Peter Friedman

Peter Friedman

  • July 23, 2020

    Trump's press conference hit it out of the park

    With any future plans of his signature rallies on indefinite hold and Biden's Basement Blathers now in place of any public rallies for the former V.P., President Trump's solo press conference Tuesday was a welcome and needed ev...

  • March 29, 2020

    Trump's corona stimulus includes mail-in ballot funds. Why that's a bad idea

    While we can all breathe a small sigh of relief that Nancy Pelosi's Christmas wish list was ultimately dissed, a few residuals still linger in the recent $2.2-trillion stimulus package enacted by Congress and signed by President Trump....

  • July 1, 2017

    The vendetta against Trump

    Say what you want about Trump’s latest tweets, or even his tweeting frenzy in general, one thing that cannot be denied is that this latest edition did not come unprovoked. Yet, from the reaction the of the media and various members of C...