Petra North

Petra North

  • September 23, 2021

    They Need Our Faces

    The title of a C.S. Lewis book—Till We Have Faces—seems to me a haunting image appropriate for our time. Lewis suggests that it is only when we know ourselves that we are able to receive unconditional love. As a veteran teacher, I believe...

  • August 21, 2021

    It was just easier to hate Trump

    An observation frequently attributed to Mark Twain, that "it is easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled," is the most accurate explanation I can find of where we are today. I will add this one caveat: it is ea...

  • July 20, 2021

    Classroom Cameras Won't Stop Big Education. This Will.

    As a veteran high school teacher, I find the current pushback against CRT both encouraging and alarming — encouraging because it reflects a growing concern and willingness to fight back by parents, alarming because it reflects a naïvet...