Richard Rail

Richard Rail

  • Who be you?

    December 21, 2024

    Who be you?

    A while back, J.B. Shurk had an interesting item where he discussed a five-point plan to achieve “a sense of peace” in this life.  It’s worth the read.  I was enamored of the title, “And Who Are You?”...

  • To Alexander Markovsky: A Rejoinder

    April 23, 2024

    To Alexander Markovsky: A Rejoinder

    Alexander Markovsky holds that Israel can only defeat Hamas by using even greater terror. The human part of me wholeheartedly agrees. I have said that the Israeli mantra should be, "from the sea to the river." But Markovsky essentially i...

  • March 11, 2018

    Trump and Clinton: The difference that matters

    The left is making a big thing of an alleged affair between Trump and a porn queen over a decade ago.  Each side points, with some justification, to the other's hypocrisy.  Morally, there's little difference between Bill C...

  • March 9, 2018

    How the West Was Unwon

    Frank Miele, editor of the Daily Inter Lake, devotes three columns to the unraveling of our civilization in an effort to explain why it happened.  His columns are well worth your time. I date the beginning of the unwinding of W...

  • December 31, 2017

    Fire in the Louvre

    A completely nonpolitical military career did not prepare me for the startling changes I encountered in the people around me upon retirement.  I'd always thought that, for all the shouting and arm-waving, Americans agreed on most things, and...

  • December 30, 2017

    The problem of Nancy

    She's kind of drifted off the front pages thanks to Harveygate, but Nancy Pelosi is a lingering problem for Democrats in 2018.  The old girl's lost it, but she refuses to go away.  They might get crazy Maxine Waters to talk to her, ...

  • December 29, 2017

    The price of generosity

    Insolence characterizes the Deep State.  And how dare they?  Given great power, privilege, and responsibility, they insinuated themselves into every crack and crevice and became enemies of their own country, sneering at the principles they ...

  • December 24, 2017

    Thankful for bile

    Discussing the ultimate demise of Hillary Clinton, my brother observes that thinking about poor Hillary choking on her own bile makes him smile.  I admit to satisfaction in contemplating such a scene. Hillary is an example of a human life giv...

  • December 23, 2017

    Biting the dust in Norkland?

    Kim Jong-un has the whole world ticked off for playing games with dangerous toys.  Apparently, he now has missiles that can reach any place in America.  Since we know he has nukes, the worry is that, in order to prove what a tough guy he is...

  • December 20, 2017

    Politics on a Grecian urn

    Age gets to you worse when you're old.  Young people don't feel it so bad for some reason.  Driving especially gets increasingly aggravating with the passing years.  A stiff neck and failing eyes make it difficult to check traf...

  • December 17, 2017

    A modern Shakespearean tragedy

    By now, some of us have it all figured out. We know from news reports that right after she knew she'd lost, Hillary had Podesta and the boys in her private suite at that luxury hotel to plot her revenge.  The plan was to blame Russian col...

  • December 8, 2017

    Point taken: Enough is enough!

    Trent Franks (R-Ariz), one of the decent men in Congress, is resigning because he participated in a discussion with two female colleagues about surrogacy.  In this era of sexual harassment charges flying everywhere, one of the women now claims t...

  • December 7, 2017

    Yesterday's Nazis and today's national socialist left

    The word "Nazi" keeps coming up, mostly from the Alt-Left but occasionally from the Alt-Right as the two verbally smear each other in hopes that something ugly will stick.  The back-and-forth use of the term warrants clarification: whi...

  • December 5, 2017

    Donald John Trump as Marcus Licinius Crassus

    It's ironic.  What unites the left and the #NeverTrumps in arrogance is wealth.  In his life as a New York City developer, Donald Trump has created more rich kids than possibly anybody in the history of the world, but these spurn him as...

  • November 28, 2017

    Understanding the Trump presidency

      #NeverTrumps are having a time trying to force-fit Donald Trump into the usual categories of president.  He's ideological, or he's pro-business, or he's pro-military or populist or what have you.  They completely miss ...

  • November 25, 2017

    How not to get shot by the police

    If the moral arc of the universe really does bend toward justice, then by this time next year, the NFL will be on its knees, whether or not there's a flag flying or an anthem playing.  It's just too much when millionaires whine about how...

  • November 24, 2017

    Quantum politics: A possible explanation for liberals?

    Sometimes the imagination considers connections that may exist between what modern science says and what we see in the world around us.  As an example, we're told that a conundrum of science is fitting quantum mechanics – the science o...

  • November 23, 2017

    Three little Fausts went to market

    Kathy Griffin, Hillary Clinton, and Colin Kaepernick go around in despair about how mean the world is to them, how they're getting cheated out of something rightfully theirs, how things just shouldn't be like this. Hatred figures prominent...

  • November 22, 2017

    The left's sexual McCarthyism

    After decades of paying it no heed, the left has suddenly erupted in spasms of righteous anger over predatory progressive male sexual behavior, aka sexual harassment.  Leftists let it go on for half of forever and now inexplicably turn on a dime...

  • November 16, 2017

    Trumpian leadership and the awe of foreign heads of state

    Trump is having sensational success internationally, and a good part of that comes from his machismo.  This is machismo not in the silly feminist sense, but in the old-school sense of manliness, of a guy standing tall and proud, glad to talk but...

  • October 18, 2017

    The 'me too' campaign and the need to define our terms

    Hollywood is tittering about sexual misbehavior following the collapse of Harvey The Pig Weinstein's empire.  Such stories fascinate quite against our will.  Did he really do that?  To her?  Whom else?  Did anybody k...

  • October 16, 2017

    We're not in Kansas anymore, Chelsea

    News people inundated Chelsea Clinton with questions she couldn't answer about the $250K Harvey Weinstein contributed to Hillary's campaign, so Chelsea fled.  Poor child's not made of the sterner stuff of Mom and Pop. Bill and Hil...

  • October 15, 2017

    NFL rolls over for social vengeance

    NFL commissioner Roger Goodell says the NFL won't mandate that players stand for the National Anthem.  Presumably, the kneelers will stay in the locker room during the anthem.  Goodell further says the NFL wants to focus on issues of so...