Rich Tucker

Rich Tucker

  • Are unions for workers or just for elites?

    January 15, 2025

    Are unions for workers or just for elites?

    All eras come to an end. “The Simpsons” dominated Sunday night television for decades, for example. Now, the show is moving to Wednesday, and it may soon be off the air. In one ancient episode of that show, a young worker from the earl...

  • The IRA means higher prices for everyone

    November 16, 2024

    The IRA means higher prices for everyone

    Democrats are looking for answers. They want to figure out why Vice President Kamala Harris lost so much ground to former (and future) President Donald Trump. To paraphrase President Kennedy, this defeat has 100 fathers. One of those fathers is certa...

  • Union leaders endanger the jobs of their members

    November 6, 2024

    Union leaders endanger the jobs of their members

    Lore has it that, after winning a victory on Roman soil but losing most of his army in the process, King Pyrrhus was reluctant to accept congratulations. Instead, he warned his generals: “Another such victory over the Romans, and we are undone....