R. Stephen Bowden

R. Stephen Bowden

  • July 26, 2019

    Robert S. Mueller: An epitaph

    The Robert Mueller hearing delivered two shockwaves.  First, the extent of Mueller's mental deterioration was revealed — highlighting so many pressing issues for the I.G. and Durham teams to explore.  Second, it exposed ...

  • July 25, 2019

    Mueller's testimony: 'Yes, we have no bananas today'

    Yes, we have no bananas.  We have no bananas today. Those are lyrics from the 1920s.  Here's the tune, for those of you old enough to remember, which includes alternative lyrics for the English-impaired: For the...

  • June 13, 2019

    Are you tired yet of how DC works?

    Are you tired of the histrionics of the Democrat contenders for the presidency of the U.S., what with all their scare tactics and promises of free stuff for everyone without any serious explanation of how to pay for it? ...and Nadler's Salem W...

  • November 3, 2018

    Donald Trump is a treasure in an earthen vessel

    I was born and raised in Alabama.  Yes, there. I still live down south.  Everyone here knows that a bagel is a huntin' dawg.  Shoot, you don't have to know a lot to know that.  Plus, shoot ...

  • October 18, 2018

    Trump turns Democrat angst up to 11

    Next month's election will be fun. Democrats in Congress and on America's coasts are experiencing an existential crisis.  Hysteria runs rampant.  We're two years in and counting.  Desperation has set in....

  • August 20, 2017

    Donald Trump is winning...bigly

    If you get your political updates through ordinary channels – MSM; local news; the major newspapers; and popular website newsies such as Yahoo, Facebook, and more recently Drudge – you most likely feel that America is imploding, all due t...

  • July 29, 2017

    This 'Russia collusion' thing just gets worse and worse

    This past week's Senate Judiciary Committee featured Mr. Bill Browder, an international financier with extensive knowledge of the Russian government.  Under questioning from Sen. Lindsey Graham, Browder revealed that the Russians paid F...

  • July 15, 2017

    America on DEFCON-4: Obama cashes in

    You may rightfully assume that Barack Obama is working behind the scenes to undermine Trump and replace him with a bought-and-paid-for surrogate.  Why else do you think he receives – and accepts – such obscene speaking fees?  Th...

  • April 6, 2017

    20 questions on all this Russia business

    All this business about Russians and elections and surveillance makes my head spin.  I have questions – twenty, to be exact.  Here they are, in random order. 1. During her presidential campaign, did Hillary Clinton have t...

  • December 26, 2016

    Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad

    Why might the gods wish to inflict madness?  Let me cite the reasons: Gender-fluid social justice warriors who proclaim, against the tide of human history, that male/female identity is an arbitrary social construct, in willful ignorance of ho...

  • December 14, 2016

    When Good Answers Are Never Good

    You cannot give a good answer to a bad question. "Have you stopped beating your wife?," for example.  It's a simple yes or no.  So go ahead.  Pick one.  Either answer will make you the talk of the n...

  • November 16, 2016

    Crazed California senator: Let's abolish the Electoral College

    Barbara Boxer, like Nancy Pelosi, is much like my appendix – still there, but we're not sure why. Boxer has proposed legislation to eliminate the Electoral College.  Here are her words: The Electoral College is an out...

  • November 1, 2016

    If only I knew ye, Herman Melville!

    We've reached the Herman Melville stage of the Clinton saga.  The whale has been harpooned.  Now, wounded and enraged, she threatens to drag the boat and everyone else into the sea.  High drama.  The scene is riveting.  N...

  • October 30, 2016

    The latest Clinton train wreck: Deja vu all over again

    The latest... ...New WikiLeaks indicating that Clinton insiders knew that her emails were hacked. ...New WikiLeaks indicating pay-to-play incest between Teneo and Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, to the personal financial benef...

  • November 16, 2008

    Racism is Dead

    God is dead . . . and we killed him!That's the famous epitaph Friedrich Nietzsche announced to Europe in the late 19th century.  He believed that European intellectual history had arrived at a watershed moment in which God was no longer relevant...