Peter Russo

Peter Russo

  • May 16, 2020

    Price-gouging or price-fixing — which is worse?

    Shortages and rationing accompany large-scale disasters in the same way that Netflix's Tiger King's stars find trouble.  In this COVID-19 pandemic, toilet paper, hand sanitizers, and surface cleaners are hard to come by. ...

  • January 11, 2020

    Here’s Why Google Doesn’t Respect Private Property

    With the Christmas of 2019 completed and a staggering amount of delectable new toys around for the kids to fight over, I’ve had to repeat a long-standing parental axiom with renewed vigor:  don’t take other people’s stuff witho...

  • July 16, 2019

    The GOP and socialized health care

    Maybe the heat in Washington is getting to the politicians this year.  Some Republicans are starting to support populist policies that just a few years ago they would have ridiculed then–Senate majority leader Harry Reid for even cons...