Robert Eugene Simmons Jr.

Robert Eugene Simmons Jr.

  • February 14, 2013

    Bypassing the Politicians on Gun Control

    As we watch the lawmakers scramble to make new laws to restrict our ability to defend ourselves and our families, it becomes clear that there are few politicians representing the people or the Constitution in this manner. Despite abundantly clear Sec...

  • December 15, 2012

    It's Time to End Gun-Free Zones

    As I sit here and digest what happened to all of those children, sick doesn't even cover the feelings I have for the parents of these innocent children.  However, there is another emotion brewing in my mind as well: fear. At home I own several f...

  • November 14, 2012

    The Future of the Republican Party Is in Federalist Libertarianism

    On Election Day, the voters delivered a massive rebuke to the Republican Party in the form of simply not going to vote.  The numbers reveal that the liberal media meme of a demographic shift is a complete fraud.  As the statistics from the ...

  • October 8, 2011

    Palin's Withdrawal Means Obama Wins

    Unfortunately, it looks like the forces of smear, slander, and threat have finally claimed their intended victim.  With Palin's announcement that she won't run for president, the election is essentially over. The calculus is fairly simple: the...

  • September 30, 2011

    The Dark and Dangerous Road of Modern Politics

    Imagine sitting down for dinner with the news on in the background.  Everyone is enjoying dinner while half-listening to the latest political intrigue going on in Washington and in the media.  Suddenly one of your guests starts calling 14- ...

  • July 27, 2011

    Boehner's 12 Member Commission Political Game

    As America approaches the limit of the national credit card, the bargaining in Washington D.C. is going fast and furious.  One thing about which the Democrats and the establishment Republicans are in agreement is that the debt limit must be rais...

  • July 15, 2011

    The Soft Dictatorship

    Imagine a hypothetical country where small groups of unelected individuals can make law by simply sitting around a conference table deciding they want a new law, even if that law violates the constitution.  Those unelected representatives could ...

  • July 9, 2011

    Isn't it Finally Time for Trial by Public Opinion?

    After being found not guilty for the murder of her daughter, Casey Anthony is to be set free for time served on the conviction of lying to police. This has led to a flurry of protest all over the Internet from both sides of the political spectrum. Th...

  • June 25, 2011

    Why Palin Can Win

    One of the most talked about subjects in politics is whether or not Sarah Palin will run for the presidency.  It's frankly anyone's guess which direction she will go with her decision and when she will make the decision.  However, if Palin ...

  • December 5, 2010

    The Death of Modern Liberal Feminism (And its Rebirth in the Conservative Movement)

    It seems only a few short years ago that feminism was a major force for liberals that drew millions of women to vote for the Democratic Party. The narrative constantly pushed by the liberal-dominated media was that the Republican Party and conservati...

  • November 26, 2010

    Holding Sarah Palin to Her Promise

    In a recent interview, Sarah Palin said to the interviewer that she will consider running for president if there is no one willing to do the job and take on the problems facing America. I think America is going to have to hold her to that promise. I ...

  • November 22, 2010

    The Rise of Unchecked Presidential Power

    In order to achieve a dictatorship in a country, you have to go one of two ways. Either you have to foment a violent revolution, using the power of the military to seize the government, or you have to be voted into the position and seize the power sl...

  • November 12, 2010

    The Top Ten Reasons Why Conservatives Should Not Be Celebrating the Election Results

    On November 2, 2010, the liberals suffered a defeat at the hands of the people over their policies implemented over the last two to four years. As a result, Many Republicans and Tea Party supporters are jubilant in their celebration, and even the oft...

  • August 28, 2010

    The Left's Unlikely Alliance with Islam

    As we look around the world at the countries that practice Islam as a state religion, it is almost incomprehensible that the left should defend Islam so fervently. We don't have to look to the radicals in the Taliban or Hamas to see issues that most ...

  • July 24, 2010

    Three-Quarters of Congressmen Support Auditing the Federal Reserve, so Why Isn't It Law?

    You would think that a bill supported by nearly three-quarters of the legislature should be a breeze to become law. Not so in today's House of Representatives. The legislative system has become so convoluted and corrupted that not even the legislator...

  • July 1, 2010

    The Southern Border Could Get Much Worse

    The southern border of the USA is no longer something that we can ignore or use as a political tool. Successive presidents have failed to control this border for one reason or another, but the escalation of drug cartel violence on the southern side o...

  • June 23, 2010

    Obama's Gulf Oil Spill Commission and the Missing Experts

    Instead of an oil spill commission staffed with experts, as promised in his Oval Office address, the president has announced a panel with membership that reads like a Who's Who of radical environmentalism. Former Senator Graham of Florida, for exampl...

  • June 19, 2010

    An Oil Spill Is Not a License to Suspend the Rule of Law

    With pictures of oil drenched birds, blackened beaches and marshlands invaded with oil streaming across our televisions every day, it is easy to become angry and demand retribution from the cause of the disaster. Unfortunately it is also easy for uns...