Rick Averill

Rick Averill

  • March 22, 2013

    Universal Background Checks: the Liberal Holy Grail

    Feinstein's assault rifle ban has been removed from the Senate gun-control bill. While that is good news, it was recognized from the beginning as a bridge too far. What has survived, and may well become law, all in the spirit of bipartisan ...

  • November 18, 2011

    Do debate skills matter?

    In the 1988 vice-president debate, Lloyd Bentsen famously zinged Dan Quayle with the famous line, "I knew Jack Kennedy and you're no Jack Kennedy." The media went wild with Bentsen's line and the fact he had towered over Dan Quayle  Ever since, ...

  • August 29, 2011

    Nashville or Nuremburg?

    Already we have watched the Obama regime drop a criminal conviction of Black Panthers violating the voting rights act, rescue and repair vessels being detained by the Coast Guard en-route to the Gulf oil spill and the Obama appointed NLRB preventing ...