P.F. Whalen

P.F. Whalen

  • December 30, 2020

    Science can be Great… Scientists? That Depends

    “Follow the Science” has become a frequently heard rallying cry from the Left and their media in recent months. An even newer phenomenon is the bumper sticker asking “Got Science?” which is often spotted adorning a Prius ...

  • November 28, 2020

    The Left’s Adoption of Schrödinger’s Cat

    Aficionados of the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory may recall an episode from early in the series in which one of the main characters, Leonard, struggles in his effort to assess his budding romance with another primary character, Penny. Leonard eventu...

  • November 20, 2020

    Tell Us Again… Why Was Mail-in Voting So Important?

    In-person voting on Election Day presented unique health risks for our states’ electorates, we were told. So much so, in fact, that many states went to extraordinary lengths to minimize, or even eliminate, such voting. Therefore, consider the e...

  • November 4, 2020

    The Mainstream Media’s COVID Cover-up Continues

    The mainstream media’s double standard when it comes to accuracy is undeniable to anyone with a shred of integrity.  For stories that favor the Left or damage the Right, the bar couldn’t be lower. For stories that are vice-versa, how...

  • October 23, 2020

    What the Toobin scandal really exposes

    The scandal involving Jeffrey Toobin's masturbatory antics during a Zoom meeting last week has resulted in several unplanned byproducts, the most obvious of which is the comedic material the incident has generated.  If there were any la...

  • October 18, 2020

    Turned off and tuned out: Hollywood and pro sports viewerships plummet

    Americans are fed up with millionaire actors and athletes preaching to us about how bad our country is, and evidence for that disgust is everywhere we look.  We see bumper stickers slamming Hollywood, Facebook posts ripping the NFL and NBA, ...

  • October 6, 2020

    Great but Imperfect Leaders

    America has been blessed with some of the most dynamic and impressive leaders in world history: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, to name a few.  But none of them were perfect people.  Criticism of many of our past l...

  • September 28, 2020

    Slow Joe was never very bright in the first place

    The decline of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's mental acuity is obvious to anyone who is paying attention, and the issue is rightfully being debated by opponents and even some supporters.  Despite Biden's efforts to st...

  • September 23, 2020

    California: The Golden State in Utter Decay

    California is a mess; no secret there.  But the degree of decline that befalls it, and the quickness with which that decline is moving, seems to be largely ignored, particularly by Californians themselves.  The nation's most p...

  • September 14, 2020

    Every Card is the Race Card, But They’re Not Playing with a Full Deck

      A few days prior to delivering a speech during the opening night of the recent Republican National Convention, guest-speaker and former football star Herschel Walker ripped Democrats in a tweet for “playing the race card way too much,...

  • September 3, 2020

    Evidence Shows the Media Doesn’t Really Care About Evidence

    Read an article from any mainstream media outlet regarding an even remotely controversial subject broached by President Trump, and it is likely to include the statement, “President Trump claimed, without evidence…”  Use of the...

  • September 3, 2020

    The woolly rhinos climate change cult

    To begin, a statement: Yes, climate change is genuine, and I think human activity is having an impact on the phenomenon.  The idea that climate change is a subject of "settled science," however, is ridiculous, and the cockamamie s...

  • August 27, 2020

    Straight Outta Harrington Park, NJ -- Here’s Cory Booker

    Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) is at it again; injecting race into the presidential campaign in order to redirect focus from failed leftist policies.  In a recent tweet, President Trump suggested that a Biden administration would oversee an expansion o...

  • August 19, 2020

    The Curious Problem of Obesity among the Poor

    In a recent OpEd from The Guardian, author Larry Elliot opines on the frequency of obesity among low-income households in the U.K., and points out that the problem “in the U.S. mirrors that of the U.K.”  Elliot goes on to proclaim, t...

  • August 6, 2020

    Do Voter ID Laws Actually Result in Disenfranchisement?

    Last Thursday, President Trump whipped up another firestorm by suggesting that November’s general election should be delayed, citing potential voter fraud due to extensive mail-in balloting as his rationale. With this latest controversy, we sho...