Ray Gross

Ray Gross

  • October 14, 2012

    Clear Eyes, Full Heart - My Change of Heart on Mitt Romney

    The day after the first Romney/Obama debate, my friend Moira sent me a picture of a poster above a door Mitt Romney was walking through just before the debate.  The poster read, "Clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can't Lose!" -- the words from the well-kn...

  • August 1, 2012

    Bully is as Bully Does

    I  have to weigh in on the Chick-fil-A controversy. I detest hypocrisy, but the bullying kind of hypocrisy  really makes my blood boil.  It is especially important for me to take on the gay Left when it comes to hypocrisy, because I am...

  • February 15, 2011

    Sarah and the San Francisco Poster Wars

    As I stood in front of the vile posters of Sarah Palin, I felt anger and rage.  Above all, I felt powerless.In the days after the Arizona shootings someone had plastered these horrible images on a fence surrounding an empty lot.  My gut rea...