Peter W. Dunn

Peter W. Dunn

  • May 21, 2012

    No Civilized Country Would Ever Banish Eduardo Saverin

    The Ex-Patriot Act introduced by Senators Chuck Schumer and Bob Casey is a bill of attainder which would result in cruel and unusual punishment. Eduardo Saverin's renunciation of U.S. citizenship has angered many people in the United States.  I ...

  • November 28, 2011

    FATCA: A Ticking Time Bomb for the Economy

    See also: Federal Reserve Shennanigans Buried in an ostensible jobs bill signed by President Obama last year is a little-noticed job-destroying government regulation that threatens to trigger a massive outflow of capital from the American economy. Th...

  • November 26, 2009

    World voting with its feet on the dollar

    As an American living in Canada and a do-it-yourself (DIY) investor, I've decided to short the US dollar and to keep the majority of my holdings in Canada resource companies (oil and gas, gold mining). This is a play that has worked well so far. When...

  • November 17, 2009

    'Loonie' tunes and Obama's path to US membership in the Third World

    Many in Canada fret that the Canadian dollar (called the "loonie") will become too strong and subsequently hurt the Canadian manufacturing sector. Ken Boessenkool in Canada's Globe and Mail has warned the Bank of Canada about artificial d...