R.M. Doak

R.M. Doak

  • April 30, 2020

    Time for Joe Biden to make a decision on sex abuse allegations

    With the pandemic becoming passé, the time has come for former vice president Joe Biden to either fish or cut bait concerning allegations lodged by former Biden staffer Tara Reade.  Pressure is mounting when even staunch party loyali...

  • April 10, 2019

    When unvaccinated Jewish kids are more dangerous than unvaccinated illegal aliens

    When Mayor de Blasio declares an emergency, then, by golly, it is truly an emergency.  Notwithstanding the deluge of tens of thousands of illegal aliens streaming across the southern U.S. border and the president's declaration of a nati...

  • March 22, 2019

    Too many ironies in the fire?

    As if the Democrats' Soylent Green "new deal" hasn't given us enough chaff to separate from wheat, Ohio state senator Tina Maharath (D-Columbus) has introduced Senate Bill 78 to criminalize smoking in a motor vehicle when children y...

  • June 21, 2018

    Rachel's tender tears

    Is there a more tender age than that of a child in the womb? Rachel Maddow's tears aside, expressions of outrage over government provisioning for displaced children entering the U.S. illegally portray such children as a means to an end rather ...

  • February 24, 2018

    Rethinking system failure after Parkland

    We call them school "systems" for a reason.  And it takes no genius to conclude that our nation's schools are failing us miserably at several levels.  Teachers enter their vocation to teach; however, the demands of t...

  • July 10, 2015

    Is there a place for hate-math in the new America?

    Now that South Carolina has folded the flag and performed all manner of prescribed unction, let's focus attention on an underserved symbol of blatant racial hostility: fractions. If indeed flags are powerful symbols, then it follows that mathe...