Raymond Richman

Raymond Richman

  • June 1, 2017

    Trump should not sign the Paris agreement

    The architects of the Paris agreement deliberately designed it to get the Congress of the U.S. to approve it because it does not bind the U.S. to set emissions targets or to do anything to reduce man-made global warming.  The authors were mindfu...

  • September 10, 2015

    Gay Marriage and the 10th Amendment

    Elected Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis refused to grant a marriage license to homosexuals. She did so on religious grounds but it is not the freedom of religion clause of the First Amendment that justified her refusal but the 10th Amendment which re...

  • June 21, 2010

    Is Obama's BP Shakedown an Impeachable Offense?

    As former counsel and trainer in political tactics for ACORN, President Obama used a well-known ACORN tactic, the shakedown, in getting BP to create the $20-billion escrow (slush!) fund without any law, legal controls, or binding rules to guide it on...