Robert Barbosa

Robert Barbosa

  • July 4, 2020

    Flawed Greatness: The American story is the human story

    The American story is a beautiful one.  Our revolutionary foundation built upon natural rights and the nature of man was the starkest break from societal norms the world has ever known. The focus of the Declaration of Independence was to...

  • November 14, 2019

    The Anti-Freedom Party

    The Left has embarked on a full-scale assault on our freedoms.  Leftists have hijacked the Democratic Party and turned it into the Anti-Freedom Party over the past half-century, ramping up their efforts over the past decade. This country was ...

  • November 5, 2019

    A long train of abuses: Social Security, welfare, and health care

    The world's largest Ponzi scheme, Social Security, is sanctioned by the United States government — a program that is, in short, a coercive property transfer from young to old individuals. Social Security has weakened our social fabric....

  • October 29, 2019

    An informed Democrat cannot support American values

    As I've continued to study my passions for The United States of America, its founding, and the miracle of this nation, my admiration continues to grow...and so does my bewilderment that any straight-faced, educated, and informed liberal Democrat ...