P.F. Kelly, Jr.

P.F. Kelly, Jr.

  • The Democrats Meet the Mayans

    October 22, 2024

    The Democrats Meet the Mayans

    The Mel Gibson historical epic Apocalypto is a film about how a powerful culture, like the early 16th-century Mayans portrayed in the movie, can sometimes meet an unexpected end. One thing about the movie really stood out for me.  When the Ma...

  • Will Free Speech Survive a Possible Harris Victory?

    September 18, 2024

    Will Free Speech Survive a Possible Harris Victory?

    What would a Kamala Harris victory mean for free speech in America?  Nothing good, it seems, if you read the campaign’s tea leaves and her previous statements on the subject.  Of course, with most things Democrat, it’s...

  • The Revolution Will Not Be What You Expect

    June 15, 2024

    The Revolution Will Not Be What You Expect

    Blind hatred of America is so yesterday.  It’s shadowboxing an opponent who has exited the ring.  Activists on college campuses today, whether agitating for Hamas, BLM, or Occupy Wall Street, are fighting a caricature of Ame...

  • The Trump Conviction and the New Democrat Playbook

    June 4, 2024

    The Trump Conviction and the New Democrat Playbook

    Former President Trump was convicted last week by a New York City jury of 34 felonies. These “Frankenstein” felonies, created from misdemeanor offenses past their statute of limitations and the suggestion of federal election law violation...

  • Defund the Universities That Create the Hate

    May 9, 2024

    Defund the Universities That Create the Hate

    Thanks to the Hamas-sponsored anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rallies happening on college campuses right now, what were once monolithically progressive and Biden-supporting Democrat enclaves in our country are quickly morphing into energetic Trump 2024 ...

  • The Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart

    April 14, 2024

    The Bargain with Government Is Coming Apart

    Imagine you are a mouse — a placid little creature — living in a labyrinth.  You don’t know it’s a labyrinth; it’s just where you live.  You follow a well worn path, meandering along, chasing the red ...

  • October 2, 2023

    Almost Like Metaphysics: Democrats Use Issues to Push for Total Control

    The Democrats are playing a game of hide-and-seek with voters. The party hides what they are up to, and voters do very little seeking. The game revolves around the philosophical mystery at the core of the party. Who are the Democrats? ...

  • April 8, 2023

    A Sober Look at the State of Our Beloved Country

    Is our democracy at risk?  On our present track, will the U.S. be able to sustain a functioning democracy? A recent article evaluating why the much-anticipated "Red Wave" in the mid-term elections never materialized suggested t...

  • January 11, 2023

    Wake up, America: Debt and climate hysteria will kill us

    As we move into 2023, an air of unreality hangs over America.  Events and changes hurtle at us, but not much conforms to the way we know things should be.  This sense of unreality is predicated on a lack of truth-telling. ...

  • March 3, 2021

    What Will It Take to Wake Up the Millennials?

    Memo to Millennials: Free yourselves before it is too late.  The $1.9-trillion COVID relief bill recently passed by the House is a ponderous set of shackles being placed on you and your future.  Your freedom to act and to choose y...

  • February 25, 2021

    Will the COVID Panic Turn to Conservatives' Benefit?

    A funny thing might be happening on the way to the end of the COVID pandemic.  As has been well documented, when the COVID virus spread across the country last year, blue-state governors responded with a large dose of authoritarianism, plac...

  • February 7, 2021

    The Problem for Republicans Isn’t Unity, It’s Reality

    What does the recent vote keeping Liz Cheney in her leadership role among House Republicans mean? It means that the Republican Party may try to claim unity around establishment ideas, but it also means they are not serious about representing the inte...