Richard A. Rail

Richard A. Rail

  • January 4, 2020

    Wrong president and wrong year, Ayatollah

    Interesting stuff going on in the Middle East.  As the old year closed, Iranians in Iraq besieged the U.S. embassy.  President Trump tweeted that Iran would be held "fully responsible" for any lives lost at U.S. faciliti...

  • May 27, 2019

    The Joe Bidenest of all the Joe Bidens

    An article in the New Yorker appears to go to extreme pains to explain why Barack Obama hasn't endorsed Joe Biden yet.  Tradition.  Respect for the other candidates.  Waiting a bit longer to see what happen...

  • March 28, 2018

    The known knowns and gun control

    John Kasich once again comes out full bore for gun control, as predictably as a werewolf on full-moon night or a liberal on dope (same same). John Boy keeps going public with these positions that identify him as a moonbat liberal but for some reason ...

  • December 22, 2017

    Robert Mueller and lost illusions

    Some physical traits just seem to fit certain characteristics about the person who has them, and movies have done much to solidify such perceptions – perhaps even creating them.  At the risk of offending some of my beautiful readers, the b...

  • December 16, 2017

    Where's the common ground between right and left?

    An unanticipated benefit of the internet has been online magazines and blogs that provide a forum for exchange between people who otherwise wouldn't talk to each other.  An article sets the subject, and then people from all over comment. ...

  • December 5, 2017

    Monuments to ingratitude

    Seldom does one see widely heralded events in the news expertly acted out in allegory, but we have such an event in the dud Silverdome implosion.  It was the perfect metaphor for the hollowed out NFL, promising fun and excitement and delive...

  • November 18, 2017

    Dance of the sexes

    We're hearing a lot about men groping women without consent, and it's good that we may finally be getting somewhere in thinking about relations between the sexes.  Nothing excuses this type of behavior, but at the same time, one wea...

  • May 31, 2017

    Kathy Griffin's bloody head of Trump

    Something called Kathy Griffin, which apparently masquerades as a comic, held out a chopped off Trump head replete with blood, supposedly as part of a routine.  The left long ago exceeded the bounds of good taste, but this sort of thing encourag...

  • May 6, 2017

    About that national conversation on race

    Charles Barkley is going to go around with a microphone talking to people about racism.  This is supposed to initiate the long-anticipated "national conversation on race" that former attorney general Eric Holder said whites are too cow...