Philip C. Bom

Philip C. Bom

  • February 13, 2010

    Obama and 'First Americans'

    President Obama's mandate to implement tribal consultation across all federal departments by February 3, 2010 jeopardizes our national sovereignty and constitutional federalism. It will fundamentally change the unique political and legal relationship...

  • October 23, 2008

    Obama as a War President

    Many Americans view Obama as the peace president who will end the war in Iraq. On the contrary, he will be Commander in Chief for an endless cluster of global wars. These battles will be his way to fulfill his promise to "change the country and ...

  • October 17, 2008

    Planetary President Obama

    Senator Obama could well become our first planetary president.Traditional bipartisan US foreign policy has been one of collective international security of independent nation states. In other words, nations cooperate together as independent countries...