Robert Babcock

Robert Babcock

  • February 9, 2015

    Kerry's Religious Nonsense

    At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, an audience was treated to the insights of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, a very knowledgeable man. Not only is he the present arbiter of U.S. foreign policy, but Kerry also issues sweepi...

  • May 25, 2014

    Unholy Trinity Bedevils Oklahoma

    Oklahoma, you’re being hounded by the American Civil Liberties Union, American Atheists, and Satan.  You must be doing something right. Both the ACLU and American Atheists, Inc. have filed lawsuits demanding that you remove a monument t...

  • January 24, 2014

    Universal Coverage vs. Universal Liberty

    We conservatives can support universal health coverage. All that is necessary to do so is that we intend good for everyone, ignore the Constitution, and compromise our principles. In his article published at National Review, "The Conservative Case f...

  • January 17, 2014

    Liberals as Victims

    On January 10th, CNN's Jake Tapper interviewed retired US Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell and actor Mark Wahlberg.   Luttrell's book Lone Survivor documents a 2005 SEAL operation in Afghanistan during which nineteen US military personnel were kil...

  • January 9, 2014

    It's Colder? Hotter? Blame Climate Change

    When Fargo is 25 below zero, Baton Rouge 24 above, and nearly the entire nation is in the grip of a record-breaking frigid spell, one's thoughts naturally turn to global warming -- or, rather, make that climate change. The former term -- "global wa...

  • June 15, 2013

    Shaking a Fist at Thunderheads

    Ah, war, that scourge of humanity. How nice it would be if all the swords were beaten into plowshares and the lion were to lie down with the lamb. "None of us should be in wars. Wars are the last resort, the absolute last resort to try to settle our...

  • March 11, 2013

    My Fear of a Black President

    I cannot bear my shame alone. I must confess: I am afraid of Barack Obama because he is black. I owe this realization to Chris Matthews, MSNBC's bold exemplar of liberal color-fixation. During the March 6th edition of "Hardball" he stated: "I look at...

  • January 23, 2013

    If They Were Baby Seals Instead of Just Babies...

    Perhaps our pro-abortion friends will better understand why we pro-lifers oppose any tax-funded support for Planned Parenthood if we explain our opposition in a way that engages their sympathy: Suppose there were a company called Planned Parkas tha...

  • January 12, 2013

    Feinstein, Mass Killers, and Imagination

    Senator Feinstein and her friends have a dream: to stop mass killings.  So they're on a mission: pass an Assault Weapons Ban (AWB).  They are as dedicated to passing the law as they are blind to its futility, because Feinstein and her frien...

  • March 9, 2012

    Bill Moyers, Progressive Propagandist

    Bill Moyers does not like Newt Gingrich, in part because Gingrich is supposedly guilty of disrespecting the dead.   The veteran commentator lays the charge against Mr. Gingrich at the beginning of  Bill Moyers Essay: Newt Gingrich and ...

  • January 23, 2011

    Baby, It's Cold Outside (but it's Hot in Cairo!)

    Americans love romance.  Do Islamists?  Baby, It's Cold Outside, the romantic duet written in 1944 by prolific Broadway composer Frank Loesser, is a wonderful easy-listening classic about a couple in love on a winter night. The story goes t...