Robert Dimuro

Robert Dimuro

  • September 21, 2020

    Antiracism: A new religion

    A major theme in 2020 is the supposed killing of black Americans on a disproportionate scale by law enforcement across the nation.  The death of George Floyd at the hands (or knee) of Derek Chauvin rekindled the Black Lives Matter (BLM) mov...

  • March 10, 2020

    Choosing Not to Vote

    Despite the best efforts of political operatives, the majority of the electorate fails to vote in the majority of elections at all levels of government. There are logistical hurdles that exacerbate this problem, such as the bewildering fact that elec...

  • February 18, 2020

    How President Trump should handle Bernie

    After a messy Iowa caucus that had Buttigieg questionably edging out Sanders in pledged delegates, Bernie can now declare himself the frontrunner after his impressive victory in New Hampshire. Although he won by only a few thousand votes, it's...

  • February 10, 2020

    Trump's Stellar SOTU Speech

    In his third SOTU address, Trump once again captured his audience with candor, passion, and genuine optimism — an appropriate tone that matches the economic upswing over which Trump presides. His speech served to kick-start his re-election c...

  • January 24, 2020

    The Tenuous Future of the Democratic Party

    We’ve now witnessed seven Democratic debates ahead of the Iowa Caucus this February. At this point, it’s clear that Biden, Sanders, and Warren have a legitimate shot at becoming the nominee, whereas the rest will likely go home after the ...

  • December 27, 2019

    American Society and the Stretched Rubber Band

    Despite America's ingenious system of government that allows for all viewpoints to have a voice and seek representation, people's tolerances of one another and of government today are being stretched to the limit – just like a rubber ba...