 2016

    Are Opponents of Redefining Marriage Natural Opponents of Trump?

    Casual observers might assume that pro-family and anti-Trump sentiments go together.  Many of the most outspoken defenders of marriage (Robert P. George and Maggie Gallagher come to mind) came out early as uncompromising opponents of Donald J. T...

  • August 10, 2016

    Not in My Name, NeverTrumpers

    Many of my close friends in the conservative movement are NeverTrumpers.  As a result, I find myself in an awkward position.  The NeverTrumpers are appealing to their conservative friends based on emotional claims that I recognize as f...

  • August 1, 2016

    Trump Should Push for Abolition of Tenure

    Trump has a huge opening on higher education.  He can build on some of the strong ideas his surrogates have put forth (see this piece in Inside Higher Ed) by taking on an obvious target: tenure. Conservative purists have already attacked Dona...

  • July 18, 2016

    Why Children of Same-Sex Couples Need FADA

    The First Amendment Defense Act has been justly promoted as a means to protect religious people, as well as other conscientious objectors, against those who might wish to retaliate against proponents of male-female marriage through the federal bureau...

  • July 11, 2016

    Christian America's 'High Noon' Moment

    American films of the 1940s and 1950s provide every allegory one needs.  Take the 1952 classic High Noon, starring a particularly rugged Gary Cooper and beautiful co-stars Grace Kelly and Katy Jurado.  Cooper plays Will Kane, an honorable m...

  • June 15, 2016

    Time for LGBT Leaders to Apologize, Resign, and Be Replaced

    There is a gay advocacy establishment.  It is very powerful.  Organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, Lambda Legal, and Stonewall (in the U.K.) coordinate efforts with the gay rights contingents at places such as the Souther...

  • May 26, 2016

    The True Story of a Conservative Refugee

    Trigger Warning: This is a 100% true story.  No names have been changed to protect anyone.  You may be disturbed.  But I will not lie to you. On April 23, 2016, I declared my independence.  The towers of the university where I ...

  • May 11, 2016

    Eight People Conservatives Need to Talk Less About

    As a conservative English professor, I thought this would be the year of a breakthrough in the academy.  With all the attention to liberal excesses on college campuses in the closing months of 2015, I said, "Conservatives are finally paying...

  • May 3, 2016

    Los Angeles: The Ninth Circle of Liberal Racism

    "Show, don't tell," is what writing instructors always tell pupils.  So I will try to live by that ethos. Below are several emails that arrived in my inbox at CSU Northridge, which tell a revealing story. First, an email that we...

  • March 31, 2016

    Four Handbaskets Headed for Hades

    About one year ago, Americans began the journey to the 2016 presidential election.  For much of 2015, the race looked exciting and dynamic.  Citizens had a rare chance to see things we'd never seen before: Democrats choosing between the...

  • March 23, 2016

    A Trump-Lover's Manifesto

    I happen to like Donald J. Trump. In fact, if he becomes the next president of the United States I will react with joy, for one simple reason: he will have vanquished political correctness. Once upon a time, political correctness was an inside ...

  • January 25, 2016

    National Review: It's Too Late to Dump on Trump

    Matt Walsh tweeted his delight at a feverish chain of twenty-two essays denouncing Donald Trump in National Review.  Coming only a few days after Sarah Palin's less than stellar speech announcing her support for Trump's candidacy, the Du...

  • January 2, 2016

    Two Activist Groups Stuck in the Past

    There were more than the usual number of "year in review" recaps for 2015, and I am bracing for a wave of "what's in store" predictions for 2016, especially because a big election is coming up.  So let's look generall...

  • December 27, 2015

    Paging Melville's Ghost: The Top Swindle of 2015

    Herman Melville's Confidence-Man is a classic novel about serial swindles by sundry charlatans on a Mississippi riverboat (complete with scenes that take place in Rush Limbaugh's hometown of Cape Girardeau). Now's the time to reread Me...

  • November 30, 2015

    Does Any of This Campus Turmoil Have to Do with Race?

    Allow me to generalize: no.  The answer is no. No, Yale is not a hotbed of racism.  Neither is Dartmouth.  Neither is Columbia.  Neither is Princeton.  No reasonable person of color on any of these campuses really believes...

  • November 13, 2015

    Universities Have Become Totalitarian Gulags

    The modern American university has become a taxpayer-subsidized left-wing gulag.  In it, dissenters such as myself can be subjected to Stalinist show trials, spied on, and threatened with loss of livelihood for espousing dangerous ideas or assoc...

  • September 23, 2015

    The New York Times' terrific hypocrisy on children's rights

    Mollie Hemingway has done a great job pointing out the bold hypocrisy from the New York Times about child abuse.  In a preachy, much circulated article entitled "U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies," the ...

  • September 9, 2015

    Why Prayer Has Failed Us in the Culture Wars...but Not Forever

    We Christians have always been very good at prayer.  It's an important act that brings us closer to Jesus Christ.  There are many passages in the Bible that emphasize the importance of prayer. But it finally dawned on me a few weeks ...

  • August 5, 2015

    Turning the Tables: The Decadence of 2007 and 2015

    Though I am a professor in the humanities, I don’t like throwing around the quote about having to study history so we don’t repeat it.  While that quote sounds good, I doubt it’s true.  Most colossally bad ideas, like tryi...

  • June 29, 2015

    What Life Is Like When Children of Gay Couples Don't Matter

    On March 27, 2015, five other children of gays (COGs) and I went to Washington, D.C. to deliver our amicus briefs to the Supreme Court of the United States.  The biographies of Heather Barwick, Katy Faust, BN Klein, Robert Oscar Lopez, Denise Sh...

  • May 21, 2015

    <em>Mad Max</em> and the Dream-Work of Homosexuality

    Carl Gustav Jung became famous with his theory of a “collective unconscious.”  This was an aggregation of all the suppressed ideas and thoughts, which Freud had catalogued half a century earlier.  For Jung, the suppressed or una...

  • May 8, 2015

    Gay dads use infant as human shield, bully church

    Over the years, I’ve seen some very manipulative tricks used by gay parenting advocates to push their agenda onto people who are naturally skeptical. It was bad when gay couples showed up at George Bush’s Easter egg hunt and demanded t...

  • May 1, 2015

    Imagine 'Gay Marriage Reparations'

    We hear conflicting numbers about how many children are being raised in gay homes.  Sometimes it’s 40,000; sometimes it’s 14 million.  Those things are hard to peg, since sexuality is a bit of a revolving door.  Parents are...

  • April 22, 2015

    Confessions of an Optimist: Sometimes I Wonder

    On March 27, 2015, at 6:00 AM, my plane touched down at Washington’s Dulles Airport.  The red-eye is never good for sleeping.  Groggy and exhausted, I summoned all the energy I could to face the busy day ahead.  For the first and...

  • April 8, 2015

    The Gay Marriage Wake-Up Call

    The smoke is clearing after three weeks of gay political hysteria: first a dust-up involving Dolce and Gabbana followed by threats of a boycott that fizzled, then an outbreak of derangement over a religious law in Indiana.  Take note of how diff...

  • March 20, 2015

    Cogs in the Gay Marriage Machine

    There is so much bad news, fallacious rhetoric, bad faith, and general unscrupulousness coming from the ligbitists (my name for LGBT activists) that it might be tempting, at times, to write off everyone queer as a bunch of incorrigible homofascists. ...

  • February 20, 2015

    Children of Same-Sex Couples: A Turning Point

    I am a professor. Among the many farces of academia, hiring season is exceptional. Everyone in the department pretends that we are completely collegial and endearing, while job candidates arrive and audition for us.  We go out to lunch with the ...

  • January 20, 2015

    Spot the Homophobes

    Brett Baier and Gary Sinise were scheduled to deliver talks at a conference of Legatus.  This is an association of Roman Catholic businessmen.  Upon the provocation of “Good as You,” a blog run by a catty gossip-hound and charac...

  • January 11, 2015

    When I say, 'Je suis Charlie,' it's not kitsch

    Over at the American Conservative, Rod Dreher is skeptical about the outpouring sympathy for Paris’s victims of Islamic aggression.  Along with David Brooks saying similar things in the New York Times, he had this to say about people who h...

  • December 23, 2014

    Conservatives in the Capitol and the Ivory Tower

    Recent blogs by Arnold Cusmariu on Marquette’s discrimination against conservative Catholics and by Thomas Lifson on the leftist campaign of terror against Scott Walker were both fascinating. They need to be read carefully, however, side by ...

  • November 1, 2014

    Robespierre Beheaded by His Mobs, Again: Now it's Bill Maher

    The reign of politically correct terror continues unchecked.  Now Bill Maher is being potentially blocked from speaking at UC Berkeley.  As Jezebel’s Rebecca Rose reports here, students at the famous haven of leftism are up in ar...

  • October 27, 2014

    Fighting Back against LGBT Fascism: What You Can Do

    Since the story broke about the Human Rights Campaign's slanderous persecution of the very people their group was designed to protect – bisexuals and children of same-sex couples – I have received a great deal of support from people....

  • September 29, 2014

    Homo-eduphobia: The Gay Fear of Educated People

    Are you honored to read the words of a “rising star”?  According to the Human Rights Campaign’s September 15 report, “Export of Hate,” that’s me.  I’m apparently so famous and powerful that I rank s...

  • September 7, 2014

    Farewell to Joan Rivers

    This might be hard to believe for the boring, politically correct homosexuals raised on GLAAD, Matthew Shepard tributes, and prudish platitudes like "marriage equality," but there was once a time when being a queer meant having a sense of h...

  • September 4, 2014

    Book Your Tickets to Urbana-Champaign, Fast!

    You may have never seen Urbana-Champaign as a place to go for vacation.  It is isolated in the middle of Illinois.  According to Wikipedia, it is only the 191st most populous metropolitan area in the United States.  The climate is...

  • July 10, 2014

    L'Etat, C'est Gay: Taking the New Sexual Fascism Seriously

    After months of collaboration with dozens of family activists, my blogging squad (English Manif) was able to publish a catalog of 300 real-life examples of totalitarian conduct by the gay marriage and gay parenting movement.  For the convenience...

  • July 2, 2014

    Those Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No

    Is same-sex parenting just like grandparents raising their orphaned grandchildren? The nations of the world say no. On second thought, try “Hell no.” But that doesn’t stop the shills for Big Gay, who stand to make billions ...

  • June 25, 2014

    Shocked, Shocked, Shocked: An Encounter with an Unlikely Progressive Comrade

    On April 5, 2014, I had the honor of delivering a speech at a Stanford University conference on “communicating family values.”  I showed up with a surprise companion – a progressive musician I would have never thought could be ...

  • June 22, 2014

    The IRS Probably Targeted Progressive Groups, Too

    During the discussion of the Internal Revenue Service scandal, there has been a repeated claim by defenders of the Obama administration that the Republicans are making much ado about nothing, since “progressive groups were also targeted.”...

  • June 8, 2014

    It's Personal: Confronting the Academy's Leftism

    Lately, there has been so much news about the academy’s leftism going insane, it would take about ten consecutive articles to rehash all that’s happened in the first half of 2014: crazy professors assaulting pro-life teenagers lit...

  • May 12, 2014

    Gays Gone Wild: Life in America after the Ball is Over

    Before “After the Ball” was the title of a gay rights manifesto published in 1989 by Harvard graduates Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen (see this critique by Doug Mainwaring), it was a line in a sentimental show tune tied to Jerome Kern...

  • May 11, 2014

    Christian Brotherhood an Impeachable Offense; Gay Incest Celebrated

    Just in the last week, in the latest blitz of gay über alles, at the provocation of groups like GLAAD and Right Wing Watch, a newspaperman was sacked in Iowa and an entire show on HGTV was canceled because of editors and two handsome blond broth...

  • April 24, 2014

    On Gay Adoption, S.E. Cupp is Out to Lunch

    S.E. Cupp is one of the latest media figures to make a pitch on gay marriage and adoption.  As is often the case, she throws out so many canards in this cocktail of insipidness, one scarcely knows where to begin. I will say conservatives ha...

  • April 14, 2014

    Stop Crying over Mozilla and Start Fighting Back!

    While the horror show involving Brendan Eich, Proposition 8, and Mozilla was reaching its ignominious crescendo, I was in Milan, Italy, speaking before an energized crowd of activists in the Lombardy region’s county hall. Unaware of the ...

  • March 24, 2014

    Suppressing the Black Diaspora at Stanford

    Recently Stanford University joined the list of colleges embroiled in debates about free speech, hate speech, and homosexuality.  Unfortunately, I am caught in the middle of this particular controversy. The Stanford Anscombe Society organized...

  • March 11, 2014

    Breeders: How Gay Men Destroyed the Left

    Recently I watched the documentary Breeders, which I recommend to everyone – gay and straight, liberal and conservative.  The documentary, produced by Jennifer Lahl at the Center for Bioethics and Culture, exposes the ethical dangers posed...

  • January 16, 2014

    The Myth of the Middle Ground

    Are moderation and compromise good things?  It's worth pondering. No matter what your pet conservative issue is, there are always people eager to tell you to sit down with the other side, "build bridges," "open a dialogue," "listen," and ...

  • December 27, 2013

    Life on GLAAD's Blacklist

    Readers will have to forgive me for sounding angry, but the recent news involving GLAAD has enraged me.  Mark Steyn's most recent piece in National Review sums up some of the worst aspects of the epic saga known as GLAAD v. Duck Dynasty. ...

  • December 22, 2013

    Why I Cannot Blame Russia and India for Taking on the Gays

    Russia and India: Defenders of Decency, Bogeymen of the Gay Lobby Russia remains stalwart in its laws that aim to curb the influence of the West's gay-friendly culture on Russian youth.  Meanwhile, last week, in a stunning turn of events,...

  • December 15, 2013

    What Christmas Means for Traditional Family Advocates

    Every Christmas, I am reminded of how insufficient our Christ-centered holidays are.  On Bill O'Reilly's show we get consternation about a "war on Christmas."  Many FOX News viewers worry about the tireless push by secularists to turn the d...

  • December 4, 2013

    Sex, Lies, and ObamaCare

    Before "if you like your plan, you can keep it," the Obama left made a whole spate of false promises in the realm of sexuality. It's worth connecting the dots between the folly of ObamaCare, an issue for which I wasn't personally on the front lines...

  • October 20, 2013

    A Cuban Nationalist Proves Prophetic

    You may have heard of several polls that reveal that the Latino community is the ethnic group most supportive of gay marriage.  This is bad news for everybody everywhere. A memorable call for transnationalism was published in 1891 by José...

  • October 19, 2013

    The Academy's Hypersensitive Hissy Fits

    The Chronicle of Higher Education is the newspaper of record for the field of higher education.  As such, it is presumably a cultural bellwether, indicating the direction in which American, and to some degree global, intellectuals are heade...

  • October 6, 2013

    The Devil Comes Home to Cal State Northridge

    I have received a number of communiqués asking me to take a position on David Klein, a fellow CSU Northridge professor who finds himself in hot water with Jewish anti-defamation groups.  He uses university resources to showcase the movement to b...

  • September 28, 2013

    Remember to Unplug the Refrigerator, Conservatives

    In one of his more disgraceful outbursts, John McCain recently blasted Ted Cruz: Speaking after Cruz had the floor for 21 hours and 19 minutes, McCain said he took umbrage at the Texas senator's efforts to pressure other Republicans to get behind ...

  • September 7, 2013

    The Late Great Left

    The Left I Used to Like Talking To Back in the early 1990s, I came back to a college that I'd left, and found -- for a brief forgotten moment -- great solace in the political left. I had dropped out part of the way through university and fallen o...

  • September 1, 2013

    The Perversions of the Byronic Left

    As I marvel at the thought of Nobel Prize winner Barack Obama threatening a bizarre bombing of Damascus, I recall some famous lines I've read about Syria. These verses come from a play by George Gordon Byron, called Sardanapalus. The play recount...

  • August 26, 2013

    Scott Brown and Chris Christie Can Go Live in Exile Together

    I have no idea why Scott Brown was given the fluffy task of guest-hosting Bill O'Reilly's show on August 23, 2013.  I don't want to get into Scott Brown's head, or the heads of people who work at Fox News, or Bill O'Reilly's head.  All I ca...

  • August 18, 2013

    The International Gay War on Black People

    As the whirlwind of racial strife still whirs, even a full month after the George Zimmerman verdict, Bill O'Reilly, Don Lemon, Oprah Winfrey, and Al Sharpton are overlooking something. The most blatant contempt toward black Americans I've seen rece...

  • August 9, 2013

    The Political Problem of Evil

    I had a recent meeting with a priest, who said something to me that I would have never taken seriously prior to a year ago.  He said, "You are fighting against real darkness."  He was referring to my involvement in a movement to protect the...

  • August 9, 2013

    On Russia's 'Anti-Gay Laws,' Americans Are Nobody to Criticize

    A great deal has been made of Obama's invocation of gay and lesbian rights as a reason to chill relations with Russia.  Without getting into Snowden or Syria, it is the epitome of bad faith for Americans to slam Russia based on their laws regard...

  • July 23, 2013

    Let's Debate Prop 8

    Key differences exist between the intents of the Defense of Marriage Act (passed 1996) and Proposition 8 (passed 2008).  I filed an amicus brief supporting Proposition 8 in Hollingsworth v. Perry, but I did not file an amicus brief defending DOM...

  • July 6, 2013

    After Bashing the Vatican, Will Gays Deny Abuse in Their Community?

    Once upon a time, stigma kept bad gay men in the closet.  When they misbehaved, the gay community could claim that the misbehavior was the result of their closetedness, or else they could say, "See, he says he isn't gay, so he isn't!  We do...

  • July 3, 2013

    Gay Weddings, Synthetic Babies, and the Brave New Court

      Mark Steyn published a must-read piece in National Review Online.  He argues that the way gay marriage received federal recognition by the Supreme Court was in its own class of bad. As Steyn points out, our gay marriage consensus compar...

  • June 7, 2013

    Understanding the Viciousness of the Gay Left

    On Tuesday, June 4, the gay lobby -- for the purposes here, "the Gay Left" -- was exposed for its intrinsically sociopathic tendencies. As the shock settles in about the Human Rights Campaign's possibly felonious violation of fellow citizens' civil r...

  • May 30, 2013

    Is a tenured conservative as useless as a tenured radical?

    Ah, to live in interesting times. I have hardly had enough skepticism in me to keep up, The liberal intelligentsia spins tangled webs, trying to figure out how they went from a ragtag collection of oppressed underdogs to a behemoth headed by a gay-...

  • May 11, 2013

    The economy's picking up, but gay marriage is still worth opposing

    As same-sex marriage burns like a wildfire across states and nations -- with New Zealand, Britain, France, Rhode Island, Minnesota, and Delaware the latest to get burned -- there is a fount of so-called conventional wisdom forming, which deems it nec...

  • May 1, 2013

    Marco Rubio's Catch-22

    I do not envy Marco Rubio.  Just three years ago, he was the Cuban knight in shining armor who many conservatives thought could do no wrong.  At the time, I cheered him on, even though I didn't agree with him on immigration. Three years l...

  • April 12, 2013

    The Unthinking Stasis of ThinkProgress's Stance on Same-Sex Marriage

    Yesterday Zack Ford of ThinkProgress published this predictably reckless dismissal of the GOP's arguments against same-sex marriage. Ford says that the GOP's position rests on "junk science," which is like a crackhead calling someone who smokes a c...

  • April 10, 2013

    Give Jim Hlavac's Article on Gays Another Chance: Think "Not in Our Name"

    After years of writing for American Thinker, I've developed a thick skin when it comes to the comments section.  But Jim Hlavac, a gay conservative, wrote a piece called "Much Ado about Nothing," apparently his first on the site.  The comme...

  • April 6, 2013

    Suze Orman, You've Insulted the Memory of My Lesbian Mom

    On Piers Morgan, Suze Orman ambushed Ryan Anderson with a crowd-pleasing, smug flourish.  After hearing Anderson's explanation of his opposition to same-sex marriage, she said she felt "compassion" toward him because he was "uneducated" about th...

  • April 3, 2013

    Gay Marriage: The Left's Great Shame

    You wouldn't know it if you spent all your time reading the American media dominated by the neo-liberal-corporate-industrial complex, but a street revolution is occurring in France, called "the French spring." Bear with me while I tell you the tale...

  • April 1, 2013

    Gay Marriage and Guilt by Association

    People who worry about the effects of "undefining" marriage to satisfy the LGBT movement must spend a little time thinking about how to deal with the question below: "How dare you conspire with homophobes?" The sentence above is thrown at me quit...

  • March 30, 2013

    Meet the Gay Police State

    On March 24, 2013, as I stood with other speakers waiting to take the stage at Paris's "manif pour tous" against homosexual marriage, I saw tear gas sail through the air at a crowd of peaceful protesters. Children, elderly people, and elected offic...

  • March 1, 2013

    Four Tiers of Failure: How the LGBT Lobby Dominates

    I never knew the extent of a lobby's power until fate called me to speak on behalf of children's rights.  Now, six months after having come forward with a logical, secular argument against same-sex parenting based on experience, broad research, ...

  • February 25, 2013

    The Conservative Gay Marriage Mirage

    Jon Huntsman's recent call in American Conservative for a right-wing endorsement of same-sex marriage is nothing new.  Saying nothing of children's rights to a mother and father, his clarion call is essentially an unwitting declaration of the ri...

  • February 9, 2013

    Today's Gender Chutzpah

    An apocryphal quote that never loses its relevance is: "the definition of chutzpah is killing your parents and then begging the jury for mercy because you are an orphan." An act of chutzpah can be something courageous and shrewd, like Abraham Linco...

  • January 27, 2013

    The Oncoming Human Rights Crisis...Caused by the LGBT Movement

    It started, as so many human rights disasters do, in the name of love.  It was commonplace in the antebellum Americas to hear of plantation owners expressing love for their slaves.  Even Frederick Douglass admits that many times slaves, whi...

  • January 20, 2013

    Guns, Gays, and Eighteenth-Century Rights

    As of January 13, 2013, when a million French citizens stormed Paris to stop a bill extending marriage and adoption rights to same-sex couples, it became clear that the world is witnessing a compressed, high-speed reprise of the late eighteenth centu...

  • January 12, 2013

    Stand with France's Family Advocates! (Updated)

    Gone are the days when France was the object of liberal romance and conservative calumny. In a grassroots explosion that rivals the Tea Party, the "Manif pour tous" or "March for All" movement has mobilized as many as 500,000 people to storm François...

  • January 11, 2013

    Shed No Tears for the Rhode Island Professor

    In the society gossip hub known as the Chronicle of Higher Education, which some academics still view as the gold-standard paper for college professors, there is a blog cluster known as "The Edge of the American West: History Can Save Your Ass." ...

  • January 6, 2013

    Conservatives Can Learn from the Flaws in Spielberg's Lincoln

    Upon Abraham Lincoln's death, the collective grief contributed to what some historians, like Merrill D. Peterson, have named "apotheosis."  Walt Whitman's poems dedicated to Lincoln, like "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd," made Abe an o...

  • January 6, 2013

    Gay French Mayor Explains Why He's against Gay Marriage

    It seems that France can now claim another cultural victory over the United States: not only has the nation succeeded in driving out a cheesy and overexposed actor, Gérard Depardieu (when can we finally unload Matt Damon onto the Russians?), but the ...

  • January 1, 2013

    Let's Retire These Tired Straw Men in 2013

    College students familiar with my study guide know that I am especially keen on spotting straw man arguments.  A straw man argument is constructed against an imagined or perceived opponent who is unrealistically stupid and/or he...

  • December 24, 2012

    Yes, gay is a choice. Get over it.

    According to Peter Schmidt in the Chronicle of Higher Education, yet another individual working in higher education has been demolished for saying the wrong thing about homosexuality.  The basis on which to define people as "anti-gay" has, howev...

  • December 23, 2012

    Young, Old, Forever

    "Kids these days" is a time-honored cliché.  The cliché is getting new traction with the oncoming student loan crisis and the popular sentiment, among established adults, that indebted college graduates brought the problem on themselves (and on ...

  • December 8, 2012

    An Elegy for Two Once-Divine Female Critics

    As recently as five years ago, I counted Ann Coulter and Camille Paglia among my favorite authors, and my guiltiest but most delicious reading pleasures. In the famous tome Sexual Personae (1991), Camille Paglia drove a fearless bulldozer over the g...

  • December 4, 2012

    Mean Gays

    Ever since I saw the film Mean Girls, almost ten years ago, I have been waiting for Mean Gays.   The instant classic starring once-innocent Lindsay Lohan, orchestrated by the pre-Palin-slayer Tina Fey, wasn't as much about the meanness of female...

  • December 1, 2012

    Should Conservative Professors Come Out as Conservative?

    Every week, in different forms -- some dismissive, others tactful -- the question above lands in my e-mail inbox.  It comes from conservatives who wince at the thought of an untenured professor publishing right-wing opinions. There is a sincere ...

  • November 28, 2012

    The Latest Sexual Tyranny from the Southern Poverty Law Center

    This just came in off the wire at Advocate: the Southern Poverty Law Center is financing a lawsuit against JONAH, an organization that offers Jews "new alternatives to homosexuality."  Here is how the Advocate reports it: SPLC, along with two l...

  • November 27, 2012

    Taking Back the Academy

    Twenty-five years ago, Allan Bloom published a book called The Closing of the American Mind, which made a series of stark arguments about what seemed to be happening in higher education.  The left was taking over at elite colleges.  After B...

  • November 26, 2012

    Why We Don't Need to Be Bitter

    While I found Peggy Noonan's Suzy Sunshine routine a bit much (her saccharine celebration of all things gracious made me want to pick up a Dorothy Parker anthology), I must express some surprise at how fretful and curmudgeonly Republicans are soundin...

  • November 18, 2012

    Vive la famille! The French rally against gay marriage

    American conservatives must take a close look at themselves and consider the sad state of our traditional mores: The French are doing a better job making the case for traditional marriage than is the American right. This piece from Libération tells i...

  • November 14, 2012

    What Were All of You Thinking?

    Add me to the list of people who have harsh words for shocked conservatives.  As it turns out, talking endlessly about the economy and the Constitution is a great way to lose elections, because people find the economy and the Constitution boring...

  • November 11, 2012

    Young Blood and Good News: A Report from the Sex Wars in Princeton, NJ

    I was fully expecting that the Love and Fidelity Network would cancel its fifth annual conference in Princeton because of Hurricane Sandy.  Registration was slated to begin on November 2, 2012.  I was scheduled to present my work alongside ...

  • November 1, 2012

    Gay Marriage and the Curse of Rumpelstiltskin

    This Election Day, voters in Maine, Maryland, Washington, and Minnesota will be asked to cast their ballots on the issue of same-sex marriage. Now is a good time to discuss this issue beyond the squeaky-clean case for gay marriage that has been mark...

  • August 11, 2012

    The Soul-Crushing Scorched-Earth Battle for Gay Marriage

    How much is victory worth?  And after you win, if you win, what do you have to show for it? As these principles go with warfare, so they go with propaganda.  The Greek word polemos, "war," led not to the English word "war," but rather to th...

  • July 20, 2012

    The Roanoke Shuffle: Obama and the Racial Gratitude Racket

    President Obama's Roanoke speech was not really an insult to businessmen.  No, in fact, it was far worse: it was a threat. Worse still, it was a threat rooted in a long and ugly racial history in the United States. Consider that Obama mentione...

  • May 20, 2012

    Ways to Talk about the Firing of Naomi Schaefer-Riley

    If you are not a complete nerd like me and obsessed with the inner workings of American universities, you may not be aware that someone named Naomi Schaefer-Riley was fired in early May, from a publication known as the Chronicle of Higher Education. ...

  • May 16, 2012

    A gigantic thank you from a conservative professor

    My post of a few days back, "What it's like to be a conservative professor," sparked some of the most touching emails I've ever received. I had no idea what a chord the piece would strike with people across the country. Even more touching was how man...

  • May 14, 2012

    The Problem with Gays and Voters: Whom can we trust?

    So Obama came out in favor of gay marriage.  Whatever. Four years earlier:  The last time Barack Obama was running for president, we were talking about Proposition 8.  Barack Obama won California's electoral votes by a 24-point margin,...

  • May 11, 2012

    What It's Like to be a Conservative Professor

    It would be too easy to begin by quoting the famous line from DuBois's Souls of Black Folk, "what is it like to be a problem?" So pretend I didn't just quote that. Let's start somewhere else. Like here, for instance: An April 4, 2012 article in The B...

  • May 9, 2012

    Higher Education Theatre of the Absurd

    Higher education today is a nightmare. There are a trillion dollars in potentially toxic student debt. We see people with PhDs on food stamps, a 400% rise in tuition over 20 years, and only 49% of college grads finding jobs within a year. According t...

  • September 11, 2011

    9/11 Narcissism is a Left-Wing Disease

    Here's a funny piece of projection.  In this article, Nation columnist Gary Younge accuses the United States of being "narcissistic" in its response to 9/11.  He quotes Condoleezza Rice and Karl Rove with some lengthy deconstructive flouris...

  • September 3, 2011

    Ron Paul and 'the Troops'

    While driving through Nebraska on the way home to Los Angeles, I was out of music.  I had listened to all the CDs I had.  FM was a desert.  I switched to AM radio and since it was a Saturday, the only talk show I could get was a repris...

  • August 17, 2011

    The Bad Faith of Michele Bachmann's Gay Rights Inquisitors

    Michele Bachmann followed up on her Iowa straw poll victory with two Sunday interviews, in both of which she was given ridiculous questions about homosexuality.  The gay card seems to be the feint of choice for Democrats and their proxies. On Me...

  • August 14, 2011

    What is a nice Latino like me doing at a Tea Party like this?

    Even though I have donated to Michele Bachmann's campaign, I am not of the Tea Party. I am for it, but not of it. In order to explain "for, but not of," I may also provide conservatives with an insight into their complex relationships with the Latino...

  • August 2, 2011

    Why Some of Us Tune Out Democrats

    Stanley Greenberg's essay ran in the New York Times yesterday, entitled "Why Voters Tune Out Democrats."  Greenberg's piece is less explaining than wondering why some people are cold to arguments put forward by Democrats.  I am not clear wh...

  • July 29, 2011

    Overexposure is Dangerous for Gays and Jews

    As Mike Bates at NewsBusters points out, gay-themed news stories have reached an absurd prominence lately.  He was flummoxed by the amount of time devoted by Don Lemon (CNN) to same-sex marriages in New York: Lemon devoted most of the hour-long...

  • July 18, 2011

    Gay Men: The Democrats' Reserve Army of Histrionics

    In a Slate piece, June Thomas weighs in on the latest dirty politics, namely the rumor that Michele Bachmann's husband Marcus Bachmann is gay.  Thomas is dismayed that Dan Savage used his podcast to humiliate Marcus Bachmann for his lisp: To Sa...