Robert B. Charles

Robert B. Charles

  • May 13, 2021

    Biden’s Failed Afghanistan Policy

    Buckle up for Biden’s failed Afghanistan policy.  Shockwaves are about to begin and will continue until intervention is again required.  If the goal was to create maximum instability, kill the peace option, inflame Afghans, incite Tal...

  • March 3, 2016

    Justice Thomas, Candle in the Darkness

    I had never met Justice Clarence Thomas. The occasion for our meeting was a private ceremony at the United States Supreme Court last year. The ceremony honored a scholar of law and leader in his profession, who happened to be a friend of mine. There ...

  • February 15, 2016

    The Court Appointment Belongs to Next President

    Here we go, the biggest battle of the Obama Administration since Obamacare. With Antonin Scalia’s passing, the wisest jurist of the past fifty years has left us. President Obama will quickly build his political machine to press the U.S. Se...

  • April 22, 2015

    Where is Federal Employee Accountability?

    Let the federal firings begin.  Only they will not.   Open secret:  Federal employees are nearly impossible to fire.  Lives have been endangered at the Department of Veterans Affairs by a combination of objective incompetence...

  • April 2, 2015

    Beware the Jury of One

    This week, President Obama suddenly “commuted” -- read: canceled, reversed, and summarily ended -- the federal mandatory minimum sentences of 22 federally convicted drug traffickers. Of that group, eight were serving life sentences for th...

  • June 19, 2014

    What Should America Do in Iraq Now?

    The ultimate question about Iraq is not what we have done or not done, who is to blame for where we are, where the Iraqis are, or how we got to this miserable place, but what is morally right – at this time.  Our losses are enormous, and s...

  • May 26, 2014

    We Americans...Must Be Americans

    As Memorial Day passes, pause with me to celebrate what We Americans have in common.  There is a certain hypocrisy, if I may say so, enveloping us.  You can see it in the most recent resuscitation of class warfare, adversarial race relation...

  • April 11, 2014

    Truth, Obamacare and November

    Presidents have long been guilty of bluster and puffing.  We, The People, learn to live with it.  We groaningly tolerate political ignorance, ill-informed opinions and tomfoolery.  That is how our civil society shows respect for Free S...

  • April 6, 2014

    Obama's Foreign Policy: Comedy of Errors

    The king and the jester.  The pairing is as old as Medieval times and as hilarious as Danny Kaye's portrayal of the perfect clown in The Court Jester.  We see it replayed in countless Hollywood remakes and say, "Pass the popcorn!...

  • March 7, 2014

    Obama and the Napoleon-Nixon Gene

    Like something from the Human Genome project, one feels like announcing discovery of the long-lost Napoleon-Nixon gene.  Obama apparently has the Napoleon-Nixon defensive, arrogant, and unaccountable gene -- albeit with none of Nixon's redee...