Richard Baehr and Ed Lasky

Richard Baehr and Ed Lasky

  • February 19, 2008

    Samantha Power and Obama's Foreign Policy Team

    Senator Barack Obama, though impressive in his oratorical abilities, may not have the foreign policy experience that many would like to see, or that his opponents possess. It is reasonable to expect that he may rely on the foreign policy advisors he ...

  • January 29, 2008

    The Audacity of Questioning Obama's Commitment to Israel

    Recently, American Thinker has published two articles exploring the issue of how firm the support might be for the American-Israel relationship in a Barack Obama Administration. The analysis delved into Obama's past and his very strong bond with...

  • March 20, 2006

    Stephen Walt's War with Israel

    Harvard Professor Stephen Walt and University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer have just published a lengthy diatribe against what they call the 'Israel lobby.' Their article appeared in the London Review of Books, and a longer version has ...

  • August 30, 2004

    Did CBS smear Israel and AIPAC?

    Friday night, a breathless Leslie Stahl, led off the CBS Evening News with her scoop that the FBI was hot on the trail of a spy working for Israel in the Defense Department.  The CBS story presented a tale of the spy passing documents to officia...