Rachel Neuwirth

Rachel Neuwirth

  • May 14, 2008

    Triple Cross: How Britain Created the Arab-Israel Conflict

    I hope that no one will mistake me for an enemy of the British people. I lived in London for six months, and I have been a frequent visitor to England. I can testify to the warmth, hospitality, courtesy, and friendliness of her people. A foreigner st...

  • April 13, 2008

    The Expulsion Libel: 1948 Arab "Exodus" Reconsidered

    I often receive letters from readers that raise relevant and important questions. One such letter, from Mr. David Gesundheit, gently reproves me for he describes as "one inaccuracy . . . that I would like to point out.  It is stated [by R.N...

  • March 9, 2008

    But What Can I Do About the Crisis Facing Israel and the Jewish People?

    More and more people have been saying to me, "I realize that Jews are facing a major crisis in Israel, here in America, in Europe, and everywhere in the world. But what can I do about it? I am just one person. Vast forces are threatening Israel....

  • February 3, 2008

    On The Present Danger Facing Israel And All Jews

    The entire body of the Jewish people today -- in Israel, in Europe, in America, in Australia and New Zealand, and throughout the world -- is in grave danger. Our very existence as a people and as a faith is in jeopardy. The threat to our survival has...

  • January 6, 2008

    The Arab 'Right of Return' to Israel

    A media and propaganda campaign has been under way since the Annapolis "peace" conference to legitimate the longstanding demands made on behalf of the Palestinian "Arab refugees" -- meaning in practice the grandchildren and great-...

  • November 3, 2007

    A Tarnished Golden Anniversary

    An academic golden anniversary should be celebrated with pride. Pride in past achievements; pride in the excellence of faculty; pride in the quality of their work. It is also the opportunity to reflect on possible shortcomings since critical self-eva...

  • July 3, 2007

    Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq

    IntroductionThe references cited in this article strongly suggest that: 1. WMD did indeed exist inside Iraq before the war.2. The weapons inspectors were both fooled and bribed to ignore evidence.3. Massive amounts of WMD were removed to known locati...

  • June 7, 2007

    The Hard Hand of War

    Historian James M. McPherson's magnificent collection of essays This Mighty Scourge; Perspectives on the Civil War contains an essay on General William Tecumseh Sherman's famous, or infamous, "march through Georgia " that sheds light on the...

  • May 29, 2007

    In Memoriam: Tashbih Sayyed

    Dr. Tashbih Sayyed, an American Muslim hero, is no longer with us.  Tashbih was laid to rest in peace at the Harbor Lawn Mount Olive Memorial Park, Costa Mesa California.  American flags were on almost every grave. They also were hoisted hi...

  • May 18, 2007

    Can There Be Peace Without Victory?

    I have been reading a brilliant and edifying book, This Mighty Scourge; Perspectives on the Civil War, by America's leading Civil War historian, James M. McPherson (Oxford University Press, 2007). It has many lessons to teach America and Israel in ou...

  • March 4, 2007

    Iran: Some More Questions

    The big question concerning Iran is just how close they are to having a nuclear weapon. Some officials assure us that it will require 5-10 years before they produce a bomb. Making such a confident assertion is strange for at least three reasons.1. Ou...

  • February 25, 2007

    The Blood Libel Returns

    With the revival of anti-Semitism as a global phenomenon, everything old is new again. A new Holocaust is threatened in Iran, a former top military leader and presidential candidate speaks in code of the dark power of New York money circles, and now,...

  • February 17, 2007

    Beyond Self-hating

    The most potent weapon in the arsenal of the Arab and Islamist extremists seeking the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people has always been, not bombs, not guns, not missiles, not aircraft, not even the barbarism of suicide-homicide bomber...

  • February 2, 2007

    Hussam Ayloush: Poison Discourse Dispelled

    Hussam Ayloush, the director of the California branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is fond of comparing Israelis to Nazis and Israel to Nazi Germany. For example, he appeared on a TV talk show during the Hezb'allah-Israel war o...

  • January 25, 2007

    At last! A clear view

    James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA, in an interview with Israel National Radio, has spoken a blunt truth.Asked his opinion on the establishment of a Palestinian state, the former CIA director recommended that it not happen in the coming decade...

  • January 18, 2007

    The Treachery of the "Two State Solution"

    Almost everyone involved in diplomacy aimed at a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict thinks that the solution is a "two-state solution" -a state of Israel and a state of Palestine, living in mutual harmony, side by side, without...

  • December 30, 2006

    A Case of Freudian Projection

    A UCLA Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Saree Makdisi , appears to have an axe to grind.  He does not say it openly but he is probably unhappy (or at least he should be) with the true face of the Arab Palestinian moveme...

  • December 30, 2006

    Carter and Makdisi: cut from the same cloth

    Saree Makdisi , a Comparative English Literature professor at UCLA, wrote an article in support of former President Jimmy Carter's accusation of Israel as an apartheid state.  There is an eerie consistency in Makdisi's ideas and writing sty...

  • December 15, 2006

    The Rosen/Weisman Prosecution: A National Disgrace

    The criminal prosecution of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, former executives of AIPAC (the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, which has been in progress now for over a year (although the trial date has constantly been delayed), is a nat...

  • November 5, 2006

    George Soros: Trading in Fallacies

    George Soros does not like concepts that "blind". He seems to have fewer problems with those that kill.  The 'land for peace' concept is one such concept, and has been the focus of all Israeli—Palestinian negotiations which Mr. Soros urges...

  • October 21, 2006

    Palestinian History: Create It, If You Can't Remember It

    Professor Rashid Khalidi raises a very pertinent question in his article Unwritten History,  recently published in the Boston Globe.  In essence, he laments that the Palestinians have not written down their own history and he observes that ...

  • September 7, 2006

    The Stockholm Conference: A Political Obscenity

    After a month of military action in Lebanon pitting Israel against Hezbollah, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1701.  A cessation of hostilities was reached in mid—August, 2006, and two weeks later a conference was held in Stockho...

  • September 5, 2006

    America, Israel and Iran: Some Troubling Questions

    As Iran's nuclear program moves ahead, there is something especially puzzling, and even disturbing, about American actions. Three years ago President Bush stated that Iran must not be allowed to go nuclear. As time passes Iran becomes more dangerous ...

  • August 25, 2006

    Olmert's Threat to Israeli and American Security

    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert must go. He is endangering the security of Israel and he now poses a serious liability to American security as well. Good leadership is indivisible — Olmert cannot be bad for Israel and simultaneously be good ...

  • August 2, 2006

    How the Media Enable Terrorism

    A major segment of the global media is behaving in a manner that makes terrorism and mass killings more likely rather than less likely. They enable and encourage terrorist slaughter of innocents by supplying providing a propaganda bonanza for the ter...

  • July 19, 2006

    A "Disproportionate Response"

    Buzzwords plague discussion of the Middle East conflict. For too long the buzzword phrase was the so—called 'occupied territories.' But today the new buzzword is 'disproportionate response,' meaning that Israel is being admonished to not o...

  • May 23, 2006

    A Reply to Jimmy Carter

    In recent years, former President Jimmy Carter has shown a growing animosity toward Israel.  Just this past January, at the Herzliya Conference, President Carter must have astounded his audience when he declared that 'you can't have a Palestinia...

  • May 10, 2006

    The Morass of Middle East Diplomacy

    Since 1993 a sustained diplomatic effort has been devoted to solve what is commonly known as the Arab—Israeli conflict.а This conflict, reframed as the 'Israeli—Palestinian' conflict, is no closer to resolution.а Political leaders, diplom...

  • January 3, 2006

    Spielberg's Munich and me

    I had deep misgivings about seeing Spielberg's Munich. The tragedy was too close to my heart. I was supposed to be with the 1972 Israeli Olympiads as a member of the Israeli women's basketball team. At the last minute, the International Olympic Comm...

  • November 2, 2005

    How far should Israel Go to defend its national survival?

    Israel faces unique security problems, having powerful enemies openly intent on her destruction. The President of Iran calls for it to be 'wiped off the map' and could soon have the nuclear weapons to accomplish his publicly—stated goal. Israel...

  • July 27, 2005

    Holding the Left to Account

    In the ideological civil war in America, the Left can only play the role of cynical spoiler, while conservatives continue to bungle and cannot even pose key questions to expose the hypocrisy and weaknesses of leftist positions. It seems that the poli...

  • June 1, 2005

    The FBI's investigation of AIPAC

    The extremely comfortable and secure American Jewish community is totally unaware of the deadly peril that is even now threatening the security that it takes for granted. But in the near future, this peril will become too visible and immediate to be ...

  • May 27, 2005

    Nagging questions about the war in Iraq

    Nagging questions about the Iraq war remain unanswered.  Both advocates and opponents have failed to address a range of issues even when they seemingly could be used to bolster their respective positions.  Until and unless we obtain answers...

  • April 24, 2005

    Could Iran checkmate America?

    On March 29, 2005 the London Arab daily Al—Hayat published a report on Iran's current preparedness for an American or Israeli attack. The report was translated by www.memri.org (Middle East Media Research Institute). MEMRI introduced the r...

  • March 22, 2005

    Nuclear Iran

    The Iranian mullahs are intractable in their all—out push to achieve nuclear weapons as soon as possible.  They cunningly toy with the West while cynically insisting that their nuclear program is intended to only produce peaceful nuclear e...

  • February 27, 2005

    Israel in retreat

    Under intense pressure from the United States, the European community, Russia and the United Nations —— the so—called "Quartet" of world powers —— Israel is pursuing a suicidal course that may well cause the state to col...

  • February 14, 2005

    The bitter fruits of appeasement

    We can now look back over the last century with the benefit of hindsight and consider just what we have achieved with international appeasement and timidity.  Many threats we face today have origins that can be linked back in time to decisions t...

  • February 8, 2005

    Sharon, an Israeli King Lear?

    In our war against Islamic terror we certainly need all the allies we can find. Since its re—birth in 1948, the Jewish State of Israel has been our loyal and helpful ally for over half a century. Both countries have share many values, which mak...

  • January 22, 2005

    Disengagement: a euphemism for ethnic cleansing

    In removing Jewish residents from their legitimate homes in Gaza, Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. 'West Bank'), the Sharon government of Israel is guilty of egregious human rights violations against its own Jewish citizens who are also innocent targets of ...

  • January 6, 2005

    The Chomsky File

    Noam Chomsky, long—time Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an idol of leftist academics and journalists everywhere, has created hundreds of anti—Israel books, articles, recorded interviews and lectures...

  • December 27, 2004

    'Judenrein' Comes to Israel

    Two expressions from WWII are coming back to haunt the Jews of Israel. One expression is 'Judenrein' and the other is 'I was just following orders.' Some historical perspective is in order. The term 'Judenrein' was used by the Nazis to designate area...

  • December 15, 2004

    With friends like these

    Salam al—Marayati, the executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), represents himself and his organization as stalwart opponents of terrorism who are actively working with the FBI and California law enforcement agencies to c...

  • November 10, 2004

    On Arafat's passing

    The media has been full of reports of Arafat's illness and numerous articles on his role as leader of the Palestinians. What else is there to add? Some important matters are being noted, but others are left unsaid. Note the contrast when the media re...

  • October 30, 2004

    Jewish anti-Semitism

    The existence of 'black sheep' in families is not all that unusual. What stands out among various ethnic groups is the unique degree of malevolence exhibited by the Jewish black sheep against their fellow Jews, which would then qualify them as Jewish...

  • October 26, 2004

    Not just Osama

    John F. Kerry  relentlessly hammers President Bush for "outsourcing" the capture of Osama bin Laden, and therefore "failing" to win the War on Terror. He is wrong on all counts. American Special Forces guided and led local forces in Afghanistan,...

  • October 20, 2004

    The 'occupied territories'

    The phrase 'occupied territories' has come to mean only one particular place in the entire world — namely Gaza and Judea/Samaria (i.e. the West Bank). That phrase is increasingly becoming a battle cry in a rising tide of global anger directed a...

  • October 4, 2004

    A Closer Look at Egypt

    Administration officials, and some in the media, may refer to certain Arab countries as 'our friends' or 'our allies.' That designation is applied to those Arab countries which receive American support, both military and economic. Such recipients inc...

  • September 13, 2004

    The U.S. is not really fighting terrorism

    Claims that America is engaged in a total war against terrorism are greatly exaggerated. President Bush cannot selectively fight some terrorists, while ignoring or even supporting other kinds of terrorists, and still claim to be fighting a War on Ter...

  • August 24, 2004

    The dog that didn't bark

     'The dog that didn't bark' is an expression from a Sherlock Holmes mystery. It was an important clue that led to identifying the criminal. It seems that the killer entered and left the estate grounds one night but without the guard dog barking ...

  • July 27, 2004

    Israel may be compelled to pre-empt

    Iran is moving rapidly to become a nuclear power. The Iranian mullahs have publicly promised to use nuclear weapons to exterminate Israel even if Israel were to achieve peace with the Palestinians. They also claim that Iran, with 70 million people, c...

  • July 16, 2004

    A better framework for peace (2)

    [Part (1) of this article appeared yesterday.] Contrary to popular belief, the Arab—Israeli conflict has a solution. An orderly resettlement elsewhere of the so—called Palestinian Arabs would solve this long standing 'intractable' problem...

  • July 15, 2004

    A better framework for peace (1)

    This is the first of two articles outlining a radically different framework for peace, one that doesn't envision endless conflict. Part 1 today argues against the belief that basic human justice requires a new Palestinian state. Part 2 presents an al...

  • July 7, 2004

    Pressuring Israel

    Daniel Pipes has called attention to the many disastrous unilateral concessions that Israel has made to the Arab Palestinian terrorist "leadership" since 1992, and the terrible price in dead, maimed and suffering people, not to mention a ruined econo...

  • June 21, 2004

    The Big Picture

    Genesis 12:3 in the Hebrew Bible contains a brief statement by the G—d of Israel: 'I will bless those who bless you, and to him who curses you I will curse; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you.' This brief statement ...

  • May 11, 2004

    The U.N. is a Failed Organization

    The U.N. recently passed another blatantly anti—Israel resolution in support of extremist Arab Palestinian claims. There is no longer any point in entering into any serious dialogue with this organization. In countless ways, over many years, th...

  • April 27, 2004

    Target: Arafat

    After the killing of the appointed Hamas "leader" Dr. Abdelaziz Al—Rantisi, three weeks after his predecessor Sheik Ahmed Yassin, it is apparent that Israeli leaders such as Shimon Peres, a Nobel peace prizewinner, have finally realized that th...

  • April 13, 2004

    The Islamic Hydra

    Day after day, fanatic Arabs/Muslims murder "the infidels" and proudly profess their noble goal of spreading Islam and ruling the world. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, now ——— perhaps hundreds of millions later—...

  • March 24, 2004

    Islam Plays for Keeps

    President George W. Bush said: "We will bring freedom to others, and we will prevail."Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld suggested that terrorists are being created faster than we can arrest or kill them.One might wonder if they're fighting differe...