R.D. Wedge

R.D. Wedge

  • December 20, 2020

    2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

    Update: We received a lengthy letter from Dominion's defamation lawyers explaining why they believe that their client has been the victim of defamatory statements. Have considered the full import of the letter, we have agreed to their req...

  • November 13, 2020

    2020 Election Fraud on Steroids

    The media has no right to select a President. This falls exclusively under the domain of the American people. Anyone who has been paying attention should not be surprised that we are currently dealing with election fraud. But the current situation...

  • October 3, 2020

    To Reclaim America, Reclaim Virtue

    The disturbing societal decay we are experiencing didn't happen overnight.  It has been fomenting for decades.  This has always been a fallen world.  But the gradual, sometimes imperceptible cultural decline is now s...