Rayn Random

Rayn Random

  • July 24, 2020

    Painting 'BLM' on the street is a childish game, even when the mayor does it

    Wannabe muralist Mayor Bill de Blasio painting the letters "BLM" on New York's Fifth Avenue is the same as little girls drawing chalk hopscotch squares on the sidewalk.  We don't call that a mural.  It's just...

  • June 30, 2020

    How to silence your Democrat friends and relatives

    Most of us have at least one pushy Democrat friend or relative who won't stop trying to "educate" us with his political opinions.  I have a friend of over 40 years married to a very leftist Berkeley Ph.D. in California. ...

  • May 19, 2020

    Why AG Barr is right about not criminally prosecuting Obama or Biden

    A friend, who thinks politically as we do here, phoned this morning after just hearing Barr's comments doubting that Obama or Biden would be criminally prosecuted.  We both would love to see it, but consider how destructive the Dems' leg...

  • January 22, 2019

    Helping out the California state senator who wants to destroy the English language

    As an eager-to-help California neighbor, and in keeping with her declared, and ordered, "spirit of gender neutrality," I have updated California state senator Hannah-Beth Jackson's biography.  As the chair of the Senate Judici...

  • November 28, 2010

    A ray of hope in San Francisco

    It wasn't the "Big One," but there was some perceptible shaking. C.W. Nevius, a long time, conservative, mostly political, writer for the San Francisco Chronicle had some interesting comments and observations in his November 18 column regar...

  • August 12, 2009

    Stop Telling Me That Everything in My Country is Broken!

    Progressives and politicians on the left are trying to make us believe that we are living in a massive dump stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic and from the Canadian border to the Mexican border.  According to them, every instituti...