Rick Ballard

Rick Ballard

  • November 6, 2007

    The Road to Wealth for Americans

    The major media love nothing better than peddling pessimism on the economy, as long as a Republican is president. Given what we read, it's amazing that one doesn't trip over the unemployed selling apples on street corners on a daily basis. No...

  • March 15, 2007

    Serious Questions for Henry Waxman's Show Trial

    A hearing tomorrow, called by House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, will focus on the purported outing of CIA celebrity agent Valerie Plame by the White House and Office of the Vice-President. More a show trial masquerading as C...

  • November 21, 2005

    Congressional Omerta

    Americans justly pride themselves on having the most open government in the world. Aside from our intelligence services and certain aspects of the Justice Department, the business of governance is supposed to be conducted in sunlight. Anyone in the w...