Peter B. Martin

Peter B. Martin

  • November 14, 2010

    More Effective And Less Obtrusive Airport Security Is Possible

    Rather than "nickel and diming" travelers with what now has developed into an excessive security search that has a dubious success rate, a better defense against a terrorist threat would be to focus on locating and neutralizing a suspect at...

  • July 21, 2010

    Wakeup Call from the Sleepers

    The recent sensation over eleven Russian spies under deep cover being rolled up should not come as a surprise to anyone who knows something about the Russian Federation. It neatly exposes the reality that the resetting of Russian relations, as far as...

  • December 30, 2009

    Identify Your Enemy

    There have been some major security breaches in the past weeks: the couple who crashed the White House party, the attack that hospitalized Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, the physical aggression against the Pope, and now the near-bombing of...

  • April 1, 2009

    Our planet is no Arcadia

    It wasn't long ago that anyone suggesting that climate warming was questionable didn't register a pulse with the public majority, but now that has changed. More and more people are challenging the dogma of the so-called climate Gurus, and for good re...

  • January 8, 2009

    Risky Russian Relations

    Much advice has been published for President-elect Obama in newspapers about improving diplomatic ties with Russia, most of it implying that the United States has taken advantage of or has bullied Russia. Let's put the past US-Russian relations in pe...

  • November 6, 2008

    What happened to free expression?

    Where has liberty of expression gone? Was it slain at Stanford? Was it harried away at Harvard? Crucified in church? Condemned by Conservative pressure groups? Struck down in the street? Tolerance appears to be a forgotten virtue; are we back in the ...

  • August 14, 2008

    Russian breakout

    Even after the Russian's rolled over the Georgian army, landing a strangle hold on Europe's oil and gas, the EU, characteristically divided, remained powerless. However they did began to grasp that they were again subjugated by the Kremlin. The Cold ...

  • April 12, 2008

    A Change Of Direction In Russia?

    Many people are wondering if the new future president of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev will act on his own and be a more liberal leader, or will it be more of the same with Putin playing Svengali, manipulating Medvedev behind the Kremlin corridors.To answe...

  • March 6, 2008

    Outside The Media Inside Kenya

    Africa's big game animals frequently reflect human behavior.  Under normal circumstances game animals in parks tend to respect man and his property.  Some years back, a game park manager in Kenya decided they had too many lions and chose to...

  • September 8, 2007

    Heads-Up: The Threat of Airborne Terrorism

    A great deal of money (over $40 billion) has been spent by federal and state governments on many wasteful anti-terrorism projects, like focusing on bio-terrorism and dirty bomb defenses that suggest such an attack is inevitably imminent. It isn't. An...

  • August 20, 2007

    America's Nuclear Military Dilemma with China

    "Use attack as the tactic of defense."      - Chinese proverbA year from now China will be on its benevolent best conduct, two years from now that could all change. There is little to fear from China until the Olymp...

  • July 6, 2007

    The First Line of Defense: Profiling Behavior & Situations

    Three days after the botched terror attacks in the UK a newspaper banner reads:  "Londoners return to business as usual." Regrettably, that often means minding one's own business. It is a perfidious dream to believe there is an anti-te...

  • June 16, 2007

    Ruthless Russia

    It was but all a dream to ever believe Russia would be benign and peaceful under Putin. Deplorably, numerous people in strategic posts misjudged Russia. Today the Kremlin is on the offensive. It has positioned military and ex-security service persona...

  • June 2, 2007

    A Convenient Canard

    Global warming will be a key feature on the agenda of the up-coming G-8 summit meeting in Germany and hot-headed Greens will be turning up the heat, chanting the gospel according to Al Gore. They will be arguing that the greenhouse effect (carbon dio...

  • May 20, 2007

    Bent On Evil

    There exists no simple formula to define or classify a multiple killer like Cho Seung-hui, the killer at Virginia Tech. Gun culture, violent films and video games are certainly aggravating factors in modern criminal violence, but they are surely not ...

  • May 16, 2007

    A new direction for France?

    Nicolas Sarkozy's inauguration today may mark a turning point in French politics. The obstacles, however, are formidable. Following the second round of the presidential elections, violent pandemonium ensued across many French cities. Over a thousand ...

  • May 6, 2007

    Measure For Measure: Air Travel and Terrorists

    Anyone who has traveled by air recently will have experienced the new security directives banning liquids, jells and pastes from being taken onboard an aircraft. These new security regulations came about following the plot to blow up multiple flights...

  • April 28, 2007

    Whence War?

    War is hell. War is inevitable. Everyone agrees with the first assertion but not all agree with the second. Some believe war is natural to mankind and history seems to prove it. Others would then argue, if that is the case, why bother to try to preve...

  • April 12, 2007

    Shoplifting Secrets

    This is not a guide to shoplifting, but about the wholesale theft of U.S. strategic material and its consequences. Increasingly, American classified information and material is being compromised, either through espionage, outright theft or though neg...