Robert A. Bonelli

Robert A. Bonelli

  • November 25, 2009

    After a Takeover of Health Care, Can a One-Child Policy Be Far Behind?

    Make no mistake about it: the health care bill that moved forward to debate in the Senate on Saturday is simply a power play by the government to gain more control over how we live our lives. It could easily lead to government control over the contin...

  • October 21, 2009

    Controlling the message

    Nine months into the Obama Administration, the White House communications strategy is coming into clear focus. Demonize, harass and ultimately aim to silence opposition, while endlessly repeating the administration line, with the full cooperation of ...

  • October 5, 2009

    Is Obama's Handling of Honduras a View of Our Future?

    The United States is different from most other countries in many ways.  One unique aspect of our country is that our elected officials, officers of the court, and the military, all  pledge their allegiance to the Constitution and not to an ...

  • September 27, 2009

    Who is doing the governing?

    I don't want to sound petty, but I think considering how much time Mr. Obama is still spending campaigning, it is appropriate for the American people to question who is actually governing our nation?Mr. Obama is constantly on television; frequently o...

  • September 13, 2009

    The sad truth is that our representatives will not listen

    It is really not about the numbers.  Whether the Tea Party protest in D.C. on Saturday attracted the 70,000 preliminarily estimated by the Capitol Police; or the several hundreds of thousands reported by some in the old media and many in the new...

  • September 9, 2009

    A bad idea is still a bad idea

    The Left's latest diversion from the truth is the ‘trigger' hurdle for implementation of a government run health care option -- and it does not take much thinking to understand that this would be a rigged game.  Instead of taking what the ...