Rick Rinehart

Rick Rinehart

  • August 30, 2018

    The Flag of My Father

    In going through my father's things following his death a dozen years ago, I came across the flag he had hung over our house on holidays and other special occasions, properly folded now as a tri-corner and occupying part of a shelf in his front h...

  • February 25, 2012

    Scientists Behaving Badly

    A huge scandal has erupted in the global warming community, as a scientist who was fancied an expert on ethical behavior has confessed to identity fraud aimed at illegally obtaining documents to discredit a leading organization questioning the warmis...

  • January 19, 2012

    Tip to Republican Candidates: Occupy the Media

    It is no coincidence that Newt Gingrich's rise in the polls comes after pushing back against the traditional media in recent debates and elsewhere, as the unholy alliance between Democrats and the MSM becomes increasingly obvious to anyone who is pay...

  • November 2, 2011

    The Decline of Gratitude

    In early May 2011, several Boulder, Colorado youths, as part of a nationwide effort coordinated by the nonprofit group Our Children's Trust, initiated a lawsuit against the state of Colorado for failing to take "necessary action" to protect the envir...

  • October 28, 2010

    The Civil Rebellion

    One of the more satisfying conclusions I've reached as a participant in American life for nearly six decades is that we've grown into being a fairly kind, forgiving, and empathetic citizenry. Everywhere I travel, I find people striving to be helpful....

  • July 10, 2010

    The Twilight of Fatherhood

    She was abandoned at birth, hastily deposited inside the entrance to a hospital in Cebu City, the Philippines, on February 24, 1992. Her guilt-racked birth parents appeared at the hospital a few hours later, identified themselves, and gave the baby a...