Rob Cunningham

Rob Cunningham

  • November 4, 2016

    iAmerica: Recharging our nation

    Consider America’s unlimited potential -- the United States's Constitution is indisputably the most powerful invention in human history. We are a young nation built upon the single most proven economic system of wealth creation ever known, ...

  • March 13, 2016

    Media hypocrisy on Trump rally hard to stomach

    It has been publicly documented that Occupy Wall Street-type protesters influenced by, a group inspired by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and similar friends of fundamental transformer Barack Obama, purposefully targeted Donald Trump's ...

  • February 23, 2016

    The GOP duping of America

    The mild-mannered, gentle, and highly respected Byron York of the Washington Examiner stated this morning on the Bill Bennett radio program (paraphrased): "The majority of Ted Cruz supporters I've spoken with would switch to Donald Trum...

  • January 2, 2013

    A 2013 Conservative Call to Arms

    In 2013, conservatives can offer no greater tribute of respect to our Founding Fathers and our fellow citizens than to resolve, from this day forward, to relentlessly expose, ridicule, deride, mock and publicly shame arrogant progressives in a manner...

  • September 11, 2012

    Mr. Romney, Time to Show us The Money

    Mr. Romney, the time for bold truth is now. Americans are adults and we crave truth.  Voters deserve your respect and our current dire conditions demand your candor.  Without use of vile invectives, hateful tones or childish insults, you...

  • July 9, 2011

    A Rogue Warrior's Strategy for Conservatives

    During this anniversary month that marks America's independence, and inspired by a personal sense of patriotism, I implore every freedom loving American to see Stephen K. Bannon's documentary on the life and career of Sarah Palin. And furthermore, ev...

  • July 30, 2010

    America's Unspeakable Truth

    The children's fairytale, "The Emperor's New Clothes" powerfully reveals how societal groupthink and our natural human instincts combine to inhibit individuals from addressing uncomfortable topics. The moral of this children's fable is simp...

  • July 21, 2010

    Finding our Inner Maximus

    On behalf of my beautiful wife, and our four and one year old precious daughters, I watch in daily horror as our country is being attacked and destroyed from within, by our very own government. As a former USAF Captain, Instructor Pilot, De...