Randall Smith

Randall Smith

  • February 17, 2012

    Beware the ObamaCare Win-Win

    Author Stephen Covey in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says that "effective" people think "win-win."  I'm sure that's true.  But there is another sort of "win-win" that my older brother used to pull on me when I was ve...

  • February 14, 2012

    Health Care Overreach: Federalism and Federal Mandates

    As people across the country are waking up to the fact that the Obama administration's latest "accommodation" accommodates only the contraceptive lobby, one continues to hear from the usual liberal voices variations on the same theme: "What's all the...

  • June 24, 2006

    Honoring Just Warriors

    Three squadrons of American Marines are picking their way carefully down a Baghdad street, headed for a meeting with the mayor.  The warriors are anxious because attacks in that area have been frequent, and they know that today would be a perfec...