Rael Jean Isaac

Rael Jean Isaac

  • April 13, 2023

    Death to the Suburbs!

    The indomitable Betsy McCaughey has called out the latest ugly manifestation of "diversity, inclusion, and equity" the drive to destroy the suburbs.  The Biden administration and Democrat-controlled legislatures in several states ...

  • March 24, 2022

    The Power of Terrible Ideas

    While many have criticized the current enthusiasm for judging the past by the standards of the present (and condemning those past leaders who did not meet them), few have noted how many currently dominant beliefs are totally disconnected from reality...

  • July 2, 2020

    The Huge Law Enforcement Scandal that Cries Out for Justice

    In the American Thinker (June 30), Jack Cashill offers an eloquent plea for an Atticus Finch to take up the cause of George Zimmerman in suing those responsible for perpetrating the Trayvon Hoax.  There is another case, also in Florida, awa...

  • October 2, 2018

    Believe the Women?

    As Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has been disrupted by the #Me Two Movement’s chant “Believe the Women,” it is worth recalling the origins of this slogan -- and the huge damage it wreaked in its first incar...

  • July 22, 2017

    A New Look at the Death of Europe

    With the publication of The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray has made a significant contribution to a crucially important, if still niche genre: the Islamization of Europe. A small number of writers (given the huge impact of this development) ...

  • March 26, 2017

    Two Netanyahus Meet Two Trumps

    One of the most widely accepted misconceptions concerning the Arab-Israel conflict (a subject awash in misconceptions) is that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a “hard-core right-winger.” There is nothing in his behavior as prime mini...

  • February 27, 2016

    Teaching Antisemitism at Vassar -- and Beyond

    The anti-Semitic hysteria on many elite American campuses (the veil of anti-Zionism now thrown off) is belatedly becoming the subject of major concern in the Jewish community. As well it should. The young people of this community, in what s...

  • October 23, 2015

    Mama Merkel and the Immigration Invasion of Germany

    On Oct. 20, months after the “immigration invasion” of Europe began -- whose long-term impact goes far beyond temporary obsessions like email servers and Benghazi -- one of the Wall Street Journal’s chief pundits finally addressed t...

  • September 23, 2012

    Thomas Szasz: A Life in Error

    Dr. Thomas Stephen Szasz has died at the age of 92 at his home in upstate New York.  Born in Hungary in 1929, he came to the United States at the age of nine, trained as a psychiatrist, and served -- after a stint in the military during which he...

  • June 23, 2012

    Assessing the Heartland Institute

    Andrew Revkin, longtime environmental reporter for the New York Times who now writes its Dot.Earth blog, has delivered the unkindest cut of all to the Heartland Institute, the Chicago-based think-tank known for its skepticism of global warming catast...

  • March 16, 2012

    Global Warming and National Suicide

    Beginning in 1856, the Xhosa tribe in today's South Africa destroyed its own economy.  They killed an estimated half-million of their own cattle (which they ordinarily treated with great care and respect), ceased planting crops, and destroyed th...

  • February 16, 2007

    Why It Would Be a Catastrophe to Solve the Arab-Israel Conflict

    There is no more widely believed proposition in world politics today than that solving the Arab-Israel conflict would contribute to world peace as nothing else could.  It doesn't matter where you stand on the conflict.  Republicans and Demo...