Richard Jack Rail

Richard Jack Rail

  • Vance's stellar veep night at the Republican National Convention

    July 18, 2024

    Vance's stellar veep night at the Republican National Convention

    J.D. Vance hit a grand slam in last night’s vice presidential acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.  He came across as easygoing and natural, with none of the phoniness of the pro politicians. He might even be a b...

  • Déjà vu all over again

    March 12, 2024

    Déjà vu all over again

    Just over 50 years ago occurred the purported Chilean coup d'etat of Sept. 11, 1973, enacted by Gen. Augusto Pinochet on orders from the legislature to unseat elected Marxist President Salvador Allende. Pinochet, harshly r...

  • A last look at the SOTU

    March 12, 2024

    A last look at the SOTU

    A weekend has passed since FJB resumed his insults at the SOTU. Everybody who matters (and a fair number who don’t) weighed in, and the scales are tipping very much against the president. Actually, apart from the lies, fabrications, inve...

  • It's up to us

    March 4, 2024

    It's up to us

    Some years ago, Ann Coulter commented about the TV series Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: "The scripts involve the sort of real-life crimes that are a lot more common since our country has become 'diverse,' such as child rape a...

  • August 21, 2021

    Not much gravitas to be found in Biden-land

    Wrote Monica Showalter in American Thinker, 19 Aug. '21: CNN's sudden about-face on Joe Biden's performance in Afghanistan … wasn't half-hearted stuff. The Trump-hating news site ran a devastating analysis pinning the blam...

  • August 2, 2021

    Simone Biles did the wise thing

    Some people are griping about Simone Biles removing herself from Olympic competition.  The ones I've read either had an antagonistic attitude to begin with or really did not know what they were talking about. I have no problem with h...

  • June 27, 2021

    Time to finally have that national conversation on race?

    Not all that long ago, then–attorney general Eric Holder said white people were too cowardly to have a national discussion about race.  Many white dudes spoke up to indicate our willingness to participate in such a discussion, but Eri...

  • April 20, 2021

    Chauvin: What's really on trial

    Politically aware America awaits a verdict on Derek Chauvin, on trial for allegedly killing George Floyd.  Chauvin's arrogant face, notorious from the infamous pic of him holding Floyd down as the latter suffocated, is enough to make mo...

  • April 16, 2021

    The surprising benefits of a subsistence lifestyle

    Over the last several months I've watched Nat Geo's reality series Life Below Zero, about people who live in the Alaska outback near or above the Arctic Circle.  Some of these are native Inupiat or Athabascan Indians; others are pla...

  • April 13, 2021

    What it will look like for us if history repeats itself

    With but minor changes adapting it to the situation, the Derek Chauvin trial is reprising the George Zimmerman dramatic production trial.  Chauvin plugs in as Zimmerman, while George Floyd takes Trayvon Martin's place.  We...

  • March 14, 2021

    It’s gotta suck to be Jen Psaki

    Jen Psaki, Joe Biden’s press secretary, twists and turns to avoid giving any credit at all to President Trump for getting Covid vaccines produced and to market so quickly. She tries to make it sound like anything Trump did was inconsequential. ...

  • March 10, 2021

    Meghan and the queen

    Meghan Markle says an unnamed someone among the British royals is a racist.  Fairly or unfairly, suspicion falls most heavily on Queen Elizabeth herself. To my knowledge, the queen has never, in thought or deed, shown any signs...

  • March 6, 2021

    Is you woke or is you awake?

    Leading Democrats say January 6 witnessed an armed insurrection at the national capitol.  Now the FBI says no guns were confiscated at the national capitol.  We are left to surmise that it was therefore an unarmed insurrection, on...

  • March 5, 2021

    The lost art of kiss-stealing

    One feels no sympathy for Andrew Cuomo, but he's being hounded by the Left for awkward flirting. Sure, stealing a kiss can be construed as "crossing the line," but how many first kisses have been stolen over the centuries, not just by t...

  • March 4, 2021

    Companies must fight back against wokeness

    Hyatt-Regency is under woke attack for sponsoring CPAC in Orlando, where adoring MAGA thousands expressed their affection for Donald Trump.  Though Hyatt has hunkered down somewhat in the face of leftist screaming, the company doesn't r...

  • February 25, 2021

    Time for that MAGA Party

    It's time Donald Trump declared a MAGA party and shucked the GOP altogether. Some think that without the GOP establishment, a third party would not survive.  That's backward; without MAGA enthusiasm, the GOP would shrink into a l...

  • February 18, 2021

    2020 made it really hard to take Washington seriously

    The problem with pretending the November election was legit is that we now have to pretend what Nancy and Joe & Gang did to steal it somehow makes it legit.  Nobody wants to just throw up his hands and quit, but upwards of 80 million Am...

  • January 12, 2021

    Coach K, take a hike

    Mike Krzyzewski, Duke's Hall of Fame basketball coach, strutted his Idiot Left bona fides in what's been characterized as a "blistering speech" about the D.C. riots of January 6.  He said the rioters need to be prosecuted....

  • January 9, 2021

    Nikki Haley piles on

    Jockeying for a possible 2024 run at the presidency, Nikki Haley spoke at a Republican National Committee dinner January 7, 2021.  She said, "President Trump has not always chosen the right words. ... And it wasn't just his wo...

  • January 2, 2021

    Resistance to Biden-Harris fundamental to being American

    Here's the reality: if Joe Biden gets sworn in, America is over.  To talk as if that were not the case is fantasy.  To project future GOP victories or Trump comebacks is fantasy. To imagine that the country will continue on pr...

  • January 1, 2021

    Tell me that you love me, Laurene Jobs

    Steve Jobs’ widow Laurene preaches about the moral weight of obscene wealth. Says the billion heiress: “I inherited my wealth from my husband, who didn’t care about the accumulation of wealth… I’ve dedicated my life ...

  • December 29, 2020

    Jimmy Galligan's failed manhood

    A half-black, half-white 18-year-old boy named Jimmy Galligan got even with a 19-year-old white girl named Mimi Groves for having sent around a video, four years before, that she had gotten her learner's permit to drive.  In t...

  • December 25, 2020

    What’s a book, anyway?

    Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451) speculated that books would someday disappear altogether in book burnings. Until the computer age there was no reason to think that would ever actually happen. Why would it? Even today a book offers advantages over compu...

  • December 22, 2020

    COVID lockdowns are the communists getting rid of the productive peasants

    Why does the left stick with shutdowns when it's clear that they destroy small business?  Simple.  That's the signature of communists consolidating their power. When the Bolsheviks took over in 1917 Russia, they went ar...

  • December 19, 2020

    Poor perfectly innocent Hunter Biden

    No doubt about it: these are interesting times.  Everybody right now is focused on the recently stolen national election.  Sadly, perfectly innocent people are getting pummeled in the firefight, falling as collateral damage in the...

  • December 8, 2020

    A new era of dictator-governors? Enough!

    Eyes are opening everywhere about governors going totalitarian in their zeal to stop COVID. At this late date, stopping COVID has little to do with their own behavior. Michigan’s Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California’s Gov. Gavi...

  • November 14, 2020

    Laughing last, laughing best

    The subject of vote fraud is in the air throughout the land.  Democrats deny it as conservatives proclaim it.  All the fair media are on it with American Thinker's Jay Valentine setting the pace (most notably he...

  • November 9, 2020

    Going the distance

    The left brazenly pushes ahead with its effort to steal the election.  Though expected by anybody who follows events, it makes you queasy to think that so many are so deluded.  How do you get there, that place where facts don'...

  • October 28, 2020

    What Rush Limbaugh's life says about eternity

    Rush Limbaugh is battling Stage 4 cancer.  As many of us know, this is a debilitating process during which the patient fights not only the cancer, but the effects of the treatments that kill the cancer — because those treatments are a...

  • October 25, 2020

    Maybe Hunter Biden's conscience is bothering him

    Hunter Biden looks just awful in photos.  It's written all over him that he knows he's a failure.  It's his conscience plaguing him.  In pics with Joe, he looks like a little boy preening for daddy's appr...

  • October 21, 2020

    Born for this moment

    It's almost comical how Donald Trump makes leftists stumble and snort in frustration.  Right when they think they've finally got him in another of their traps, he turns the tables and then rubs their faces in it.  He has b...

  • October 8, 2020

    A call for viral justice

    In this age of Rights for Everybody and Everything, where pet rights are invoked and plant rights protected, it is inexcusable that we neglect the rights of the very small and the ultra-tiny. Bacteria and, more specifically, viruses have rights. ...

  • September 8, 2020

    COVID restrictions at sports venues: Enough already!

    The sports world is stuck in an unenviable rut.  Right now, sports depends on television, and it's an iffy proposition, betting on TV when people are accustomed to showing up in the flesh to cheer on their favorite teams. But nobody ...

  • September 6, 2020

    Politics will never get less evil unless good men get involved

    Burke said evil triumphs when good men stay silent.  Aristotle similarly said that when good people don't get involved in politics, they get government by bad people. That's what has happened here in America, why evil has spread ...

  • August 30, 2020

    Kenny Smith, say it ain't so!

    Kenny Smith, retired Houston Rockets point guard and fixture on TNT's basketball commentary show along with Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, and Shaquille O'Neal, walked off the set after announcing that as a black man and former player, he wa...

  • August 29, 2020

    Rags to riches, alive and well in black America

    In politics, intellectual candle power (brains) has no direct relation to reality.  Some of the brainiest people who ever lived were (and are) flaming idiot leftists. Some, but not all. A natural sentimentality once inclined me toward...

  • August 23, 2020

    Baseball is the sport for smart people

    My friend Glenn Beaton had a column where he encouraged people to leave off watching pro sports because the players have put politics ahead of play.  I agree on that but did have an issue with his comments on baseball as boring. For my m...

  • July 1, 2020

    Nobody's life matters to Black Lives Matter

    Most Black Lives Matter demonstrators, especially most of the violent ones, seem to be woke white kids who have limited experience of just plain living.  Experience teaches that most of the time — not always, but the big majority of t...

  • June 15, 2020

    Business departs the inner cities

    In light of recent events in Seattle and Atlanta, we may see fast food franchisees just not reopening in Democrat strongholds, where small business doesn't appear to be appreciated.  When that gets noticed, it will be attributed to raci...

  • June 7, 2020

    The issue isn't racism

    It's truly unfortunate that Drew Brees so completely backed down in the face of the social justice bimbos.  As so many before him, Brees probably didn't expect the vehemence of the attacks on him.  It's one thing to re...

  • June 2, 2020

    If pushed, we know what to do

    Donald Trump sounds ready to go to open war against the evil arrayed against him.  And about time.  Everybody in America knows that these riots have nothing to do with George Floyd and everything to do with trying to force Trump f...

  • May 6, 2020

    Is World War III on the horizon?

    The timeline is advancing swiftly toward an end state adversely affecting the whole world: WWIII.  The tell-tale sign is China's economy, which, without American markets to sell to, is in free fall.  As much as we may complain...

  • May 4, 2020

    Gretchen rats out Michigan's worst

    Caution: This piece drips with satire and sarcasm.  If that's not your thing, read no further. Headline: Michigan's Whitmer says armed protesters displayed 'worst racism and awful parts' of US history. (FoxNewspoliti...

  • May 2, 2020

    A fitting end to a sleazy career

    By now we all know about Tara Reade's violation and degradation by Joe Biden. The statute of limitations has expired, but Biden stands properly (if insufficiently) tarnished and perhaps (though not likely) chastened even though he denies, denies,...

  • May 2, 2020

    Looks as though Joe Biden just doesn't understand women

    An online commenter recalled the Billy Bush tape, where Trump says that if you're a celebrity, women will let you grab 'em by the pussy.  Now it turns out that where Trump only talked about it, Joe Biden actually did it.  He grabbed...

  • April 22, 2020

    COVID-19: Who should be held accountable here?

    Georgia congressman Jody Hice (R) has an article at Townhall about the need for accountability for the way the coronavirus crisis has gone down. It is time to begin examining what we have done and whether, with the benefit of...

  • April 12, 2020

    COVID in Norkland

    One wonders how the North Koreans are faring with this virus. We hear nothing from them but that’s not unusual. They go along for a time being quiescent and then suddenly erupt in a fusillade of rockets flying over Japan to land in the ocean, p...

  • April 11, 2020

    Dealing with the coronavirus

    A major problem with our effort to fight the coronavirus is the corruption of science over the past 30–40 years.  The leftstream media has stampeded people with hysterics because the establishment has set us up to revere "science...

  • April 9, 2020

    A modestly proposed culling for the sake of the children

    Despite the virus scare (or perhaps because of it?), global warming activists still worry about and grieve over their pet cause.  I've given the matter some serious thought and conclude that the only possible solution is population cull...

  • April 8, 2020

    Slim odds for all the uproar

    The model that projects coronavirus (CV) caseload applies New York City and New Jersey numbers to the rest of the country. Since most of the country doesn’t live the way those people live (apartments, subways -- all packed in and jammed togethe...

  • April 6, 2020

    The Guterres wish list

    UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says he wants the world to donate 10% of world GDP toward fighting the coronavirus in the developing world. He goes on to talk of all the socialist platitudes the world needs to adopt, which this new money would ...

  • March 30, 2020

    Dems: Power yes, responsibility no

    Jonathan Turley had an excellent item in The Hill about how emergency responsibilities are divided up between the feds and the states.  Bottom line: The states have the lead.  Yet we keep reading articles where politicia...

  • March 27, 2020

    Eyes wide shut about Feeler Joe and the Predator Party

    In this era, when it seems every male Democrat is a sexual predator, a woman named Tara Reade tells about the time in 1993 when Joe Biden, alone with her in his office, pushed her against the wall and shoved his hand into her skirt and his ...

  • March 25, 2020

    Death panels alive and well in Europe

    Italy is getting creepily close to the death panels Sarah Palin warned us about in 2008.  The idea is that old people be allowed to die so younger people can use the medical resources (ICUs, ventilators, hospital beds) that the oldsters wou...

  • March 21, 2020

    The 'Kung Flu' panic

    With some exceptions, the Idiot Left has howled about President Trump's handling of the "Kung Flu."  As if they'd have done anything differently.  They're howling only because it's Donald Trump,...

  • March 18, 2020

    The deadliest disease

    Schools and pro sports and other sites where people gather in large crowds are on a mandated two-week hiatus to give the coronavirus a chance to die out.  Among other things, this has cost me March Madness, for which I wait with bated breat...

  • March 1, 2020

    Ask yourself the question with the election-deciding answer

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton's superdelegate buddies robbed Bernie Sanders of the Democrat presidential nomination.  Rather than Bernie's open socialism, where the plurality vote-getter won, the Rich Kid superdelegates preferred the age...

  • February 25, 2020

    Mike Bloomberg, mini-tyrant

    Mike Bloomberg's not a big fan of everybody having guns.  Gee, Mike, neither is anybody else.  Felons, the insane, the blind, and little kids ought never have guns.  And nobody I know of has ever advocated ...

  • February 25, 2020

    The apocalyptic presidency

    We don't hear about campaign finance these days.  It got drowned in the flood of money loosed by Mike Bloomberg.  With billionaires Trump and Bloomers taking over presidential campaigns, this issue just doesn't matter much...

  • February 23, 2020

    Maybe Critical Race Theory can explain Joe Biden's weirdness

    Joe Biden just gets farther and farther out there.  Now he's saying he and then–U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Andrew Young got arrested in Soweto, South Africa in the 1970s for trying to see Nelson Mandela while the latter was in pr...

  • February 20, 2020

    Politics and best buds

    In trying to get traction for his presidential bid, Mike Bloomberg makes more of his relationship with Barack Obama than was there.  David Axelrod says the two "certainly weren't best buds."  As if that nee...

  • February 18, 2020

    Bloomberg gives death panels a try

    Mike Bloomberg says health care will bankrupt us unless we deny it to the elderly.  He means the elderly who aren't rich. He's talking about a National Health Service.  That's been tried — is still being tried...

  • February 6, 2020

    Pelosi and Trump in metaphors

    At the close of the SOTU address, Speaker Nancy Pelosi ostentatiously stood and tore up her copy of the speech.  With all cameras on President Trump and her immediately behind him, the whole country could see her doing it.  Thus d...

  • February 5, 2020

    Greta jockeys for the Nobel Prize for Fraud

    As expected, Greta Thunberg has been nominated for the Nobel Prize.  At an age when most girls are mooning about boys, young Miss Greta is grousing about the weather a hundred years from now. It needs single-mindedness of purpose to be a...

  • February 1, 2020

    E. Jean Carroll's unlikely fantasies

    E. Jean Carroll, apparently trying to boost sales of her book, keeps repeating her story of Donald Trump raping her in the fitting room of a Bergdorf Goodman department store 30 years ago.  She even claims to have a male DNA–stained d...

  • January 31, 2020

    Joe Biden: Vote for me because I might die in office

    Joe Biden says he needs a strong vice president because he's old and might die in office.  To sane people, that sounds like an excellent reason not to pick Biden to lead a ticket.  Had Trump said it, the media would shout that...

  • January 25, 2020

    Liberals hate Trump because he's so much better than them

    Howie Carr suggests Democrats compile a Greatest Hits of their fantasies for getting rid of President Trump, among which we might find: Jill Stein's recount (before Hillary was accused of being a Russian asset), faithless electors, emolument...

  • January 16, 2020

    Obnoxious liberal soccer champ Rapinoe determined to make Olympics about politics

    Megan Rapinoe's roaring again.  The International Olympic Committee published new rules that prohibit "political, religious or racial propaganda" "at medal ceremonies and Olympic venues," and Rapinoe says she "w...

  • January 12, 2020

    Our music, ourselves

    Rock stars I never heard of from groups unknown to me keep dying.  Gets me to wondering when Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr is gonna kick off.  They're both older'n me, and if there's any justice in the world, they'...

  • January 12, 2020

    Has the world moved on from the British Royal Family?

    Prince Charles isn't happy with his little boy Harry and Harry's girlfriend wife Meghan choosing to #walkaway from playing royalty, so he's done what any respectably concerned parent would do and threatened to cut off Harry's allowanc...

  • December 30, 2019

    About that rigged Senate

    Complaints emanate from Democrats about rigged, unfair Senate impeachment procedures. That doesn’t make much sense because the House Democrats rigged the whole thing on their side and it takes more chutzpah than most folks can muster to whinge ...

  • December 29, 2019

    Keep America Great: No more Comeys

    The Democrat approach to winning political office is to whine and complain about how awful life is in America.  That's getting ever harder to argue when everybody knows that American "poverty" anywhere else is middle-class and...

  • December 26, 2019

    No, Karl Rove, impeachment is never dignified

    Karl Rove says the Clinton impeachment was dignified.  I doubt that any impeachment anywhere was ever dignified.  They all sink to the lowest possible level of mudslinging.  All are screeched, lied about, exaggerated upo...

  • December 25, 2019

    Pelosi had better think again

    Idiot Democrats appear to have a plan to keep President Trump from enacting his agenda. The Plan seems to be to impeach him anew every month or so, tying up Congress so that nothing else can get done. If they succeed, Trump will leave office in 2025 ...

  • December 24, 2019

    Greta: Sit down, watch, and learn

    Regarding the Australian bush fires, Saint Greta of Thunberg thinks the government should jump and go because that's what she wants to do.  She doesn't take into account that initial reports of any catastrophe commonly con...

  • December 19, 2019

    The silliest impeachment in the history of the world

    The Democrat Congress has impeached the president in an exasperatingly, ridiculously partisan way.  Republicans vow vengeance.  The Legislative Branch's agenda for the next 100 years is all laid out.  Punch, counterp...

  • December 17, 2019

    How Democrats plan to handle impeachment going forward

    Early reactions to the Horowitz report foreshadow how the Democrats will handle it from this point forward: deny that it says what it plainly says and claim that it says something else entirely.  The Horowitz report clearly exposes the unpr...

  • December 15, 2019

    Republicans' advantage: People like cities that work

    Kevin D. Williamson at National Review had an excellent item the other day in N.R. on what it takes to run a city: ... Detroit in 1960 was on top of the world — it was the highest-income city in the United States. ... Detroit was not done ...

  • December 15, 2019

    A blow against voter fraud in Wisconsin

    In Wisconsin, Republican-appointed judge Paul Malloy ordered 234,000 voters purged from the rolls because available evidence suggests they may have moved and hence become ineligible to vote.  Complaints that such voters would be burdened by...

  • December 13, 2019

    Conservatives can't stand by anymore as the Left destroys America

    Ann Coulter says the impeachment hearings are so boring that she's been watching Law and Order: Special Victims Unit instead.  "The scripts involve the sort of real-life crimes that are a lot more common since our country has becom...

  • December 7, 2019

    How can liberals of such high stature stoop to such catty high school girl insults?

    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has been a real fighter in the charade of an impeachment hearing going on in the House.  He shredded the anti-Trump lib law profs who came before the hearing, getting all three to admit donating to Democrat candidat...

  • November 30, 2019

    What civilians don't get about Eddie Gallagher

    The case of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher continues to draw interest.  Where possible, this sort of thing should be handled quietly and off to the side to avoid public opinion influencing decisions.  You risk being too harsh or not ha...

  • November 28, 2019

    Elizabeth Warren has as much commanding power as my school librarian

    Some online commenter compared Liz Warren to his high school librarian when he was a kid.  That sure rang a bell with me. The late Ms. Thatcher (name changed) was that librarian in my small-town high school back in the sixties. The poor ...

  • November 22, 2019

    Why does this bad joke of an impeachment continue?

    U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testifies in kangaroo court Congress's impeachment hearing that he "presumed" a quid pro quo of American aid in return for an investigation of the Bidens' activities in Ukraine....

  • November 20, 2019

    Kaepernick, impeachment, gang violence: A few observations

    Colin Kaepernick finally ticked off even Stephen A. Smith, who (finally) sees through the nonsense.  "Kaepernick doesn't want to play, he wants to be a martyr." Twenty-four teams sent reps to watch Kaepernick work out at th...

  • November 8, 2019

    Baseball etiquette, and what we need to see more of in society

    George Will interestingly contends that the most valuable rules in baseball are unwritten and relate to manners.  Will's leading example is Alex Bregman carrying his bat down to first base on his home run trot during the World Series, J...

  • November 4, 2019

    Recognizing America

    Pete Buttigieg says we won't recognize America if Trump is re-elected. "This country cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump," he said.  "We will not recognize it if he gets reelected." Gee, Pete...

  • November 3, 2019

    Tulsi Gabbard: The best of the hopeless Democrats

    The war of words between Hillary Clinton and Tulsi Gabbard is oddly interesting, bordering on instructive and threatening to go entertaining.  Everybody everywhere wants to see Hillary get it but good, and Tulsi would be the heroine in such...

  • October 24, 2019

    World Series musings

    October is baseball's crowning month to a lengthy season.  The pennant races have been decided and the World Series begun and sometimes ended.  The fans of also-ran teams watch and wonder why their teams didn't get there. ...

  • October 19, 2019

    The Left's childishness has gone stale

    With the Idiot Left marching toward impeachment over nothing, the idea apparently is to make it okay to kick out a president just because you don't like him.  A president then becomes nothing special, no big deal, no longer a force in t...

  • October 16, 2019

    Trump's Syria plan reveals a master strategist in the White House

    It's just too delicious.  President Trump ordered U.S. special forces out of Syria to a chorus of howling Democrats and all the old, experienced hands at State and, supposedly, the military.  (I had doubts as well.) ...

  • October 15, 2019

    Jordan Peterson is a mirror, reflecting truth on Democrats and Republicans

    Quillette has an interesting item, "The Rise of Jordan Peterson — a Review," by Carol Horton, that is well worth your time.  Her main theme is how complicated the issues are that Jordan Peterson works with so expertly. ...

  • October 13, 2019

    What Donald Trump and Ronan Farrow have in common

    Reading about Ronan Farrow's fight to be heard against the culture of predation in the news and movie industries (same thing), one senses a parallel with what President Trump is up against in his fight with the Deep State. It's all the sam...

  • October 9, 2019

    Bob Costas, won't you please go home?

    The announcers for the Major League Baseball division championships are about to drive this fan away from watching baseball.  They just never shut up, instead going on and on about their favorite inanity of the game at hand.  They...

  • October 9, 2019

    Mitt Romney, Mr. Unreliable

    Mitt Romney, commenting about the Trump pull-out of U.S. troops in northern Syria, says America is "an unreliable ally." Hey, Mitt: America demonstrated that she's an unreliable ally a long time ago in that one war over in southeast ...

  • October 6, 2019

    Greta and the Duke

    Greta Thunberg, 16-year-old Swedish activist, has gotten a lot of press for berating the U.N. about climate change.  "How dare you?" snarled young Greta, disdain etched into soft, childlike features as cameras snapped for photogra...

  • October 1, 2019

    The case of the missing dreadlocks

    Just when we had about recovered from Jussie Smollett's shocking racism claims, here come reports of a 12-year-old black Virginia girl accusing three white boys at her private Christian school of holding her down and cutting off her dreadlocks....

  • September 29, 2019

    Welcome back to the fray, Mitch McConnell

    A column by Darren Samuelsohn and Quint Forgey notes that even if the House votes to impeach a president, nothing in the Constitution requires the Senate to carry through on it.  The Senate majority leader could simply table the motion, and...

  • September 29, 2019

    Fig leaf Nancy

    House speaker Nancy Pelosi shows she has come morally unmoored by saying abortion bans "ignore basic morality."  One can't but wonder when murder became moral — or any form of killing the newly born and the unborn the ba...

  • September 28, 2019

    Hillary, kindly make like a tree

    AT's Thomas Lifson reports that Joe Biden is on the way out as a candidate and that Hillary (groan) Clinton is ready to step into his shoes, still griping about 2016, still vicious and nasty and still bent on revenge for slights carried over from...

  • September 25, 2019

    The meaning of 'Howdy, Modi'

    The Left paints Donald Trump as one who hates immigrants so much that he deliberately breaks up families among illegals trying to sneak into the U.S.  This absurd idea ignores complex realities at the border (such as the truth, which is the...

  • September 24, 2019

    The clamor and the clangor of the bells

    It's just getting harder and harder to keep it up.  First it was Hillary's crowd and then Jimbo Acosta and then Big Jim Comey and the cast of thousands out of the FBI and then Adam Schiff and then Ocasio-Cortez and The Squad. ...

  • September 22, 2019

    Donald Trump, force of nature

    Donald Trump is so uniquely different from any prior president that nobody's gonna follow in his footsteps.  It took a large personality, a penetrating mind, enormous self-confidence, and sheer physical energy to do what he's done....

  • September 21, 2019

    Joltin' Joe Biden: Have fists, will travel

    Joe Biden, who grew up comfortably, assures us of his manliness with a tale about how he faced down a gang leader named Corn Pop.  It seems Corn Pop had him a knife, but Joe just happened to have a six-foot length of chain in his hand....

  • September 19, 2019

    Where have all the heroes gone?

    In a season of grotesque sexual misbehavior by (as always) men of the Left, one sorta wonders how it ever came to be.  Not that long ago, the women of the Left assured us that Bill Clinton's misbehavior in the Oval Office was "just...

  • September 15, 2019

    Klay Thompson, fundraising underachiever

    Klay Thompson, all pro guard for the Golden State Warriors and son of Bahamian Mychal Thompson of NBA fame, rakes Donald Trump over the coals for not offering TPS (Temporary Protected Status) to Bahamians after Hurricane Dorian recently ran over the ...

  • September 14, 2019

    A little whiff'll do ya

    A Bronx politician wants to make it illegal to sell menthol and other mint-flavored cigarettes.  Since public smoking is already banned or frowned on in the Big Apple, this goes beyond health and reaches into the realms of discomfort and di...

  • September 14, 2019

    The invincible Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Republicans are "scared of us," meaning herself, because after all, she's the boss.  It may be that Pubs are scared, but not as scared as Democrats like Rotund Jerry Nadler.  Sandy has f...

  • September 7, 2019

    What women need to understand to deal with bad men

    The latest overfamiliar male to be charged with unwantedly touching women is star opera tenor Placido Domingo.  To date, nobody has mentioned rape, but we can expect that, too, if these allegations stay on the front pages — and they s...

  • September 6, 2019

    The real skinny

    A recent study says that people get fat (they say obese, but they mean fat) because they like the taste of food.  Having carried a few extra pounds the last several years, I've given thought to the phenomenon and am ready...

  • September 3, 2019

    Lies and all, vote Trump in 2020

    The Washington Post's alleged fact checker, one Glenn Kessler, does his best to convince people that every word Donald Trump utters is a big, fat lie, even "and" and "the."  By one calculation, in his life as a big, ...

  • September 3, 2019

    Colin Kaepernick, still in the news

    Twenty-nine-year-old Andrew Luck retires as quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts because of injuries, and sportswriters once again push Colin Kaepernick as his replacement, or at least a backup to his replacement. Nobody wants Kaepernick. ...

  • September 2, 2019

    Madeleine, whatever got into you?

    Madeleine Westerhout, age 28, was Donald Trump’s personal assistant until she drank a bit too much and boasted to “friends” that she had a better relationship with the president than his daughters did. The next day that tidbit hit t...

  • August 31, 2019

    Ocasio-Cortez: A knucklehead gives herself airs

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Millennials are more "informed" and "dynamic" than earlier generations.  If we could take this tiresome knucklehead seriously, we'd howl with laughter at such an assertion.  Sh...

  • August 29, 2019

    Today's kids don't know how good they have it

    A fellow was lamenting how history just isn't seriously taught anymore in school or college.  He was talking mostly about the history of the ideas that made America great.  That's important, and in my JROTC classroom befor...

  • August 28, 2019

    Just say no to women in men's sports

    Women's pro soccer star Carli Lloyd has shown she can kick a football 55 yards thru the uprights, and NFL teams have lined up to make offers for her services.  Interesting, and worth seeing on the practice field or maybe an exhibition g...

  • August 25, 2019

    A storm gathers in the wake of RBG

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg has the Left all anxious because pancreatic cancer threatens to take her out.  That would give right-of-center judges an advantage, or at least a fighting chance, in putting America back on the path where judges interpre...

  • August 23, 2019

    Fredo, you're embarrassing the human race

    The president did a 30-minute presser in the sun while his chopper waited.  Before long, the press was griping among themselves about the heat.  The 73-year-old president, in coat and tie, stood the entire time and apparently neve...

  • August 18, 2019

    Greenland: Something to think about

    Denmark's having trouble with its annual half-a-billion-dollar support for the 58K people living in Greenland, so DJT moots the idea of us buying the world's largest island. The geostrategic implications are huge (mainly to keep the Chines...

  • August 14, 2019

    Joe Biden: The Ted Baxter of politics

    Joe Biden's people say Joe is "gaffe prone" and always has been, and shrug it off.  That's just who he is, no big deal.  It's perplexing how they casually dismiss Biden's verbal miscues but adam...

  • August 14, 2019

    Jeffrey Epstein's 'madame,' Ghislane Maxwell: Despise her, but pity her

    "They're nothing, these girls. They are trash."  Thus spake Ghislane Maxwell, accomplice in Jeffrey Epstein's quest to destroy innocence in America, one girl at a time. What kind of human being could say such a thing?...

  • August 11, 2019

    Justice for Epstein's victims is a matter of national security

    The media are shocked, shocked at Jeffrey Epstein's putative suicide. Nobody else is. In the long view, we're all dead, so what's the big deal, right?  Who cares if Epstein died of strangulation or, Clinton's favorite, sh...

  • August 3, 2019

    TV Shows as Democrat Explanations

    Back in the early seventies, I picked up on a trend in the fare being shown on television.  In every movie where some crazy dude was garroting or eviscerating innocent and beautiful female co-eds, the killer turned out to have had some horr...

  • July 29, 2019

    A failure to assimilate

    Donald Trump is going after black racism head-on.  After Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) attacked Trump over comments about the Squad, Trump fired back with tweets about Baltimore being a rodent-infested mess that its congressman Cummings himself, ...

  • July 23, 2019

    Mitt Romney: John McCain reprised

    In a tweet, President Trump famously said that if Ilhan Omar doesn't like America, she can go back where she came from.  Followers immediately started chanting, "Send her back!" in the way they once chanted, "Lock her up!...

  • July 18, 2019

    George Will had reduced himself to a small man of big words

    For president, George Will comes out for Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), the lefty who's progressive but not crazy.  Personally, Bennet's announcement was the first I've ever heard of the guy, and it's jarring that Wi...

  • July 17, 2019

    Trumped by a grandmaster

    The squabble between Nancy Pelosi and the four freshpersons ("The Squad") in Congress who are out for her blood makes for a delicious serving of schadenfreude.  Old-timers have grudges against Pelosi going back quite a ways....

  • July 11, 2019

    Let sports be fun again

    America has won four World Cup women's soccer tournaments because the rest of the world just doesn't care about women's soccer, argues Steve Sailer.  With no real competition, the quality of play doesn't approach that o...

  • July 6, 2019

    Joe Biden, yesterday's news

    Joe Biden's falling so far so fast that he's groping for relevance with "me'n Barack" statements.  These take the form of "that would never have happened to me'n Barack" or "You think they'd dare...

  • July 4, 2019

    Nike: Headed the wrong direction

    Nike came out with a set of shoes that had the Betsy Ross, 13-stars-in-a-circle flag emblazoned on the back of the heel.  Colin Kaepernick whined about it as resembling the Confederate flag.  Nike recalled the shoes.  Do...

  • July 3, 2019

    Trump stumps the Left in Korea

    President Trump stepped across the DMZ into North Korea, and the MSM are in shock.  He has now met with Kim several times, to include this first ever visit by a U.S. president to North Korea, and the MSM have to figure out how they can make...

  • June 28, 2019

    Megs, put a sock in it

    Megan Rapinoe, star forward for the women's U.S. national soccer team, seems to hate the world.  She goes around with a scowl permanently etched into her weathered face.  Though an outstanding soccer player, Megs has it in her...

  • June 26, 2019

    E. Jean Carroll's fluttering pulse

    During an interview on CNN, E. Jean Carroll said most people think rape is "sexy."  "They think of the fantasies," said she.  Interviewer Anderson Cooper quickly cut to an ad. Carroll accused President Trump...

  • June 26, 2019

    Will the Harvey Weinsteins of the world's work survive #MeToo?

    Eighty-four-year-old actress Judi Dench asks a pertinent question: are we just going to ignore all the good artistic work by Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey in light of #MeToo? I personally didn't think much of either, but I'm not an ind...

  • June 17, 2019

    Mugged in broad daylight

    Sundance at Conservative Tree House (CTH) has a fascinating rundown on what's happening between America and China. Trump has put China's president-for-life Xi in a box.  Quoting from a Bloomberg article, Sundance n...

  • May 31, 2019

    Is balance of trade a real problem?

    I keep reading where the Chinese are flaying us in trade.  Balance of trade deficits keep going up, and the Chicken Littles scream that the sky is falling. Seems to me balance-of-trade worries are misplaced.  Supposedly, we got...

  • May 30, 2019

    Teachers and carpenters: Who has it worse?

    We were discussing education, and the other guy raged about how it's all teachers' fault.  They have it easy but just don't do their jobs.  They get paid for working part-time, with three months off every year, as oppo...

  • May 27, 2019

    Pitfalls along the road to socialism

    All over Europe, elections are teaching Brussels that Greeks like being Greek, Brits Brit, and French French.  Nobody much cottons to being "European," where some Belgian bureaucrat says what you will and won't do in...

  • May 25, 2019

    A MAGA Party? Whatever works

    An idea is being mooted about a MAGA Party.  I'm all for it, since Republican no longer means policy differences from Democrat.  A political party with the MAGA moniker would obviously be something patterned on Donald Trump...

  • May 25, 2019

    Hating the president just for fun

    Patricia McCarthy has an interesting take on the standoff between the president and Congress: it's part of a conspiracy to sicken America with a "truth-resistant cancer" based on hatred of Trump for his "many successes: record-low ...

  • May 23, 2019

    Time to Make Australia Great Again

    Rachel Withers, an Australian writing in Slate, wonders, "What the bloody hell just happened in Australia?"  The recent Aussie election was to that polity what the Trump triumph was to America, and the chattering class can't c...

  • May 19, 2019

    Critical Race Theory is destroying our country

    Critical Race Theory holds that American society is irredeemably racist in favor of the white majority.  The thinking is that in a racially oppressive society, though you may also have in common with another your sex, your likes or dislikes...

  • May 15, 2019

    Fraudsters Hall of Fame adds new fellow

    The Left often claims that America is far ahead of the rest of the world in mass shootings, citing a paper by one Adam Lankford saying America has 31% of total mass shooters worldwide.  Since Lankford hasn't made all his data available ...

  • May 12, 2019

    The endgame for reparations

    American Thinker's Thomas Lifson reports that reparations for slavery are again being mooted.  It's just so much stuff and nonsense. To date, reparations coverage has been long on white culpability and short on what, if ever, wou...

  • May 9, 2019

    A Pinochet could help Venezuela

    One hears and reads comments to the effect that Venezuelans "asked for" what they have in the way of strongman government since they voted for it.  This is a woefully shortsighted and uninformed view of what's happening, and w...

  • April 27, 2019

    Poor Joe Biden

    Poor Joe Biden.  The man's been a square peg trying to fit into round holes his entire life.  He keeps coming up short and never understands why.  Then he gathers himself up again, tries again, and falls short again....

  • April 27, 2019

    Black principal of Houston inner-city school lays down the dress code...on parents

    A principal at a Houston high school has issued a memo that bans parents from entering her school who are not appropriately dressed. Items banned from the building include shower caps, hair rollers, bonnets, satin caps ... house shoes, unde...

  • April 25, 2019

    Politics has taken the fun out of sports

    Pro sports has gone political, meaning that pro sports has decided to hate on white people.  It's odd, that.  White people gave the world all the major sports, from the marathon to track and field to baseball to basketball to ...

  • April 7, 2019

    Trump meeting his match in Putin?

    Interesting things are shaping up on the continent to the south.  Despite the Monroe Doctrine, or perhaps because of it, Russia has installed soldiers in Venezuela.  Not that long ago, Vlad Putin said he was willing to do a rerun ...

  • March 31, 2019

    Love Trump without overlooking his faults

    An unfortunate trend seems to be developing among Trump-supporters.  Many of these seem to think the president has no faults, or at least none that merits mention in any discussion of American politics today.  This is simply bad t...

  • March 21, 2019

    Life in the lefty bubble

    Despite the extraordinary economy under this president, lefties are convinced we're living in a depression.  In the comments sections that follow many articles, they come right out and say the economy has been in a nosedive ever since T...

  • March 20, 2019

    The duplicitous Angela Merkel

    Angela Merkel apparently went behind NATO's back to make a deal with Russia for the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream II, paying for which will drive Germany's contribution to NATO defense spending below the 2% of GDP that was agreed on in 201...

  • March 19, 2019

    Can Democrats in 2020 possibly be as entertaining as Trump was in 2016?

    In 2016, Donald Trump beat out something like 17 other candidates for the GOP nomination.  Presidential primary politics had never seen anything like it. Twenty-twenty's shaping up to put a gaggle of Democrats to a similar test....

  • March 17, 2019

    Cheaters do what cheaters do

    The scandal is out about cheating for admission to "elite" schools: rich parents paying people to take SAT/ACT tests for their kids, or to attest that their non-athlete kid was a star tennis player in a summer league, etc.  Big bu...

  • March 6, 2019

    Trump vs. Kim: Place your bets

    Some think it's far-fetched for President Trump to think North Korea would ever give up its nuclear weapons.  To date, no one who gets nukes has given them up. A couple of things about that.  First, it's not absolutely ...

  • February 19, 2019

    Send in the clowns? Don't bother, they're here

    We in the real world laugh while shaking our heads at the Idiot Left.  Anymore that means just about anybody on the Left. Nancy Pelosi and Goons represent the Old Left in terms of both policy and age.  New chick Alexandria Ocas...

  • January 29, 2019

    The gangsters at the FBI

    Twenty-nine agents went to arrest 66-year-old Roger Stone, a longtime Trump-supporter.  The agents went in full battle dress in the early morning hours, as if mounting an attack on an enemy position during a full-blown war. Stone stands ...

  • January 2, 2019

    Those poor NFL wage slaves

    LeBron James says NFL owners are "old white men" with a slave mentality.  I think LeBron James is letting slip a large craving for attention.  Nobody forces anybody to play in the NFL.  NFL players are well awa...

  • December 6, 2018

    Don't go away mad, Joe – just go away

    Joe Biden says he's the most qualified person in the country to be president.  Well, Joe, if it were about paper qualifications, you'd have an argument.  You have an East Coast (if not Ivy League) sheepskin.  ...

  • November 6, 2018

    The smartest man in the room

    In today's fevered political environment – especially the fever on the sputtering, burning, choking, exploding left – it is seldom mentioned that Don Trump is just smarter than any president in recent memory.  We hear about ...

  • November 1, 2018

    How do you go about voting for the right judge?

    Here in Arizona, we vote for judges periodically.  Other times, we vote on whether judges should stay in office.  As voting time nears, the liberals and Dems hide the politics of their judges behind carefully worded "biograph...

  • November 1, 2018

    Still waiting for Trump to get a Nobel for his work on North Korea

    It's amazing that we hear nothing anymore about Trump's astonishing success in Korea.  Two years ago, Kim Jong-un was shooting rockets over Japan, exploding nukes underground and acting all belligerent.  Confrontation was ...

  • October 14, 2018

    Some people are really hard to like

    Something occurred to me a while back.  I realized that I really, really don't like progressives. I don't like their raunchy language, their rude behavior, their physical vileness.  I don't like them interrupting lu...

  • October 10, 2018

    Kavanaugh circus underlined the hypocrisy of the left

    Hypocrisy is a way of life on the left.  While this is no revelation to those who follow events, the recent shenanigans to head off the Kavanaugh appointment to the Supreme Court underline just how deeply hypocrisy pervades lefty thinking. ...

  • October 6, 2018

    What should we make of Kavanaugh's 'privilege'?

    The left has ripped Brett Kavanaugh to shreds for, among other reasons, his privileged background.  You know, a moneyed home, private schools, nice this and elegant that.  How nice.  How unfair that I, growing up without...

  • October 5, 2018

    How to reclaim strategy and tactics in the big leagues

    Baseball is in the doldrums, and the powers that be have no real clue why.  Thinking the game slow, they came up with the wave-him-to-first walk.  They limit the number of visits to the mound and time the visits.  Batboy...

  • September 11, 2018

    Can Obama please, please shut up already?

    Barama's out giving speeches again, this time about how the Trump economy owes to his (Obama's) policies, and the stock market is booming because of him (Obama), and unemployment is down because of what he (Obama) did.  As he drones...

  • September 9, 2018

    How much does Obama make at speaking gigs? Don't ask!

    Barack Obama threatens to cancel a speaking engagement in Denmark if the Danes publish details of the contract.  Obama probably doesn't want Americans to see him getting princely sums for cashing in on his celebrity.  It makes...

  • September 8, 2018

    Liberal throws huge fit in airport for being addressed with incorrect title

    In the movie The Equalizer, Denzel Washington is explaining The Old Man and the Sea to a young woman who asks why the old man doesn't just cut the fish loose rather than let the shark eat it.  Washington replies, "The old man gotta...

  • September 1, 2018

    A lawyer by any other name....

    An AP headline reads, "AP sources: Lawyer was told Russia had 'Trump over a barrel.'" Going to the article, you immediately wonder how many lawyers named Bruce Ohr there are in Washington.  After all, the phot...

  • August 30, 2018

    Crying for the beloved country

    South Africa's Congress passed an expropriation bill to take white-owned farmland and divvy it up among blacks.  Donald Trump announced he's keeping an eye on events there, which caused the S.A. government to stop the program, for t...

  • August 30, 2018

    Pope Francis, you really let us down

    Pope Francis refuses to say "a single word" about the accusation by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former papal nuncio to the United States, that Francis knew in 2013 of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's sexual predations of y...

  • August 29, 2018

    The price of political schizophrenia

    You can't but be struck by the dramatic difference in the way the news is reported by the mainstream media on TV, in print, and online by the more respectable media.  It's like reading about the state of the world in 1916, at the he...

  • August 25, 2018

    Countering the divided left

    Democrats face a blizzard of concerns coming into the midterms.  Principal among these would be party identity.  It's pretty much accepted anymore that Democrats are "the left," but what does that mean?  Wh...

  • August 23, 2018

    Hypocrisy, thou art a jewel

    Asia Argento accuses Harvey Weinstein of rape.  Now it turns out that Argento herself raped a 17-year-boy a few years ago and paid him $380,000 to keep quiet about it.  This kind of hypocrisy is rife throughout the MeToo movement,...

  • August 21, 2018

    Deep State preparing to throw Brennan under the bus?

    James Clapper, former DNI, avers that former CIA head mobster director John Brennan's language against President Trump has become a problem.  "John and his rhetoric have become ... an issue in and of itself.  [He] is subt...

  • August 17, 2018

    Word games at high levels

    James Comey must be writing his own dictionary of the English language.  First he redefined "loyalty" to mean "it ain't mean-spirited selfishness when I do it."  Now he has redefined "punish" to m...

  • August 14, 2018

    Peter Strzok's pain

    Feel Peter Strzok's pain.  The lad got fired from the FBI, where once he strode the Earth like a colossus.  He was reduced to making cute faces at the congressmen grilling him when he went in front of them to lie through ...

  • August 12, 2018

    Keep an eye on China

    The Chinese have surreptitiously removed oil from their list of goods from America subject to tariff.  Though conditions have improved hugely in China, the leadership hasn't changed much outside the limited sphere of economics. ...

  • August 2, 2018

    This isn't culture war. It's worse.

    Progressives continue to astonish normal people with their complete incomprehension of normals (as Kurt Schlichter calls them) as human beings.  Perhaps that's because they don't see us as human beings.  They call us unsav...

  • July 31, 2018

    The ever receding socialist paradise

    San Francisco, passing a $15-an-hour minimum wage law, is predictably losing fast food joints at a phenomenal rate.  After all, when the price of a burger reaches that of a steak, burgers lose out.  Now the genii in government pon...

  • July 31, 2018

    Doing what we must

    It's sad that all this prurient business about Trump has come out.  Though it's all from his pre-president days, it's not the sort of chit-chat that contributes to good citizenship.  Imagine saying to your kid, "Y...

  • July 28, 2018

    Wrap it up, Mr. Mueller

    Lloyd Billingsley runs an interesting reminder of recent American history in the issue of 27 July 2018.  The article shows that Russia has meddled in U.S. elections ever since 1924 by having its own candidate in presid...

  • July 18, 2018

    The Helsinki play

    President Trump has come under fire from left and right for his meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Ever since assuming office, Donald Trump has shown that he's much shrewder than anybody ever suspected.  Not just a little shrew...

  • July 3, 2018

    A dish best served cold

    Democrats are in a panic because ten-term representative Joe Crowley out of New York, in line for a high leadership post in the party, was beaten by the seat-of-the-pants campaign of 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This is no cause for celeb...

  • June 28, 2018

    Kennedy out? Now the hard work begins

    Justice Anthony Kennedy's announcement of his retirement has progs wetting their breechclouts.  Nominally "on the right," Kennedy reliably voted with the left on the issues that set the boundaries of the culture war, such as a...

  • June 18, 2018

    About that road less traveled...

    Jonah Goldberg published a superb article in National Review, "Staying on the Path," that gets at the fundamentals of conservatism briefly and pointedly.  It discusses an old Bill Paxton movie, A Simple Plan, a...

  • June 16, 2018

    Watching your back in Clintonville

    I've long held that the left pencils up a black-and-white caricature of us not-lefties and hangs the silliest possible kinds of thoughts on it, imagining that they have a handle on what we think and who we are.  Quotes from the I.G. rep...

  • June 13, 2018

    Thoughts on Bourdain: Why did he do it?

    Anthony Bourdain's suicide brought out the professional mourners.  None, it seemed to me, spoke to the real issue of why a guy like that would commit suicide.  He had it all.  Wealth.  Fame.  Wome...

  • June 13, 2018

    Halftime report: The lowdown on 2018 so far

    Online, independent thinkers in comments sections are discussing Trump's chances of carrying significant portions of the black vote in 2020.  Some think he's figuring out ways to pull that bloc to the right.  I don't t...

  • June 9, 2018

    Unbiased and nonpolitical

    I had a conversation online with a guy who thought the New York Times is an honest newspaper, completely unbiased and nonpolitical, especially its front page. Well.  My reply is that the NYT is very much biased and has been sin...

  • June 9, 2018

    A smoking gun by any other name

    A new term, with attendant implications, may soon enter the political vocabulary: Document 34.  It's the evidence that shows what James Comey originally wrote about Hillary Clinton's handling of classified documents and how it was c...

  • June 9, 2018

    Nothing new under the Sun: The journalism-for-sex trade-off, revisited

    The Senate Intelligence Committee's security director for the last 29 years threw it all away for a hottie.  Another Monica Lewinsky?  Kind of.  The chick was, and maybe still is, a reporter for the New York Times, a...

  • June 8, 2018

    Past time for Andy McCabe to hit the road

    It turns out that Andrew McCabe interrogated Gen. Mike Flynn, after which Flynn was ousted as national security adviser to the president.  But Flynn had been a hostile witness against McCabe in a sexual harassment case, meaning McCabe had a...

  • June 7, 2018

    Thinking about the Holocaust

    The day after D-Day is appropriate for looking back at the results of WWII, among which was finding proof of the Holocaust.  The extermination camps were known about before the war ended, but not everyone wanted to believe they could exist....

  • June 7, 2018

    What to do about McCabe?

    Online discussion rages on the advisability of immunity for Andrew McCabe.  Some say we'll never get to the bottom of it all without immunity.  Others say he ought not get away with anything since he, himself, was so deeply im...

  • June 7, 2018

    Swimsuits and other offenses

    The Miss America pageant announces that it has dropped the swimsuit competition and will no longer judge on looks.  Might as well just drop the competition altogether.  While women may watch for the clothes, the jewelry, the makeu...

  • June 6, 2018

    Was Patton right?

    This being D-Day, it's inevitable that thoughts turn to WWII.  The slaughter.  The sacrifices.  The magnificent courage of going forward into the teeth of machine gun fire and artillery barrages onto open beaches....

  • June 4, 2018

    Cleaning up after Obama and Hillary

    Maureen Dowd, New York Times opiner, comes out with a curious piece titled Obama – just too good for us. You sorta wonder why she’d do  up such a piece at this late date. She caught on to Barama too late with too little insight, and ...

  • June 3, 2018

    James Clapper, piece of work

    Listening to James Clapper, erstwhile Director of National Intelligence, defend his actions during the 2016 presidential campaign can make you squirm with embarrassment, even if you start by supposing he’s telling the truth. Asked why he did...

  • May 10, 2018

    Another one bites the dust

    New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman resigns after former girlfriends accuse him of rotten behavior. This same story has come out concerning so many Democrats that you wonder how such people ever got elected. You wonder how such a jerk ever go...

  • April 19, 2018

    Spare us this last

    We read that erstwhile FBI director James Comey's book is not doing well.  Oh, it's No. 1 on Amazon, but there are no lines to buy it.  Bookstores in D.C. that opened early for the expected business see more reporters than...

  • April 14, 2018

    Kristallnacht for fun and adventure

    After the release of the DoJ I.G. report, Andrew McCabe's feelings are genuinely hurt.  He never expected his glittering career to end this way.  He played the game the way he thought it had to be played, and that took him to ...

  • March 31, 2018

    Thoughts on a Native Renaissance

    A friend put me onto an excellent review of the movie Wind River, now on Netflix, about life and crime among the Arapaho Indians on the Wind River Reservation.  The movie realistically depicts life on most any Indian reservation today ...

  • March 29, 2018

    The octogenarian busybody

    Former president Jimmy Carter says John Bolton will be a "disaster for America" as national security Adviser.  Carter knows about disasters, his presidency having been the worst of its generation, so bad that it wasn't topped ...

  • March 18, 2018

    McCabe's firing begins the war on the Deep State

    We can expect liberaldom to come unglued following the firing of Andrew McCabe, erstwhile second in command at the FBI, just 24 hours before his lucrative government pension kicked in. McCabe had made "unauthorized disclosures to the news med...

  • March 18, 2018

    Our America or theirs

    Lefties are in deep, deep denial.  They accuse Trump of the silliest stuff imaginable while exalting Barama and Hillary.  Comey and McCabe and Strzok are honorable men, and the Mueller investigation will put Trump in jail.  There's...

  • March 15, 2018

    The abortion of Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking has died at 76.  I didn't care for his arrogance, but the man was brilliant and had unbelievable courage to keep at it in his pitiful physical condition.  RIP.   The left loved Stephen Hawking becaus...

  • March 9, 2018

    Spiritual but not religious?

    Taki's Magazine had a fun article by the legendary Joe Bob Briggs, who's sick of hearing about people being "spiritual but not religious."  After due consideration, he concludes that the phrase really means you...

  • January 1, 2018

    Hillary in the pulpit

    Hillary Clinton wants to become a Methodist preacher. A Methodist preacher. Online commentators are having a field day. "Will she charge the church $250,000 to guest-preach?" "The transcripts of her sermons will be hers a...

  • December 28, 2017

    The left in extremis?

    We may be watching the death throes of the American left as it spirals into the black hole of excess.  The left has pushed its issues so hard and far that leftists have lost all credibility. No one really believes that global warming matters,...

  • December 21, 2017

    Racism carte blanche

    Just when we hoped we might finally be getting past the issue, Palm Springs, California says tamarisk trees are racist, so whoever is running that city is tearing out a row of them that mark the boundary between a golf course and the adjacent black n...

  • December 19, 2017

    Twisting in the wind

    While the whole country (for and against) wondered why President Trump didn't fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump had it all figured out: let Mueller hang himself.  Former A.G. Eric Holder's silly remark that firing Mueller wouldn...