Rabbi Michael Barclay

Rabbi Michael Barclay

  • A Solution to Create Peace in the Middle East?

    June 28, 2024

    A Solution to Create Peace in the Middle East?

    Over the last eight months, in the midst of a war in Israel and the largest expressions of Jew hatred seen worldwide since the Holocaust, a constant question keeps being asked:  is it even possible for there to be peace between Israel and its ne...

  • January 23, 2024

    Israel: Don’t plan the victory party until you’re in the end zone

    Competitive athletes know that you never plan the victory party until the game is finished.  It is foolish and dangerous.  Foolish because anything can happen and there might not be a victory at the end of the game.  Dangerous because ...

  • September 7, 2023

    Groomers, BLM, and the ADL: Methinks Thou Doth Protest Too Much

    It is a psychological truth that people often “project” on to others what they are actually feeling or doing.  This emotionally immature pattern is only healed by first recognizing that it exists.  But while this has traditional...

  • July 4, 2023

    Avoiding a Savage Destruction of This Nation

    It’s easy to like or to hate Michael Savage; but with 2 master’s degrees, a PhD from UC Berkeley, and having authored 44 books, his intelligence is undeniable.  In his 2003 bestselling book, The Savage Nation, he clarifies the war fr...

  • June 28, 2023

    Fighting the false god of inclusiveness at Dodger Stadium

    I have often said that as a rabbi, I have more in common with a devout Catholic or Christian than I do with a secular Jew.  The root and cause of this understanding and personal mantra are now starting to get explored culturally through the...

  • May 21, 2023

    When Houses of Worship Lose their Way

    Why do we actually have synagogues or churches, what are their purposes, and what is antithetical to those actual purposes?  Do orgies and drag queens belong in houses of worship? In these challenging times when religiosity is being attacked...

  • April 12, 2023

    Why Justice Thomas’s Friendship with Harlan Crow is Good for American Justice

    There are some sad truths that have become blatantly clear in the hate-filled public forum of the 21st century.  Public figures are often attacked in the media.  Conservatives even more so.  And if you’re a high-profile conservat...

  • February 16, 2023

    The Gender of God

    The Church of England has announced that it is evaluating the language of gender with relation to God.  While they recognize that God is neither female nor male per se, the dialogue came up in a recent exchange in the General Synod, the governin...

  • October 27, 2022

    Why Gender Confusion is Increasing and What Can Be Done

    As a Rabbi in Southern California, I have been confronted recently all too often with tweens and teenagers wanting to become a different sex.  Clearly a lot of this has to do with the push for gender modification from the leftist establishment i...

  • July 17, 2022

    Why Are Prominent Jewish Nonprofits Removing ‘Jewish’ from their Names?

    Names are extremely important in all cultures, and especially in Judaism.  The Torah teaches that when Avram makes his covenant with God, his name is changed to Avraham to reflect his heightened spiritual awareness.  When someone is extreme...

  • July 6, 2022

    The Highland Park massacre and the media- and education-driven hatreds that fostered it

    We are all aware of the terrible shooting that occurred while celebrating America's independence in Highland Park, a suburb of Chicago, and we now know about the suspect, Bobby Crimo.  What makes this act even more horrific than the man...

  • May 12, 2022

    Abortion: A Jewish Perspective on a Passionate Issue

    With a subject like abortion, where people are easily controlled by their passions, it becomes easy to base our opinions on what we “feel” as opposed to logical thinking about the issue.  Thousands of years ago, Jewish Sages were dea...