Richard K. Davis

Richard K. Davis

  • July 3, 2020

    So long, sports — nice knowin’ ya

    If you're already fed up with the repugnant race pandering from sports like NASCAR and the English Premier League, get ready for much worse.  Watching the NBA or NFL will be tantamount to endorsing the loathsome ideology of BLM and Anti...

  • August 27, 2019

    Hillary is Lurking

    Hillary Clinton, the Ma Barker of American politics, is still out hustling, still staying one step ahead of the law as she tries to weasel her way into the presidential sweepstakes. She says she isn’t running in 2020, but, as we know too well, ...

  • October 29, 2016

    NFL’s Blah Season may Foreshadow a Long Decline

    The thrill is gone from the NFL this season. Too many games -- and teams -- are boring and inconsequential. Few players stand out. Injuries determine outcomes more often than not. Games are sloppily played and marred by penalties, replays and endless...

  • July 13, 2016

    Were Bernie’s supporters any more than useful idiots?

    To the Clinton campaign, Bernie Sanders must have seemed the perfect opponent, at least in the beginning.  A congenial straw man, a certain loser, sweet old Soviet-era Bernie offered the pretense of a race without the risk.  Then he almost ...

  • January 20, 2016

    Will Obama pardon Hillary?

    If reports of an imminent indictment for Hillary Clinton are true – that is, if we’re not being played by the administration – then Democrats must be immersed in intense, behind-the-scenes maneuvering to avert a disaster or mitigate...

  • February 24, 2013

    Oscar Watch: Lincoln's Opening Should Have Been Its End

    Steven Spielberg's Lincoln, the leading Oscar contender with 12 nominations, earned high marks from many conservatives (see here, here, and here). That the film was the work of a pious Hollywood liberal and a Marx-loving gay activist (Tony Kushner) d...