Richard N. Weltz

Richard N. Weltz

  • October 19, 2015

    The Gray Lady's Drum Beats On

    Reminiscent of lettercarriers who won't be stayed from completing their apppointed rounds in any weather, so, too, no related turmoil seems to stay the New York Times in its continuous efforts to drum up sympathy and empathy for those poor Palest...

  • June 20, 2015

    Leave it to Jodi

    Leave it to the Times' Jerusalem bureau chief to jump on former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren about his not even yet released book narrating the history of Obama's repeatedly throwing the Jewish State and its elected l...

  • June 14, 2015

    A Palestinian Pity-Party Propaganda Piece

    O, the pathos; O, the hardships; O, the suffering of it all! The Gray Lady seems to have opened up a Gaza sub-bureau to supplement its Jerusalem team in its efforts to stir up empathy for the hard lot of the Gazans – purportedly imposed upon...

  • May 31, 2015

    Sunday the Rabbi Got Smeared

    Remember those popular mysteries about the fictitious Rabbi Small: Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet; Monday the Rabbi Took Off, Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry, and others in the series? Well, perhaps somebody ought to write a story entitled "Sunda...

  • May 8, 2015

    What's Not to Hate?

    What’s not to hate about an ideology whose very founding document requires that Jews be either subjugated or murdered? What’s not to hate about followers of that ideology who call for the complete destruction of the Jews’ homeland n...

  • March 21, 2015

    The <em>Times</em> Speeds Up the Spin

    In an article that can hardly suppress the glee the Gray Lady is feeling at Obama's and the leftists' nasty and deliberate misinterpretation of what the Jew-they-love-to-hate said during his victorious electoral campaign, staffers went out of...

  • March 2, 2015

    NYT goes overboard against Israel

    Once again, the New York Times beats the drum against Israel and its democratically elected government, running not one, but two anti-Israel screeds in its "Sunday Review" opinion section. The first of these is a column by Roger Cohen....

  • February 8, 2015

    The Self-Contradictory NY <em>Times</em>

    The February 7th edition of the New York Times ran a piece that states in the same article:  "Representative John A. Boehner, the House speaker, arranged for Mr. Netanyahu to address Congress about Iran without informing the White...

  • October 20, 2014

    Countdown to 'Klinghoffer'

    Monday, October 20, is the day (evening, actually) that New York’s Metropolitan Opera will première its production of “The Death of Klinghoffer,” an operatic depiction of the murder of disabled Jewish retiree Leon Kingho...

  • October 2, 2014

    Israel 'too Jewish' for New York <em>Times</em>

    Israel has been a Jewish nation since biblical times, although having seen its population driven out and dispersed by Romans, Greeks, and various other invaders and conquerors over the millennia. Israel is populated overwhelmingly by Jews. Israel ...

  • September 21, 2014

    NY Times Applauds Met's Decision to Perform anti-Semitic Opera

    Hardly a day goes by in which the New York Times doesn’t run one or more articles intended to engender sympathy and empathy for the Gaza Palestinians while painting Israel as an oppressing occupier. Today (Sep 20) is no exception. Yesterday,...

  • September 14, 2014

    What Jodi Rudoren Didn't Tell You

    It must have been a very slow news day at the New York Times’s Jerusalem bureau. It’s chief, Jodi Rudoren, however, may have felt it necessary to run something – anything she could think of – to avoid breaking the daily parade...

  • August 18, 2014

    NYT Tries to Get Israel in Dutch

    What could be a better tale upon which to hang a story painting Israel as a nation of murdering racists than the one told on Friday’s New York Times? Reporter Anne Barnard, who was called in weeks ago to assist the Rudoren team in creating a...

  • July 19, 2014

    How Israel Started the Gaza War

    It should be abundantly clear that the Gazans and their elected leadership brought the present war on themselves. Here’s Charles Krauthammer, for instance, writing in the Washington Post [emphasis added]: Rarely does international polit...

  • June 21, 2014

    The Gray Lady Regrets

    The New York Times greatly regrets the decision of the Metropolitan Opera to cancel its planned global simulcast of the forthcoming presentation of the misnamed opera, “The Death of Klinghoffer” – more appropriately to have been tit...

  • May 18, 2014

    Times Takes Palestinian View of '48 War

    Leave it to Jodi Rudoren, the NY Times' Jerusalem bureau chief, to take a gratuitous swipe at the Israelis – even in an article about an entirely different subject. Here is Rudoren, writing about the London meeting between Tzipi Livni an...

  • May 3, 2014

    Did Nikita Nail It?

    Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev once infamously threatened that, "Communism will dance on the grave of the capitalist and we will sell you the rope you use to hang yourself." Could his prediction be coming true? As Vladimir Putin’...

  • April 24, 2014

    O, Jerusalem

    Jerusalem is once again the subject of U.S. Supreme Court consideration. In January of 1950: By a vote of 60-2 with members of Mapam and Herut abstaining, the Knesset adopts a proclamation declaring Jerusalem the capital of the State of Isra...

  • February 5, 2014

    The NY Times vs. Israel -- Again

    The New York Times' editorial board has demonstrated liberal ignorance once again in today's edition. An editorial decries a bill introduced in the New York State Legislature which would deny public funds (read your tax dollars) to academic organizat...

  • March 14, 2013

    Mr. Obama Takes His Perpetual Campaign to Israel

    That old community organizer spirit of stirring up the grass roots citizenry with populist demagoguery has served Obama well here in the States, and it now appears he's going to try a bit of the same when he visits Israel next week. According to Reut...

  • September 3, 2012

    Obama's True Agenda For the Middle East Revealed

    To Calm Israel, White House Offers Ways to Restrain Iran By DAVID E. SANGER and ERIC SCHMITT The Obama administration is taking steps it hopes will force Iran to reconsider almost stalemated nuclear negotiations - and forestall an Israeli attack on ...

  • August 27, 2012

    Errors of Omission

    We learn from the sports, business, medical, and other worlds of what are called "errors of omission," which can be as, or even more, serious than those termed "errors of commission."  The former generally are defined as failure to do something ...

  • June 24, 2012

    They're in Tahrir Square Again

    The crowds are out again in Cairo's Tahrir Square. Egypt's military has dissolved the newly-elected Parliament -- which consisted mostly of members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood -- and has taken full power, including the exclusive power to make ...

  • June 8, 2012

    Obama in Panic Mode?

    As he continues his full-time campaign for re-election, President Obama is showing clear signs of panic -- of the realization that a great many former supporters, particularly centrists and independents, are thoroughly fed up with his massively faile...

  • April 23, 2012

    Obama Cons Medicare Seniors to Gain Their Votes

    As he tries to expand and extend his extra-constitutional Imperial Presidency, Mr. Obama has devised a new gimmick to fool tens of millions of the nation's seniors by hiding from the devastating effects on their health care insurance that will be inf...

  • April 17, 2012

    A Tale of Two Agendas (updated)

    There it is, prominently displayed on page 6 of the April 17 New York Times: spread across the page's full six columns, some 42 column inches of photos and text depicting an Israeli army officer striking a protester in the face with the side of his w...

  • February 7, 2012

    Obama Kicks the Iranian Nuclear Can Down the Road

    If folks' heads are spinning lately over the Israel/Iran situation and the U.S./Iran confrontations, there are plenty of good reasons. Israel makes noises about attacking the Islamic Republic; Iran in turn makes noises about closing the Strait of H...

  • January 13, 2012

    How's That Government Meddling Workin' Out for Ya'?

    Back in the heyday of the old Soviet Union an agricultural commissar from the Ukraine was summoned to the Agricultural Ministry in Moscow to report on the year's potato crop. "Ah, Comrade Minister," said the commissar, beaming, "If all the potatoes h...

  • January 5, 2012

    The Insult of Leftist Lies

    If one wants to explore what makes the minds of the left-liberal elites tick, there is perhaps no better place to search than on the editorial pages of the New York Times, which on the last Saturday of 2011 saw fit to bemoan such  little reducti...

  • January 1, 2012

    Embarrassed to be a Jew

    The Jewish people were, more than once, enjoined by our prophet Isaiah to be Ohr LaGoyim, to set an example for the nations of the world, to enlighten them with examples of goodness, morality, and peace: I the LORD have called unto you in righteou...

  • December 23, 2011

    Does The NY Times Know What Time It Is?

    Mr. Arthur Brisbane Public Editor New York Times Dear Mr. Brisbane: I am not surprised that the Times would be resentful that a large, prosperous, and profitable company, Banco Santander (one of Spain's two largest banking organizations) should choos...

  • December 20, 2011

    The Times Trashes Truth-Tellers

    The old Gray Lady long ago lost her credibility and any claim to fair and honest reporting, especially when the subjects involved any of Pinch Sulzberger's various political and social agendas.  She outdoes herself today (Dec. 20) with an out-an...

  • December 10, 2011

    Obama's Not Changing His Spots

    It's pretty well-known that leopards cannot change their spots and that animals, whether human or otherwise, when overwhelmed, will tend to revert to those behaviors which served them best in the past. So, we come to Barack Hussein Obama and his desp...

  • December 4, 2011

    Obama Throwing Israel Under the Bus Again

    How much more does the Obama administration need to do in order to convince leftist Jewish voters that Obama is hardly Israel's friend? I am, quite frankly, very tired of hearing my liberal Jewish friends -- in various states of denial -- insist that...

  • November 22, 2011

    Send in the Adults

    These days on America's campuses, where they ought to be sending in some adults, they are instead sending in the clowns. One of the strictest university rules at Princeton when I was studying there in the '50s was that incitement to or participation ...

  • November 3, 2011

    The Mystery of the American Jewish Voter

    It's been noted more than a few times here and in other places that a large proportion of the American Jewish electorate who are otherwise thoroughly supportive of Israel will still cast their presidential ballots for candidates who are not exactly f...

  • September 25, 2011

    Abbas: No to Jewish state

    On Friday afternoon, Abbas said he was adamant about not recognizing Israel as the Jewish state. "They talk to us about the Jewish state, but I respond to them with a final answer: We shall not recognize a Jewish state," Abbas said in a meeting with...

  • September 21, 2011

    The Other Side of Obama's Mouth

    Just about anyone who isn't a member of the mainstream media or a diehard "hope and change" cultist realizes that Barack Hussein Obama speaks regularly out of both sides of his mouth: promises made and reneged upon; positions taken and walked back fr...

  • September 19, 2011

    Obama Puts His Foot Down

    Today, President Barack Obama stamped his foot and threatened Congress in no uncertain terms that he'd take his signing pen and stalk off in a huff if his efforts to usurp the legislative function were not approved -- and damn quickly, at that. Deman...

  • September 16, 2011

    Another Baby-step for Sharia in America

    In a development reported with a front-page jumbo headline in the New York Post, as well as a more subdued NY Times accounting, the US takes one further step -- albeit a tiny one -- toward Islamicization of America. New York City's metered Yellow Cab...

  • July 31, 2011

    Blame the Jews and Republicans

    More and more Americans across the country are beginning to understand -- and resent -- the totalitarian ideology offered by Islam and the efforts to fulfill its imperative to inflict itself on non-Muslims.  Alarmed by what they see happening ...

  • July 24, 2011

    NYT Making the Motives Clear

    It's hardly any news to AT readers and other thinking conservatives that the elitist left operates on the idea that only their coterie of "educated" intelligentsia can possibly know what is good for the "unwashed" masses - and ought, by right have th...

  • May 4, 2011

    Obama, We Hardly Knew Ye

    Most of agree that President Obama did the right thing in ordering the attack which resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden; but his sycophants and cult worshippers, led by the New York Times, are making an all-out effort to make this single deed ...

  • April 26, 2011

    Smelling 'Treif' at the New York Times

    For those who don't know the word, treif  is Yiddish for "not kosher," and these nostrils have been detecting a whiff of something distinctly un-kosher at the New York Times lately.For the past several weeks at least, the Gray Lady has...

  • March 22, 2011

    Anyone Want to Connect the Petro-Dots?

    Let's see now, methinks there are a few dots out there just begging for someone to connect them:George Soros and his various money-distribution organizations such as spend heavily on behalf of Obama's run for the presidency.Soros invests o...

  • March 10, 2011

    Another smear against Rep. King by the former 'paper of record'

    It's not surprising, but it is another blood-boiling instance of the self-proclaimed "paper of record" acting more like the propaganda organ for the left wing of the Democratic Party than a legitimate news venue.Just a day after a very stro...

  • February 24, 2011

    Obama Completes His Trifecta

    With a bold political announcement, President Barack Obama has completed the trifecta  -- de facto coups which bring into his White House the powers and functions of the other two branches, as outlined in our Constitution.That document assigns t...

  • January 15, 2011

    Signs of Our Cities

    Typographers -- those folks in charge of stringing letters together to form words, sentences, and paragraphs -- have always been concerned with legibility and have long considered it a rule of thumb that printing using upper- and lowercase letters is...

  • January 13, 2011

    Sometimes a word is just a word

    If we want to solve the main problems of our society, we must set our sights high and take aim at the areas most needy of improvement. Let's lock and load and shoot for a total victory over the forces that are killing our prestige and murdering the r...

  • January 4, 2011

    No place for a Jew (or any infidel)

    It would certainly be foolhardy at best, and physically dangerous at worst, for any Jew to go poking around a place in upstate New York known by its inhabitants as Islamberg.And the same would be true for Christians, Baha'i, Hindus, or any other ...

  • November 20, 2010

    Another Unintended Consequence

    We are dismayed but not necessarily surprised to learn on virtually a weekly basis, as new mysteries embedded in the enormously verbose ObamaCare legislation are revealed, that badly conceived government actions often have manifold unintended consequ...

  • October 18, 2010

    The NY Times Stays Behind the Times

    Some BS never dies; and, unlike old soldiers, it doesn't even fade away.From the lead editorial of today's New York Times:With one exception, none of the Republicans running for the Senate - including the 20 or so with a serious chance of winning - a...

  • October 3, 2010

    NY Times Cover-up for GZM Design Features

    It didn't take long for the Times to catch up. After Pamela Geller posted some architects' renderings of the Ground Zero mosque and interior, Tom Lifson noted here on AT that elements of the design had an uncanny resemblance to a somewhat abstract ef...

  • September 25, 2010

    In Case You Hadn't Already Realized

    When Iran's Ahmadinejad started throwing out crazy accusations from the UN General Assembly's podium, claiming that the United States government had organized the September 11 attacks, members of the US delegation stood up and walked out.So also did ...

  • September 22, 2010

    A Tale of Two Stories

    The New York Times once again proves itself to be a propaganda organ today, in its coverage of ObamaCare. Compare and contrast the treatment of the same story in its principal national competitor. As reported in this morning's (September 22) Wal...

  • September 12, 2010

    A 'Death Panel' by Any Other Name

    If it were anyone else but Sarah Palin, there'd be congratulations for a brilliant coinage of "refudiate." And if it were anyone else but Sarah Palin, there'd be praise for reducing a tortuously complicated legislative phraseology into an a...

  • September 10, 2010

    I have News for the New York Times

    Nobody disputes the appropriateness of the New York Times having and publishing its own opinions, especially on its editorial page (even though they manage habitually to take the wrong side of almost every issue). When such expressions of opinion, ho...

  • September 2, 2010

    Time pre-blames Israel for coming peace talks failure

    Time Magazine, whose politics, the head of our prep school history department used to tell us, were "as red as its cover," has decided to put the slam on Israel and Israelis in a carefully slanted article entitled "Why Israel Doesn't C...

  • July 6, 2010

    Nothing Important Happened Monday

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • June 6, 2010

    NYT Finds a New Angle From Which to Attack Israel

    As if things weren't bad enough right now, today's New York Times posits a new kind of attack on the Jewish State, which it claims is in circulation among the Washington insiders.In an article prominently placed on the front page of its Week on Revie...

  • May 8, 2010

    Slamming Israel in NY Times' 'Jerusalem Journal'

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • May 4, 2010

    How do you say 'under the bus' in Hebrew?

    For those diehard leftists who still adhere to the cult of Obama to the extent that they cannot/will not recognize his campaign against Israel and for the Palestinians in particular and Muslim Arab causes in general, his latest efforts to "throw...

  • April 15, 2010

    A Turn for the Worse for Israel

    Israel's outlook took a turn for the worse in January 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as this country's 44th president -- a situation made sharply ironic given the fact that some 74% of America's Jewish voters helped elect the man.America, lo...

  • March 26, 2010

    A City of Two Tales

    Jerusalem has been much in the news these days as President Obama has used the announcement of a procedural step in the eventual construction of 1,600 housing units as a reason to excoriate and humiliate Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu ov...

  • March 20, 2010

    Obama needs a history lesson on Israel

    Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...

  • March 14, 2010

    While Obama Fiddles

    What they say is one thing; what they do is another. Despite overly saccharine protestations of undying support for Israel, Barack Obama and his henchman, Joe Biden, play out a very different game.When all is said and done, this administration is fid...

  • March 9, 2010

    I got a letter from the census today

    There in my mail was an envelope clearly marked to show it came from the US Bureau of the Census and that said Bureau had duly paid a first-class postal rate to send it to me.Kind of light and thin, so I took it to be a short form questionnaire to be...

  • January 29, 2010

    The words Obama failed to utter in his SOTU

    Obama's 70-minute State of the Union speech was packed with the high flying oratory for which he and his TelePrompTer are so justly famous. Soaring phrases to spin supposed accomplishments, energize a disappointed base, and galvanize the citizenry i...

  • November 9, 2009

    Obama Grants Bibi an Audience at the Last Minute

    President Obama waited until late Sunday to agree to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington yesterday (Monday), where the PM was making a speech before a group of Jewish organizations.It is unusual, although not unprecedent...

  • October 28, 2009

    What would Atlas say?

    With apologies to P.T. Barnum, it is increasingly apparent that the radical pols in the current administration are firmly convinced that an awful lot of the people can be fooled some of the time -- and that time is now.It certainly defies logic to be...

  • October 15, 2009

    NYT telegraphs lib media strategies

    Ever since it ceased being a credible source of news reporting and morphed into something more like a propaganda organ for the left wing of the Democratic Party, the New York Times has kept its figurative finger in the wind to determine which way the...

  • September 17, 2009

    Pelosi Plays the Violence Card

    A great many Americans -- a majority, according to recent polls -- are just plain fed up with the direction in which the Obama administration, and its liberal-Dem majority supporters in Congress, are trying to shove this nation.But don't speak up or ...

  • July 8, 2009

    A liberal view of prostate cancer

    Wednesday's New York Times features a front-page opinion article by economics reporter David Leonhardt headlined "In Health Reform, a Cancer Offers an Acid Test."Using prostate cancer as his "test," Leonhardt provides, unintention...

  • June 7, 2009

    Unsettling: How Obama is using the settlement issue

    The matter of Israeli settlements in territory captured and under its control as a result of the 1967 war has very suddenly been pushed into the spotlight by President Obama and, even more glaringly, but his henchwoman, Secretary of State Hillary Rod...

  • June 2, 2009

    Obama Brandishes Wiener Power

    I suppose nothing should amaze these days; but after responding to the Korean nuclear and missile tests with a barrage of strong adjectives -- and even a few nasty adverbs, plus a serious threat to get the UN Security Council to do the same - Ba...

  • May 19, 2009

    Bibi came; he saw; and was conquered

    The Jewish Telegraphic Agency and the Associate Press had early reports last evening; and the New York Times carries a fuller story in this morning's edition, albeit buried on page A12, while it preferred to devote prominent front-page space to Miche...

  • May 12, 2009

    The Audacity of Hope

    In my lexicon, the definition of "audacity" is in line with the dictionary's words: insolent recklessness.  And "hope" is something wishfully desired. But don't try to tell that to the looney leftists who write New York Times...

  • May 11, 2009

    Is the Gray Lady Making Amends to Jews?

    From the earliest days of Nazi Germany through the present time, the New York Times has been continuously assailed in books  by prominent scholars such as  Prof. Laurel Leff,  articles by respected politicians such as Ed Koch, watchdog...

  • May 10, 2009

    Obama Has Iran Problem Backward

    So says Alan Dershowitz, prominent Harvard law professor, longtime supporter of Israel, and authors of the book, "The Case Against Israel's Enemies." In a New York Post Sunday article entitled "Blaming Israel," Dershowitz calls th...

  • April 14, 2009

    Are You Better Off Today?

    In his closing remarks during the final presidential debate of 1980, Ronald Reagan famously asked the American people: "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"Things are moving a more rapid clip, so perhaps it would be appropr...

  • April 4, 2009

    Getting at Israel through the Back Door

    As many readers know, the New York Times ran a series of articles on March 19, 20, 21, and 22, by Jerusalem Bureau Chief Ethan Bronner, which depicted Israel in a very unfavorable light. Two of the derogatory pieces, the ones that appeared on March 2...

  • March 16, 2009

    Not Quite Ready for Prime Times

    Pinch Sulzberger's son, Arthur G. Sulzberger (not a III due to omission of Ochs as a middle name), was brought in from the cold at an Oregon paper recently and given a desk in the Times's shiny new Eighth Avenue headquarters.Until today, his duties c...

  • March 14, 2009

    All the news that didn't get printed

    Maybe it's just me, but I have a distinct impression that when the United States dispatches heavily armed warships in response to a confrontation with a hostile nation, it is a truly important news event.The Times of London certainly thought so, as i...

  • February 26, 2009

    No Surprises Here

    Although the New York Times and other MSM either ignored of played down the story, today's New York Post lays it right on the line:   'Israel is not making enough effort to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.' - Senior US officialSe...

  • January 24, 2009

    Gaza's Perverse Mindset

    If all the wailing and whining by the Gazans and their friends at the New York Times and various leftist NGOs about the economic "oppression" being suffered, you'd think that maybe -- just maybe -- during the lull of a ceasefire, they'd pou...

  • January 22, 2009

    It Didn't Take Long -- Won't Israel Ever Learn?

    Israel declared a unilateral ceasefire just a few days ago, and its troops -- nor no apparent good reason -- began hightailing it out of Gazan territory in time to complete their withdrawal before the Obama inauguration. And to what purpose? Supposed...

  • January 8, 2009

    When the Shoes Are On Other Feet

    The New York Times surely spent enough space beating up on Sarah Palin for her wardrobe, but the shoes are on other feet when it comes to the Obama family. An extensive, liberally illustrated article in today’s “Styles” section pres...

  • December 26, 2008

    The NYT Never Misses a Chance

    A chance to blame Bush, that is - for anything and everything imaginable. Wednesday's front-page headline heralded:Federal Cases of Stock Fraud Drop SharplyAnd why, pray tell, might that be?  According to one of the Gray Lady's chief Bush-bashin...

  • November 11, 2008

    Saudi King for tolerance?

    A full-page ad in today's (Tuesday) New York Times (page A17), and perhaps in other newspapers, heralds November 21-23 as a "Week of Twinning." Fifty American and Canadian synagogues and 50 mosques (listed) will supposedly "join togeth...

  • September 23, 2008

    NYT Mocks Anti-Iran Protesters

    News outlets as diverse as WCBS Radio; Newsday; Agence France-Presse; Fox News; The New York Sun; Russia's state news agency, RIA Novosti; and even the Voice of America elected to report on the anti-Iran rally held yesterday outside the United Nation...

  • August 12, 2008

    An Interesting Juxtaposition

    In its lead editorial today, the New York Times once again demonstrates its usual sacrifice of fact and ignorance of history to find a tortuous path for assigning blame to George Bush's administration for the recent Russian invasion of Georgia -- all...

  • July 29, 2008

    How to Lie With Statistics

    With apologies to Darrel Huff and his famous book of the same title, today's papers provide a wonderful demonstration of how the mainstream press - in this case, The New York Times, can use real statistics to justify politically spun conclusions.In t...

  • June 5, 2008

    Obama Gaffes Go Rollin' Along

    Once again, Barack Obama has demonstrated serious gaps in actual knowledge of the subjects on which he so charmingly pontificates.The Democratic candidate, who prior to the past years or so, seems never to have had a problem with friends who didn't l...

  • May 15, 2008

    NYT's Journalism of Misdirection

    Imagine: The President of the United States of America pays a friendly visit to Jamaica's Prime Minister in the capital city of Kingston. Shortly after his plane touches ground, the city of Ocho Rios is hit by a rocket fired at it by terrorists from ...

  • May 12, 2008

    Obama as 'apostate'

    Islam is a religion one can embrace but never leave. If one is born to a Muslim father, or becomes a Muslim by conversion, forced or otherwise, one is a Muslim for life; and should one convert to another faith, the crime is considered capital -- abov...

  • May 11, 2008

    What Ails Columbia?

    Columbia University, a highly respected institution in the days when I was at college, reached what appeared to be a nadir of craven cowardice when it allowed the inmates to take over the asylum back in 1968.Things these days don't seem to be on any ...

  • May 4, 2008

    Anatomy of a New York Times Correction

    It began on a Sunday morning, April 20, when, as is our usual habit, my wife and I settled back in bed to read the Sunday New York Times which had been delivered to our door.An article in the "Metro" section particularly caught my eye. Acco...

  • March 31, 2008

    What Do Muslims (for Obama) Want?

    For an inkling of what American Muslims would like to gain from the upcoming presidential election or otherwise through our political processes, one only need look at the "issues" presented at the Muslims-For-Obama Web site: http://muslimsf...

  • March 4, 2008

    A Brash Proposal

    Once again, Israel finds itself between a rock and a hard place. Mortar shells and the inaccurate Qassam rockets from Gaza continue to rain down upon nearby Israeli cities such as Sderot and Ashkelon -- the recently employed Katyusha, or “...

  • December 2, 2007

    'The Graffiti of the Philanthropic Class' (updated twice)

    That's what the New York Times, via an article today by theater critic Charles Isherwood, calls the various plaques and signs honoring philanthropists' donations to cultural venues, schools, hospitals, charities, libraries, parks, museums, etc....

  • November 24, 2007

    Isabel Necessary?

    In answer to the old joke question, I'd have to say, "yes," when it's Isabel Kershner of the New York Times. Ms. Kershner, apparently a newcomer to the paper -- or at least to its Jerusalem Bureau -- must have slipped under the radar of the...

  • November 19, 2007

    The love that dare not speak its name in the NYT

    A series of events this year led officials in Oregon to believe that Holman State Wayside Park was no longer providing 10 acres of wholesome diversion.Noted the New York Times:At some point a wholesome state park in the Pacific Northwest went south. ...

  • November 15, 2007

    Spitzer backs down again

    Just a day after his plans were reported in the New York Sun (and here on AT), NY Governor Eliot Spitzer has reversed himself on his intention to attempt to force New Yorkers to pay as much as 8.375% sales tax on all purchases bought online from...

  • November 14, 2007

    Spitzer's Attempted Tax Grab Could Affect Other States

    Apparently,  you won't be reading this today in the New York Times or other MSM. A YahooNews search this morning returns only a single hit in the first 50 returns.But reported by Joseph Goldstein in the New York Sun today New Yorkers g...

  • August 11, 2007

    Intifada in New York

    Only in New York could the powers-that-be yield so broadly to the concept of pandering to ethnic minority groups who, not so many years ago, clamored to have their children integrated into American society and to achieve proficiency in the English la...

  • August 5, 2007

    Their own 'facts'

    An old saying states that, "You're entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts." This concept seems to be lost on the editorial page writers of The New York Times, whose lead editorial yesterday included the following state...

  • August 2, 2007

    What Was That About Pots and Kettles?

    From an editorial in this morning's New York Times:Now, Mr. Murdoch has bought one of the greatest newspapers in the world, with one of the most sophisticated readerships in the world. Those readers, and all of us who care about journalism, will be w...

  • June 24, 2007

    Politicizing The Smithsonian

    Inasmuch as the Smithsonian Institution is a quasi-governmental organization, largely funded by taxpayer money, it seems to me that the magazine it publishes, Smithsonian, ought to be strictly apolitical.That is why I was concerned and dismayed that ...

  • June 1, 2007

    Leave It to The Times

    So strong is the New York Times' insistence on pushing its political agendas, which has turned it into more of a house organ for the left-wing of the Democratic Party than an objective purveyor of news, that it has never hesitated to give its non-new...

  • January 23, 2007

    Brandeis Koshers Carter

    Of all the universities, in all the towns, in all the states, it had to be Brandeis that chose to make itself a patsy by providing a protected platform  for Jimmy Carter to spout his anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian propaganda -- in effect placing a...

  • December 24, 2006

    Jewish in a Winter Wonderland

    The legion of liberal loyalists will call it Times-bashing, but they are merely in their usual state of denial about what the Gray Lady has become under its present management, and the various agendas it so relentlessly pursues. It is a refusal ...

  • December 4, 2006

    Israel in danger?

    Despite the apologists, nay-sayers, and Polyannas, it does appear the forthcoming recommendations of the Baker "Iraq Study Group" may have serious and deadly implications for Israel. Nobody understands this better or describes it with mor...

  • April 9, 2005

    The stars are out tonight

    Inside sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, have revealed that the New York Times' supply of little gold stars has been completely exhausted by the Saturday edition's appearance, leaving the paper's office management and procurement staffers ...

  • April 4, 2005

    Congratulations! It's a whatsit!

    Used to be that those present in the hospital delivery room could tell in an instant whether the newly delivered infant was a boy or a girl, and the clues they used were very obvious. In New York City now, in what may be a national trend—s...

  • March 16, 2005

    Ask the man in the street

    Ask the average American what a VNR is, or a B—roll; and even the educated citizen isn't likely to have a clue, unless he or she has been involved in advertising, public relations, or some other form of mass communication. To those of us who ha...

  • March 11, 2005

    Columbia University versus New York City Public Schools

    Columbia University president Lee Bollinger has made good on his threat and discontinued the university's 10—year participation in a professional development program for training New York City K — 12 public school teachers. The dropped tr...

  • February 9, 2005

    Clinton on the Social Security crisis

    Virtually all Congressional Democrats and party officials, not to mention a number of prominent Republicans, are jumping all over President Bush's warnings and proposals about the Social Security program. There really is no looming crisis, they ...

  • February 2, 2005

    Chertoff's confirmation hearings

    Few things infuriate the liberal left so much as brazen betrayal by the minorities they think their exclusive property. If you are black, Hispanic, or a Jew, you are owned and are not to leave the plantation. If you have the temerity to break with yo...