Richard J. Little

Richard J. Little

  • February 3, 2011

    Egypt's Real Problem: Decades of Authoritarian Socialist Rule

    There has been a huge volume of "expert" commentary on origins of the revolution in Egypt.  Much of this commentary has centered on the repressive and undemocratic nature of the Mubarak regime as a root cause for discontent and as the ...

  • January 9, 2011

    Leftists: Have You No Sense of Decency Left?

    Having seen the effects of violence first hand in my profession, my deepest sympathy goes out to the families of the victims of today's attack in AZ. Please pray for them.However, I am also saddened to see all the knee-jerk comments in our media and ...

  • March 24, 2010

    The ObamaCare 'Acceptance' Strategy

    There is a huge new public relations offensive being unleashed by the Democrats and their allies in the progressive left, one designed to limit their short term election losses and defeat any significant ObamaCare repeal efforts. It is imperative tha...

  • March 14, 2010

    An Orwellian redefinition of the Constitution

    I woke up today and found this article by "Progressive" historian Louise W. Knight in my local newspaper. It was cleverly titled "The Great American Debate Recommences".It represents a new propaganda offensive by the radical ...