Robert Kirk

Robert Kirk

  • November 24, 2020

    There's a case for Sidney Powell's circumstantial evidence

    There has been much speculation since Sunday as to why the Trump legal team would throw attorney Sidney Powell under the bus.  The suggestion has been made, not only by left-leaning media outlets, but also those formerly seen as t...

  • September 29, 2020

    An antidote to The Comey Rule

    William Barr, et al. are not going to release the Durham Report before the election.  Of course — we wouldn't want to be mean and play hardball by shining light on the pervasive systemic corruption infecting our seminal government...

  • July 26, 2020

    God bless you, Lloyd Marcus — you will be missed!

    On the morning of July 24, I received the unbelievable and shocking news from a family member that a friend of mine and that wonderful God-fearing patriot — the "Unhyphenated American" Lloyd Marcus, had suddenly died of a "pulmon...

  • March 21, 2020

    A Real-Life Story of How Coronavirus Hysteria Oppresses People

    Commentators have noted the dishonest reporting of statistics to buttress the false claim that deaths from the coronavirus (hereafter, COVID-19) are far in excess of mortality from the common flu when in fact the opposite is likely the case. ...

  • July 5, 2018

    Facebook bans patriotic speech in honor of Independence Day

    The U.K. Guardian declared prolific writer, singer, and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement's most prominent "African-American."  Lloyd rejects hyphenating and is renowned for proclaiming, "I am not African-Ame...

  • May 8, 2018

    Joining the culture war: Non-PC sci-fi flick wins big in Houston

    I read with great interest J.R. Dunn's blog post, "Science Fiction Goes PC," regarding the struggles and travails of science fiction-writer Jon Del Arroz, who was slandered, bullied, and then banned from WorldCon, the premiere...

  • January 6, 2018

    The Post and Spielberg's Problem with the Truth

    I have some personal knowledge regarding the movie The Post and its subject matter, the Pentagon Papers.  At the time the Pentagon Papers began to be published in the summer of 1971, my father was highly placed in the Internal Security...

  • December 4, 2017

    The Zarate verdict is an indictment of a failed leftist culture

    The tragedy of the Zarate verdict lies not with external forces, but within the hearts and minds of those twelve San Francisco jurors, who, incapable of honestly applying fact to law, rendered a decision contrary to truth, law, and justice.  The...

  • November 26, 2017

    The Rule of Law, Blowing in the Wind like a MAGA Hat

    As noted in Thomas Lifson's article, the Riverside district attorney filed a criminal complaint (People v. Macias) against the student perpetrator of a politically motivated assault on the UCR Campus.  Riverside County prosecutor was my p...