Richard Kantro

Richard Kantro

  • How would a Japanese leader handle the California fires?

    January 11, 2025

    How would a Japanese leader handle the California fires?

    As California burns, I am near-speechless with indignation as I watch Newsom and Bass in their lamentable interview performances.  These two self-satisfied political miscreants cause my hands to clench into fists of trembling rage, as spoke...

  • March 1, 2021

    Soundtracks of the left

    Like many lifelong music-loving Americans, I don't think I exaggerate when I say I know and can identify many hundreds of, if not several thousand, melodies and themes: folk, pop, rock, symphony, concerto, aria, commercials, jingles, and ringtone...

  • November 14, 2020

    So you're the king, huh?

    Imagine a greedy, habitually untruthful, self-aggrandizing, swaggering, undeserving peacock of a man who tries to pull on britches way too big for him.  Yes, yes, of course I know that Sleepy Joe comes to mind, and we'll get t...

  • November 12, 2020

    The Democrats' Hurried Preening

    Admitting no hiatus in their arch diabolism, the Democrats continue to pile on with all manner of headlines, pronunciamentos, self-congratulations, smarmy videos, half-threats, flag-festooned stages, media abetment, interviews, victory laps, and stun...

  • November 2, 2020

    Trump: An appreciation, on a momentous eve

    At this a pivotal moment in human history, internal forces are trying to bring America to her knees. — Should this happen, we would suffer grievously, and she would lose her historical power to deter the world's worst malefactors from actin...

  • October 21, 2019

    A glimpse inside Hillary

    It's genuinely remarkable, what with her résumé overflowing with maledictions, malefactions, imprecations, fabrications, machinations, and depredations, that Hillary Clinton was able last week to outdo herself — at t...

  • July 23, 2014

    It's My Vacation, and I'll Go If I Want To

    Over the last several years -- and more than once -- I have savaged Michael Bloomberg in articles on this site.  So I feel at this moment a reciprocal obligation to give him credit, where credit is most welcomely and unexpectedly due. The wea...

  • July 11, 2014

    America's Own Goal

    "I am immensely sorry for all of us." Warranted though it would be, this is not a quote from the president of the United States. (I can dream, can't I?)  It's a quote rather from the president of Brazil, written on Twit...

  • June 20, 2014

    You're Covered, She's Covered

    The colossal gall of this creepy government -- asserting that they've lost or intend to lose the emails of anybody whose emails are being sought or may be sought -- has been much observed already, notably in these pages yesterday by Thomas Lifson...

  • March 31, 2014

    UN Puts the 'War' Back in 'Global Warming'

    Never let it be said that the United Nations -- no matter how subversive their motives, fragile their data, or archly tendentious their methods -- gives up easily. The UK Daily Mail writes that a UN report, to be released today, reveals the coming...

  • September 25, 2013

    Cruz Missile

    Still going on now after 19 hours -- at 10:00 AM the morning after the evening on which it started -- Ted Cruz's magnificent, courageous, magisterial, and sustained broadside against Obamacare will be permanently remembered as an exemplar of what one...

  • September 11, 2013

    Getting Syrious

    It should be evident by now to all but his most hope-and-change-besotted acolytes that Obama's sole talents are:  (i) talking up his own game, even when it's naked; (ii) enervating the United States; and (iii) making a mess of whatever he touche...

  • July 7, 2013

    Hotdogging an Odd Spectacle

    Judging by his beaming countenance at the Fourth of July Nathan's 2013 Hot Dog Eating Contest, NYC Mayor Bloomberg apparently feels -- although he chides New Yorkers that they shouldn't eat trans-fats, or salt, or large sodas, or allow retail cigaret...

  • July 6, 2013

    A TSA Announcement We'd Like to See

    A TSA "Traveler Information" advisory, posted on its website (link here), thoughtfully purports to tell flyers what to expect when they encounter "persons of the Muslim faith ... observing Ramadan," which begins in a few days.  The TSA "would .....

  • July 3, 2013

    Michelle Obama Tired of Living in a 'Prison'

    Comes now Michelle Obama to the "African First Ladies Summit" in Tanzania -- I kid you not -- where she opined as to how she lives in a "prison."  (Story here.)  Presumably she refers not only to the role which got her to the "summit," but ...

  • April 16, 2013

    He'll Sit This One Out

    I'm embarrassed and ashamed that the sitting president of the United States won't attend PM Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Of course, I'm also embarrassed and ashamed at who the sitting president of the United States is. So maybe this president's not g...

  • March 22, 2013

    Obama, Uncovered

    No American paying even slight attention -- or anyone else, for that matter -- could be so thick as to miss the insidious and, frankly, insulting symbolism of the backdrops before which Barack Obama chooses to deliver himself of his jeremiads. Reca...

  • October 28, 2012

    'Beautiful'... What, Lena?

    Amidst all the fast-edit snideness in Lena Dunham's nauseating 62-second-long extended vulgar double entendre video [link here] -- complete with wry leers and a conspicuously-tattooed, ample right upper arm -- is one quip so perplexing that I am stil...

  • October 28, 2012

    Condolence, Then and Now

    Submitted without comment are the following two expressions of comfort and consolation, to survivors upon the deaths of loved ones.  Both are to parents newly bereft of children in wartime; both were delivered by high American government officia...

  • October 12, 2012

    Decency vs. Depravity

    You have to hand it to Barack Obama -- no matter what your other opinions of him. It is a downright marvel how he has managed to cram his hundredweight of hubris into the little two-ounce drawstring snuff pouch which is his otherwise unremarkable min...

  • September 19, 2012

    The Cipher At the Center

    A week ago, in the aftermath of the sickening murders of Christopher Stevens and three others in Libya, Barack Obama came off in bolder relief than ever as the lightweight, America-stomping sourpuss that he really is.  Obama couldn't be bothered...

  • May 10, 2012

    That was no Biden gaffe

    Poppycock, I say, to all the tortured-analysis baloney about Obama's "evolution" and statement on so-called "gay marriage," and on Biden's "slip."  This is really, really simple.  Let's start with what we know for sure.  (1)  Bar...

  • May 7, 2012

    The Persistence of Rancor

    One can only wonder what it is that Charles Munger, the 88-year-old investor par excellence and right-hand man to Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway, could conceivably lack in this worldly life.  Considering that he is unfathomably wealthy; s...

  • January 31, 2012

    Obama: 22 million Skidoo

    Viewing the brief but revealing video clip of Obama yesterday momentarily asserting his having created 22 million jobs, I am struck by two things.  First, by his manifest detachment:  but not because he made a mundane, ordinary, forgiv...

  • December 30, 2011

    Division By ZerO

    There's a good reason in mathematics why you can't divide by zero.  The operation is undefined because it's meaningless.  "Nothingness" is infinite, really, in how small it is, and "zeroness" is just a concept anyway:  an arithmetical ...

  • July 26, 2011

    Telegraphing Tyranny

    In the farcical television wrestling pageants of decades ago, certain fighters had a predilection for hiding, in their trunks, mysterious metal objects.  They would produce them with a swift flourish both overt and mock-surreptitious; crack thei...

  • June 1, 2011

    What's in a name, and what isn't

      Overlooked in the inane to-do about Anthony Weiner is the fact that the spellings are all wrong, and do not support the ribald aspect of the brouhaha.  Ideally, pornography should recapitulate orthography. To wit:  the Germanic name ...

  • May 6, 2011

    Obama's Truest Kin

    The President's origins, it seems, are purposefully, even studiedly enigmatic.  His forbears and family, and their formative influence upon him, are a skein of maybes; a web of shades; shadows through a scrim.  The genuineness of his carefu...

  • April 23, 2011

    The Paradox of the Uncirculated Two-Million-Dollar Bill

    Who might be on it?  Hint: "He doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills."[1]On my first trip to DC, at age eight, I was indifferent to most of the imposing, colonnaded white marble.  But I do vividly reme...

  • February 10, 2011

    Converging on Chicago, Again

    What's going on in Chicago's byzantine politics, and why it matters ‑‑ very, very much ‑‑ who's elected mayor.If you've never travelled to Chicago, or are too young to remember what happened there in 1968, don't worry.  Chicago is coming to you....

  • February 7, 2011

    McCain's Wrong Again

    1024x768 Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ...

  • January 28, 2011

    Can't Win for Winning

    Last week, in a Utah women's high school varsity basketball game, the Christian Heritage Crusaders gave -- to use a term much in the news lately -- a "shellacking" to the West Ridge Academy Eagles.  By a score of 108-to-3, to be exact ...

  • January 24, 2011

    Civility Rights?

    Democratic Party luminaries lately have made numerous calls for a return to civility in our political discourse (stories here and here).  These have about as much probity and convincing depth as little Johnny's promise to Mom ‑‑ despite having g...

  • January 13, 2011

    For Pete's Sake

    Congressman Peter King can't control lunatics.  So he'll try to control us.For days now, we've endured much raucous, intemperate, and unbecoming liberal lunacy and slander in the aftermath of the Tucson murders and woundings.  But one of th...

  • January 10, 2011

    The Short Half-Life of Shame

    Like a painful, nasty case of shingles you just can't shake, Helen Thomas is back.  A persistent carbuncle on the body of the Fourth Estate -- already none too healthy -- this played-out, Jew-hating crone will subject us to a public recrudescenc...

  • January 7, 2011

    All Aboard for Gun Safety?

    From the New York City Department of the Absurd, Division of Performance Art, Bureau of Toys, comes a real-life poster currently displayed on subway cars rumbling through New York.  These things used to be called "public service announcemen...

  • December 30, 2010

    Bloomberg's Snow Job

    There's a delicious, ready-made irony in the similarities among Bush-Katrina, Obama-Deepwater Horizon, and Bloomberg-Blizzard 2010.  The upshot of each pairing of man versus the elements represents nature's response to the larger-than-life hubri...

  • December 30, 2010

    No More 'Illegal Immigrants'?

    Has no one on the Diversity Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists ever read any Shakespeare, or maybe just seen "Hamlet"?  That group, as reported on December 29, 2010 by, "is undertaking an educational ...

  • December 28, 2010

    Lakin's choice

    Several words by way of closure re the Lt. Col. Terry Lakin affair.  Readers who followed it (see story here) learned that, on the day of his sentencing, he conceded that the Army was the wrong place to make his case, and that he would like to b...

  • December 15, 2010

    Crucible of a Hero

    When Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, M.D. walks out of the chamber where he has faced a court-martial this week, he will emerge -- regardless of the verdict -- a towering American hero.Nothing like the stupendous display which he has mounted -- of principled, ...

  • December 10, 2010

    Obama Ignores Missile Crisis

    Look how surfeited with outrage we must be.  Going almost totally unnoticed from public discussion in the intentional Cloward-Piven shrapnel infofog of the Axelrod ... I mean, Obama Administration, is the news that Iran intends to place "me...

  • December 2, 2010

    More Change You Can't Believe (In)

    It is increasingly difficult not to see the Obama administration, all its deceptions, and all their manifestations, as one giant psyop.  Anyone who, along with his disbelief, still floats suspended -- in the glowing, airy miasma of Obamaspeak --...

  • November 23, 2010

    TSA, 2 ; America, 0

    There are still some to whom it seems alarmist to assert that the execrable Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is in a purposeful confrontation with the American people.  A blue-uniformed, official, we-always-win confrontation. No, the...