R. Quinn Kennedy

R. Quinn Kennedy

  • November 5, 2020

    Liberal California Emigrants are Toxic

    When Arizona, a state that has historically leaned conservative, was won by Joe Biden and now-senator Mark Kelly this week, very few were taken by surprise. Extensive polling indicated Arizona was ripe for swinging liberal and in this instance, at le...

  • December 20, 2019

    Countering the Left’s Dishonest Narratives

    In a December 5th, 2019 New York Times opinion piece, the headlined screamed, “Donald Trump is a Clear and Present Danger to the 2020 Election.”  The insinuation was obvious: President Trump is so corrupt that he will rig the 2020 el...

  • December 5, 2019

    Winning the Minority Vote the Right Way

    Democrats are panicked by President Trump’s increasing popularity within black and Hispanic communities. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, Donald Trump has the support of over 34% of black registered voters. Neither the left nor the right c...

  • September 7, 2019

    Reminder to Liberals: The USA Is Not a Democracy

    Semantic infiltration within the political realm is typically defined, in its various forms, as unknowingly adopting the terms used by an opponent in such a way as to undermines one's own argument. With the help of their cronies in the mainstr...

  • May 18, 2019

    The Media at Their Lowest

    When Joe Biden claimed this week on The View (see it here) that the Obama administration "had not a whisper of scandal" during eight years in the White House, the audience cheered wildly.  And why wouldn't it?  It...

  • May 2, 2019

    Red Flag Laws and Individual Rights

    Historically, the synonymous concepts of liberty and freedom were assumed to be the inherent right of every citizen born in our country.  Not so much these days. In my home state of Colorado recently, the Democrat-controlled legislature signe...