Robert A. Bishop

Robert A. Bishop

  • January 26, 2024

    Amy Pope: the UN's human trafficking czar

    Meet Amy Pope, an open borders advocate, Obama apparatchik, and an accomplice of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. As the UN's Deputy Secretary of the International Organization of Migration (IOM), the preeminent NGO in the field of migratio...

  • January 2, 2024

    The Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting rule and the surveillance state

    The 2021 National Defense Authorization Act created the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting rule to ostensibly target money laundering. Beginning January 1, 2024, the Act mandates U.S. companies, regardless of size, to register their ben...

  • September 27, 2023

    Unmasking the Action Network

    The Action Network is a behind-the-scenes umbrella organization, a highly influential tech company most have never heard of that provides digital support to Democratic Party fundraising and the unions for organizing.  It also serv...

  • July 11, 2023

    DIE training is modern Maoism

    Mao Zedong began China's Cultural Revolution in 1966; the brainwashing tool was the "struggle session."  Struggle sessions (psychological torture) are public denunciations and humiliations in front of crowds targeting citizens...

  • July 3, 2023

    US mayors are sick of the 1st Amendment

    Neo-Marxism has displaced Marxism with a broader framework focused on class, race, or sex inequality.  Neo-Marxists captured education over the past fifty years based on critical pedagogy (AKA Critical Theory), a philosophy of education tha...

  • May 14, 2023

    Who are the real 'Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremists'?

    Most of the six million–plus illegal aliens who have entered the U.S. under the Biden Regime are young, unattached single males who speak only Spanish and are illiterate, impoverished, and lack vocational skills, making assimilation extremely c...

  • February 24, 2023

    Biden Administration's New Equity Atlas: An Unconstitutional Equity Redistribution Scheme

    The Biden administration's $1.2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) gives cities a blank check for hundreds of billions of dollars in federal grants. An astonishingly massive windfall for municipal budgets. Janet Yellen, U.S. Treasury Secret...

  • February 11, 2023

    New geological study proves that the green energy movement is impossible to achieve

    The renewable energy fantasy goal is achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.  Carpet-bombing propaganda has convinced the public to accept the extravagant claim that technology currently exists to reach net zero carbon emissions. ...

  • June 5, 2022

    The Great Reset aims to put us all in Mouse Utopia

    The World Economic Forum mobilizes cities using the illusion that its smart cities can control climate change while delivering a utopia to its residents.  WEF's blueprint for cities is a transhuman kibbutz by "merging the...

  • October 2, 2021

    Biden's militarized executive agencies

    The Obama-Biden administration stockpiled an arsenal of high-powered weapons in the Executive Branch based on the vision of a civilian national security force.  The stockpile can outfit an army.  The Biden regime controls the trig...

  • July 18, 2020

    Progressive Non-Profits Exploit the CARES Act

    The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) established by the Federal government's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provides forgivable SBA loans, in substance grants.  The goal is to help small businesses weather th...

  • February 27, 2020

    MSNBC CEO Phil Griffin’s Charity Problem

    Phil Griffin's MSNBC network had been unrelenting in its coverage and criticisms of President Trump's private foundation.  Trump eventually shuttered his foundation, paid $2 million in fines, and distributed the remainder to eight charit...