Robert McCordell

Robert McCordell

  • March 7, 2009

    Serpent Head

    He claims to be a Cajun -- a Louisianan's son,But no self respecting Cajun would lie as he has done.He took the American people -- took us for a bunch of fools,He used us, and his boy Clinton, as his pliant tools."It's the economy, Stupid" ...

  • February 17, 2009

    Another day older (a poem)

    Another day older and deeper in debt.I did not borrow any money and yetI surely owe over eight thousand dollars more today.If you add my wife, that is sixteen thousand to pay.Where are you George when we need you most?The horses have already left the...

  • February 14, 2009

    Utopia (a poem)

    Did our Capitalism fail? No! It was UtopiaThat has weaned us from the latest grand Cornucopia.The Demos tried to make it better than the best. So now we shall have to suffer more than all the rest.What has made them think that all men yearnTo live on...

  • February 3, 2009

    Giveaway (a poem)

    Something for nothing you should not git!If you do, it will taste like so bad!Especially when you realize that you have been hadBy a slimy politician who was oh, oh so gladTo siphon off much more than his fair shareTo live his rich life of devil may ...