Peter C Glover

Peter C Glover

  • July 15, 2011

    Arianna Does The UK

    Arianna Huffington was in town last week.  Not to view the newly unveiled statue of Ronald Reagan outside London's U.S. Embassy, you understand.  She was here to launch a Brit version of the The Huffington Post.  Great -- and than...

  • April 9, 2010

    The Coming British Non-Election

    A British election is set for May 6. So, will socialist Labour win a fourth term? Or will the Tory chap with a wind turbine on his house blow away the current bunch? And what difference will it all make in the grander U.N.-sponsored global "I wa...

  • November 6, 2009

    U.K. Renewables Revolution Threatens Blackouts

    It is easy to understand the romantic attraction of the clean energy revolution and the rush to replace "dirty" fossil fuels. In light of the war on carbon, it's a no brainer, right? Which is precisely why, just as diminishing EU and U.K. s...

  • June 18, 2009

    Lies, Damned Lies and BBC Climate Reports

    When the global warming alarmist house of cards finally collapses, exposing the pseudo-science/scare-journalism axis that has perpetrated the world's greatest mass delusion, among the first led out into the public square for ritual humiliation ought ...

  • May 24, 2009

    The Wishful Thinking of Greenie Dreams

    The social engineering spin of the green mindset dictates that we should buy ‘green' cars, divert food crops to fuel them, restrict air travel and ban plasma TVs and, of course, traditional light-bulbs. So let's take a closer look at the curren...

  • March 25, 2009

    Islamic States Push to Criminalize 'Defamation of Islam'

    A powerful bloc of 57 Islamic states is again pushing for the UN to make it a criminal offense to criticise or ‘defame' Islam.  In a new resolution circulated at a session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on March 11, a paper entit...

  • February 23, 2009

    Media Credibility, Not Ice Caps, In Meltdown

    Eco-warriors and media hype aside, the fact is, as we head into 2009, that the world's ice mass has been expanding not contracting. Which will surprise evening news junkies fed a diet of polar bears floating about on ice floes and snow shelves fallin...

  • February 2, 2009

    Dissing Hansen

    In November 2008, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Dr James Hansen, and one of the four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that October 2008 was the "hottest on record".  Which mus...

  • December 5, 2006

    Thatcher economist de-hypes climate debate

    In November economist and former British Lord Chancellor Nigel Lawson in Maggie Thatcher's government rose to give an address at the Centre for Policy Studies in London. What his audience were privileged to experience was nothing less than a rare phe...

  • November 17, 2006

    Auntie Beeb, anti-Israel?

    The BBC, known familiarly to many Britons as "Auntie Beeb", has mounted a landmark High Court bid to hide from public scrutiny an internal report alleged to be 'highly critical' of its journalistic coverage of the Middle East. The Balen Report ...

  • July 4, 2006

    Why Europe doesn't 'get' America

    In December 2005 the 1,000th prisoner was executed in the USA since the US Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976. Of the six men currently on military death row in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the leading candidate for execution is Dwight L...