Richard Henry Lee

Richard Henry Lee

  • September 7, 2023

    Tax cheat Hunter Biden not prosecuted by California: Where is the outrage from Governor Newsom?

    Hunter Bided failed to pay federal income taxes on millions in income and some of that income was earned while Biden was living in California, so he likely failed to pay state taxes as well. The Plea Agreement between Hunter Biden and federal pros...

  • September 4, 2016

    Analysis of FBI Reports: China more likely to have Hillary’s emails, not Russia

    From an analysis of the FBI document dump (Part 1, Part 2) concerning Hillary’s email use and her foreign travel schedule, it is apparent that the Chinese are more likely to have gained access to Hillary’s emails than Russia. Other countr...

  • August 14, 2016

    DCCC website was ridiculously easy for Guccifer 2.0 to hack

    The security for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) website was almost non-existent which made it easy for Guccifer 2.0 to hack. Like Hillary with her reckless use of a personal email server, the DCCC is also guilty of failing ...

  • August 2, 2016

    Did Russian program Hillary helped to establish hack into DNC emails?

    Hillary Clinton may have helped Russia build the cyber-warfare capability to penetrate those servers, if accusations that Russia is behind the DNC hack are true. Peter Schweizer’s report, “From Russia with Money: Hillary Clinton, the R...

  • July 8, 2016

    Comey also shut the door on prosecution of Hillary by poisoning the jury pool

    Even if the Justice Department wanted to prosecute Hillary, FBI director James Comey’s press briefing would have made it difficult, if not impossible, to get a grand jury to indict and a trial jury to convict. Comey made a public statement o...

  • July 3, 2016

    Justice Loretta Lynch? What was Bill offering?

    The stunning news that Bill Clinton ambushed AG Loretta Lynch with an “impromptu” meeting at the Phoenix airport has a clear ulterior motive. Bill Clinton is always looking for an edge and his meeting with the chief law enforcement off...

  • June 13, 2016

    Hillary calls for more efforts to defend country as FBI diverts agents to investigate her

    In the wake of the Orlando massacre, Hillary Clinton released a statement asserting that we need to do more to protect our country from domestic and foreign attacks and blaming “hate.”  Yet her reckless use of a home-brew email serve...

  • June 11, 2016

    Will Obama pardon Hillary if the FBI refers to Justice?

    The FBI is getting closer to finishing its criminal investigation of Hillary’s decision to use a personal email server to send and receive emails that included classified material.  If the FBI decides that Hillary or some of her aides have...

  • June 7, 2016

    Laureate gave Bill Clinton $16.5 million, also gave student loans to non-citizens

    In view of the intense focus on the Trump University lawsuit by the MSM and lack of inquiry by the same MSM on Laureate Education, it seemed worthwhile to look at Laureate-affiliated schools of higher education located in the U.S., Latin America, and...

  • June 6, 2016

    Government celebrates 50 years of transparency

    Fifty years after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act, the Justice Department congratulates itself on success. I missed it, and maybe you did, too, but Sunshine Week 2016 was held March 13 to 19, 2016, where the governme...

  • June 4, 2016

    Loretta Lynch sides with fired VA official on appeal issue

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch sent a letter to Congress declaring that the Justice Department will not support a key provision in legislation designed to hold Veterans Affairs officials accountable. The Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability ...

  • June 2, 2016

    Trigger warning: Hillary avoids press

    With abundant risk of micro-aggressions, Hillary ducks press conferences. Hillary has held not one press conference in all of 2016 and opts instead for “safe space” interviews with friendly on-air media.  Both Trump and Sanders ha...

  • May 24, 2016

    Guccifer may have Hillary emails stashed online

    The Romanian hacker known as Guccifer has agreed to plead guilty to cybercrime, likely as part of deal with federal prosecutors. Guccifer, whose real name is Marcel Lazar, revealed in early 2014 to a reporter for The Smoking Gun that he had stored...

  • May 23, 2016

    California insurance commissioner demands ‘carbon shaming’ for insurance companies

    California insurance companies that invest in hydrocarbon fuel-related companies will be placed on a wall of shame. The war on fossil fuel continues in California, and this time, insurance commissioner Dave Jones (D) demands that all insurance com...

  • May 20, 2016

    A self-driving car in the hands of terrorists

    No need for a driver – a terrorist group can send a self-driving car to its destination loaded with explosives instead. The Silicon Valley whizzes at Google and Apple are at the forefront of building self-driving cars to go with our sma...

  • May 19, 2016

    Could Trump make the bureaucracy great again?

    Getting the bureaucrats to follow his lead would be one of Trump’s biggest challenges if elected. The Transportation Security Administration could be the poster child of a failed bureaucracy, where the security screeners are largely incapabl...

  • May 17, 2016

    Taxpayer tab for investigating Hillary: over $20 million

    The FBI alone has spent over $20 million investigating Hillary, and this does not include Justice and State Department costs. In early August 2015, inspectors general asked the Justice Department to investigate Hillary's private email server....

  • May 16, 2016

    The FBI may be looking at a violation of the Constitution in their Hillary investigation

    Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution forbids office holders from accepting anything of value from a foreign state, yet husband Bill Clinton collected $1 million from the Abu Dhabi government while Hillary was secretary of state. Bill Clinton spoke a...

  • May 14, 2016

    Clinton Sleaze: Bill's foundation violated its own articles of incorporation

    The Clinton Global Initiative articles of incorporation state that its purposes are "exclusively charitable," yet Bill used the CGI to steer a $2 million donation to a private company with ties to his close friend and neighbor, Julie Tauber...

  • May 10, 2016

    If convicted, Hillary may get house arrest

    As a protectee under the Secret Service Act, Hillary Clinton might serve time in her "gilded cage" mansion in Chappaqua if convicted a felony and sentenced to prison. Under the Secret Service Act, Hillary receives lifetime Secret Service...

  • April 29, 2016

    Suspended UC Davis Chancellor no stranger to corruption scandals

    As AT reported yesterday, University of California, Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi was suspended over serious questions about her dubious contracts to scrub negative information about her on the internet and possible nepotism involving her immediate f...

  • April 25, 2016

    Jerry Brown goes dictator on climate change

    With a stroke of his pen, Governor Jerry Brown (D) issued an executive order to extend California’s onerous climate change regulations, but the independent legislative counsel found he exceeded his authority. Like Obama, Brown also uses his ...

  • April 27, 2015

    Arkansas attorney general must subpoena Clinton Foundation records

    The first Republican attorney general for the State of Arkansas in the modern era must immediately launch an investigation into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and the first step is to subpoena the foundation records.  With the...

  • April 24, 2015

    Reminder: As President, Hillary Could be Subject to Blackmail

    If Hillary Clinton’s emails were intercepted by the Russians or Chinese (or other governments with active cyber war programs), she would be subject to blackmail since her “missing” emails could well have embarrassing (or worse) deta...

  • March 9, 2015

    Did China and Russia intercept Hillary's e-mails?

    Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail account could have been monitored numerous times during her overseas trips as the “most traveled secretary of state in history.” She traveled to China seven times and Russia four times, and it is ...

  • October 3, 2014

    Will Snowden get the Nobel Peace Prize?

    On Friday, October 10, 2014, the Norwegian Nobel Committee will announce the recipient of the 2014 Peace Prize and the winner might be Edward Snowden.   Various left wing groups along with academics in Norway have been lobbying for Snowden. Ev...

  • July 10, 2014

    Panama Canal Widening to Hit California Port Revenue

    Texas stands to take a bite out of California’s lucrative port business according to the Wall Street Journal. The widening of the Panama Canal, due for completion in early 2016, will divert a significant portion of the lucrative container sh...

  • March 9, 2014

    California Seeks Obamacare Funding for Voter Registration

    California has added voter registration to its Obamacare enrollment process and now they want Obamacare funding to cover those costs. Peter Lee, the head of Covered California, asked in a letter to Obamacare officials whether federal funding inten...

  • April 13, 2011

    Obama Creates 10-15 Full Time Jobs at $100,000,000 each

    Speaking at the signing ceremony of California's Renewable Energy law, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced that the Department of Energy would guarantee $1.2 Billion in loans for a solar plant in California. The plant would employ 350 peopl...

  • April 12, 2011

    California Gov. to Sign Bill Raising Renewable Energy Requirements

    California Governor Jerry Brown will sign a bill today which will raise the required amount of costly renewable energy for electric generation in the Golden State to 33% while Texas Governor Rick Perry is likely grinning from ear to ear.Texas and oth...

  • April 4, 2011

    Are Obama's Mortgages Underwater?

    Should the Obamas walk away from their million dollar mansion? Should they short sell?With the recent decline in housing prices, the Obamas' Chicago mansion could be worth less than the value of their mortgages.In mid 2005, the Obamas purchased their...

  • November 30, 2009

    Huckabee pardoned suspected Washington state cop killer

    Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee just took a huge hit to his Presidential prospects following the revelation that the suspect in the Washington State police killings was granted clemency by Huckabee nine years ago and subsequently released fro...

  • July 29, 2009

    Obama Book Deal on Hold?

    It appears that the "student friendly" version of President Obama's "Dreams from My Father" may be on hold, perhaps due to our AT article two months ago which showed how corrupt it would be for a sitting president to pitch a book...

  • July 9, 2009

    Former Blago Aide pleads guilty, will cooperate with Feds

    John Harris, former Chief of Staff to ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL), pleads guilty to wire fraud in a Chicago federal court. Harris conspired with Blagojevich to sell Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder.The plea deal provides that Harri...

  • July 5, 2009

    Liberal SF Chronicle Outsources Printing - to Non-union plant

    The San Francisco Chronicle announced that they would stop publishing their newspaper at their aging, unionized printing plant and instead outsource the printing to a Canadian owned, non-union company.The Chronicle had signed an agreement  a few...

  • July 4, 2009

    How liberals abused ethics law to harass Palin

    Filing ethics complaints against Gov. Sarah Palin (R) had become the favorite sport in Alaska among those with a liberal agenda. The complaints were largely frivolous and exacted a heavy price tag for the Palin family with legal bills amounting ...

  • July 1, 2009

    EPA grants California GHG emission waiver on Autos

    The Environmental Protection Agency today granted California its long-sought waiver to regulate greenhouse gas emissions in autos and trucks. The decision puts California in the driver's seat in determining how the regulations will be written ba...

  • June 26, 2009

    Lawyers Convicted in Immigration Asylum Fraud

    Three lawyers and two interpreters were convicted of immigration fraud by filing hundreds of false asylum claims from 2000 to 2004.A federal jury convicted the five on Thursday in the US Court in Sacramento, CA. The scheme involved for...

  • June 21, 2009

    Deadline Tuesday, June 23 to comment on EPA CO2 Rulemaking

    Anthony Watts at Watts Up With That reminds us that June 23 is the deadline to comment on the EPA rulemaking designating CO2 a dangerous pollutant.Click here for a link to his website for additional details on how to submit your comments along w...

  • June 13, 2009

    Judge rules Padilla can sue former DOJ lawyer John Yoo (updated)

    In a surprising ruling, a federal judge has determined that convicted terrorist, Jose Padilla, can sue former Department of Justice lawyer, John Yoo, over Yoo’s legal opinion that led to Padilla being held as an enemy combatant.US District Judg...

  • June 11, 2009

    California Coastal Commission flouts First Amendment

    The California Coastal Commission has served a subpoena on a California documentary filmmaker who is making a film critical of the Commission.The details are sketchy, but filmmaker Richard Oshen says that the Commission is using the power o...

  • June 1, 2009

    UC Irvine Law Dean prefers to raise California taxes

    Erwin Chemerinsky, controversial Dean of the new UC Irvine Law School, prefers to make it easier to raise taxes rather than support a Constitutional Convention to solve California's budget mess. In an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times, Chemerin...

  • May 26, 2009

    Is Big Oil behind Global Warming Scaremongering?

    If the website, Exxon Secrets, is correct, then Big Oil has switched sides and now forecasts unprecedented global warming.A new MIT study warns that global temperatures might increase twice as much as originally predicted.The new ...

  • May 23, 2009

    Business as usual in corrupt Illinois politics

    Gov. Pat Quinn (D) was pushing for reform in Illinois politics at the same time his campaign aides were selling "face time" with the Governor to trade groups. Quinn succeeded former Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) after the latt...

  • May 20, 2009

    Obama may earn Millions from Schools in Book Deal

    Obama may earn millions from taxpayer-funded schools in his new book deal.Five days before taking the oath of office, President-elect Barack Obama signed a book deal with Crown Publishing Group to publish a version of his best-selling book, ...

  • May 16, 2009

    The Catlin Ice Follies

    The global warmists have yet another embarrassment on their hands.  The Catlin Arctic Survey was the brainchild of British explorer Pen Hadow who organized an expedition to trek to the North Pole to highlight how global warming was melting ...

  • May 16, 2009

    Obama invests in T Bills, inks book deal

    President Obama has most of his assets in US Treasury Bills according to financial disclosure forms released late Friday afternoon by the White House. He has between $ 1 million to $5 million according to the box checked on the form which covers 2008...

  • May 14, 2009

    Could California interest you in buying a bridge?

    While the Bay Bridge* is not for sale yet, it may soon be. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) is planning to sell off other California assets such as San Quentin Prison, the Los Angeles Coliseum and The Del Mar Racetrack and Fairgrounds to help the no...

  • May 10, 2009

    US Temperature Records Biased on High Side

    After surveying 70% of the 1,221 weather monitoring stations in the US, Anthony Watts of the Watts Up With That website, finds that the temperature record is “unreliable”. In addition, about 90% of the stations are sited poorly, such as b...

  • May 9, 2009

    Dept. of Education cuts questionable link

    A controversial link to the Progressive States Network at the US Department of Education website is now missing. AT earlier reported that the Obama Administration had a link to the far left Progressive States Network on the Department of Education we...

  • May 8, 2009

    Obama sounds death knell for nuclear power

    Under the guise of cutting wasteful spending, President Obama is terminating support for the Yucca Mountain spent nuclear fuel repository in Nevada. While not unexpected, this development means that there will be no place to store nuclear waste, prob...

  • April 30, 2009

    Solar Energy Meets Greenies and Big Labor

    It was a squirrel, a labor group and an environmental group along with California's tough environmental regulations, which helped kill a hybrid solar power plant project for a Mojave Desert city.It seemed like a good idea at the time. The City of Vic...

  • April 29, 2009

    Arctic Ice Thicker than Expected; Catlin Trek on reduced rations

    The science blog, Watts Up With That,  has a story about a German team that flew over the Arctic and found ice thicker than expected. This comes at a time when the Catlin Arctic Survey team, which is trekking to the North Pole, is...

  • April 24, 2009

    The Federal-Industrial Complex

    President Eisenhower warned about the Military-Industrial complex during his farewell address to the nation. But had Eisenhower been prescient, he might have broadened the term to include not just the military, but the federal government itself. His ...

  • April 17, 2009

    Malia and Sasha Obama face debt

    The tax return for Daddy and Mommy Obama shows only $12,000 given to each kid, and that was for a qualifying tuition program. What the kids need is a lot more than that since Daddy is placing all that national debt on their shoulders.As I showed earl...

  • April 16, 2009

    Civil Liberties Watchdog hasn't barked yet

    Our liberties are being assaulted by the Department of Homeland Security's report on Right Wing Extremism yet the ACLU has been silent.The American Civil Liberties Union says it "is our nation's guardian of liberty" so one would expect that...

  • April 14, 2009

    The Chicago Way is Piracy, Too

    While they don’t use grappling hooks to board merchant ships, the Chicago Way pirates do have their hooks in the merchants, nevertheless. The Chicago Way is a political system run by kleptocrats who demand tribute from merchants whenever the me...

  • April 13, 2009

    What? No Praise for the Bush Military?

    President Obama rails about the failed Bush economy and the failed Bush foreign policy, but Obama fails to credit Bush for a fine military that he could order into action to rescue Captain Phillips from the Somali pirates.Obama has been in office few...

  • April 12, 2009

    The Amazing Pelosi Military Earmarks

    Nancy Pelosi has a $1.5 million earmark titled “Reducing Chronic Disease in Military Personnel” which seems to do nothing to help the military, but instead appears to reward a major Democratic contributor. This earmark would go to the non...

  • April 10, 2009

    The Obamas were in debt -- and now so are we

    An examination of the Obama’s finances show that they were living off lines of credit along with their salaries until 2005, when the book royalties came through and Michelle received her astonishing 260% pay raise at the University of Chicago.T...

  • April 9, 2009

    The Gore Effect: Catlin Arctic Expedition Hampered by Cold

    The Catlin Expedition, which is trekking to the North Pole to highlight effects of global warming on Arctic sea ice, has had equipment malfunctions due to extremely cold weather.According to the BBC:But when the expedition, the Catlin Arctic Survey, ...

  • April 8, 2009

    Spend that Stimulus Money by Going Progressive

    If you are a governor scratching your head for ideas on how to spend billions of dollars of Stimulus money, the federal government has a suggestion: visit the left wing Progressive States Network website for help.The Progressive States Network (PSN) ...

  • April 8, 2009

    Obama has Levitas, not Gravitas

    Last year, candidate Obama was praised for his gravitas, but now President Obama has shown he has far more levitas.In Latin, Gravitas means “dignity, seriousness and duty”, whereas Levitas means “lightness, levity, fickleness”...

  • April 5, 2009

    EPA ruling looms on greenhouse gases (updated)

    AT readers have an opportunity to comment to the EPA on granting a waiver to California to regulate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in automobiles, but the deadline is Monday, April 6, 2009.Send your comments on the proposed waiver to the EP...

  • April 5, 2009

    Warren Buffett Profits Heavily from TARP funds

    Warren Buffett promoted the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), and lambasted the greed on Wall Street, yet he is one of the main benefactors of the TARP largesse according to a Sacramento Bee story.Buffett endorsed Barack Obama for President last...

  • April 3, 2009

    Tony Rezko may sing in Blago's trial

    There is a strong possibility that former Obama fundraiser and convicted felon Antoin "Tony" Rezko will testify for the prosecution against former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The indictment of Blagojevich and five oth...

  • April 1, 2009

    California May Soon Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Automobiles

    A little noticed provision in the pork-laden 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Bill provides that the EPA must render a decision on whether California can regulate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from automobiles by June 30, 2009.The legislation statesNot l...

  • March 29, 2009

    No Drop in Electricity Usage in NY and CA at Earth Hour (updated)

    The Greenies did not convince the average liberal New Yorkers and Californians to turn off their lights at the appointed Earth Hour of 8:30 PM local time.By looking at real time data in New York and California, there was no drop in ele...

  • March 14, 2009

    Obama to Name a Politically Connected Dem as US Attorney in Iowa

    Another “Politics as Usual” moment for Obama as he is poised to name a Democrat as US Attorney for Iowa’s Southern District.  The Des Moines Register reports that Democrat US Senator Tom Harkin has announced he w...

  • March 11, 2009

    Carbon Cap and Trade for Fido?

    There is a serious shortcoming in Obama's global warming initiative since pets are excluded as a significant source of greenhouse gasses.  In the EPA's recently released CO2 initiative, there is no mention of dogs, cats or other pets as CO2 poll...

  • December 12, 2008

    Will Gov. Blagojevich appoint his wife to fill Senate seat?

    Gov. Blagojevich has few options left to cash in on Obama's vacant Senate seat now that he was arrested for trying to auction it off. But he still has the power to appoint anyone he wishes as long as they meet the minimu...

  • December 11, 2008

    Will Obama Keep His Word and Reappoint Fitzgerald?

    In a meeting with the Chicago Tribune editorial board published on March 16, 2008, Obama promised to reappoint Patrick Fitzgerald in his job as US Attorney.Tribune: In the question that Bruce [Dold, Tribune editorial page editor] asked about the diff...

  • July 7, 2008

    Obama and the Woods Fund of Chicago

    Barack Obama served on the board of directors of Woods Fund of Chicago from 1993 to 2001. During that time, the tax exempt foundation made some interesting grants, including one to Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, headed by Rev. Jerem...

  • July 1, 2008

    The Obamas and their Mortgage (updated)

    Sweetheart mortgage loans to Senators are much in the news of late, with calls for increased scrutiny of the solons' dealings with their mortgage lenders. In this spirit, I took a look at some of the publicly available information on Senator and Mrs....