Pete Colan

Pete Colan

  • Real Science and the Earth's Magnetic Field

    December 21, 2024

    Real Science and the Earth's Magnetic Field

    I caught wind of an article recently of a tree discovered in New Zealand estimated to be about 42,000 years old, remarkably preserved. Remarkable enough that it tells the tale of a reversal in the earth’s magnetic field during that time. App...

  • I have a message to incoming Energy Secretary Chris Wright

    November 19, 2024

    I have a message to incoming Energy Secretary Chris Wright

    President Trump has officially announced his Department of Energy secretary pick, a Mr. Chris Wright, and I am thrilled. I do not envy Wright’s task, as he’s about to face a political firestorm—previously, Wright bravely and publ...

  • They’re coming after your cops

    October 16, 2024

    They’re coming after your cops

    We all witnessed the stunning ineptitude of the U.S. Secret Service in Butler, PA on July 13, not only from poor security planning but watching Trump be escorted off the stage by a few men physically capable of doing the job and a few short and rotun...

  • Western North Carolina reminds us why we don’t need government handouts

    October 4, 2024

    Western North Carolina reminds us why we don’t need government handouts

    The devastation that happened in western North Carolina hit close to home for me, so I have been relying less on the news for updates and more on private social media posts from those in the affected community where I grew up.  These posts ...

  • Kudos Mr. President, for mentioning Springfield

    September 13, 2024

    Kudos Mr. President, for mentioning Springfield

    Donald Trump’s mention of illegal migrants eating pets in Springfield was a stroke of brilliance. I didn’t watch the debate because I didn’t want to. I like my TV, and it would likely not survive whatever I would have thrown at i...

  • Forget the polls -- this is better

    August 28, 2024

    Forget the polls -- this is better

    By now you’ve all heard that Facebook (Meta Platforms) CEO Mark Zuckerberg has had a sudden crisis of conscience and has come clean about the fact that his platform “caved to pressure by the Biden-Harris administration to censor content....

  • More Hope for Nuclear

    August 24, 2024

    More Hope for Nuclear

    We all know that the only viable future solution for our growing energy needs (even without EVs and banning of other products that use “fossil” fuels) is nuclear. Solar and wind aren’t going to cut it. Logical people have not only k...

  • <em>Being There</em>, the Sequel

    August 15, 2024

    Being There, the Sequel

    Kamala Harris is the star in the 2024 sequel of this 1979 classic movie. I’ve found it fascinating that in both national polling as well as social media posts from actual friends of mine who are staunchly liberal, Kackles Harris (and Tampon ...

  • A Swim in the Sewer

    August 6, 2024

    A Swim in the Sewer

    Answer: You make athletes (who place a high value their health) swim in the polluted Seine River. Unlike many competitions of the past, I have watched very little of the Olympics this year because I will not reward broadcasting stations with my vi...

  • Will SCOTUS stand up this time?

    July 13, 2024

    Will SCOTUS stand up this time?

    I believe the 2020 election was stolen. I am an engineer with many patents and successful product developments under my belt, and math is my natural talent. On the morning after election day, it was clear to me as it was to many that the statistical ...

  • The Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine

    July 12, 2024

    The Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine

    The COVID shot was put on trial in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and coming from California the result might surprise you.  Three of four judges agree it was never a “traditional vaccine” and therefore cou...

  • Does Tax Code Really Matter?

    July 3, 2024

    Does Tax Code Really Matter?

    The answer is “yes” and “no.”  “Yes,” only if tax code affects GDP.  Otherwise “no.” In the study of supply-side economics, the Laffer Curve is postulated as follows: The Laf...

  • Leaving the door wide open for a solar invasion

    May 18, 2024

    Leaving the door wide open for a solar invasion

    I was recently made aware by one of our staunchly conservative county council members Amy Drake that one can plant solar panels in just about any farm field you want in Indiana without any permitting or rezoning whatsoever. A solar field su...

  • I smell a rat

    May 17, 2024

    I smell a rat

    Joe Biden suddenly anxious to debate Donald J. Trump seemingly out of the clear blue doesn’t smell right. His Fraudulency (H/T John Nolte) can’t put two sentences together much less navigate an intelligent debate with a seven-year old. ...

  • Another Climate Folly: Carbon Capture and Storage

    April 26, 2024

    Another Climate Folly: Carbon Capture and Storage

    I’ve been hearing a lot of commercials on my favorite local conservative radio station from BP about their Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects (CCUS for “underground” storage), so my natural curiosity got aroused and decided t...

  • Mark Kelly is a confused liberal

    April 16, 2024

    Mark Kelly is a confused liberal

    On the first day of Trump’s trial regarding Stormy Daniels, we were once again reminded of liberals choosing words carefully to push a narrative. The trial is referenced everywhere by liberals as “Hush money” which carries...

  • Climate change tests: What could go wrong?

    April 10, 2024

    Climate change tests: What could go wrong?

    The Epoch Times recently released a documentary about “Chemtrail” trials being conducted off the shore of San Francisco. “Unbeknownst to most people, scientists have begun to conduct a secret experiment that involves shooting a...

  • It’s time to declare a financial state of emergency

    April 3, 2024

    It’s time to declare a financial state of emergency

    Most AT readers regularly consume staggering numbers about our debt and deficit, but not all those that report this news will put those numbers in a perspective that provides meaningful context. I will try to do that here. The USA is on track to h...

  • Climate change and solar fields don’t mix

    March 28, 2024

    Climate change and solar fields don’t mix

    I just ran across a news story about a massive solar “farm” in Texas destroyed by hail. I will use the word “farm” only twice in this article in association with solar panels because that’s what everyone likes to call it...

  • Watch your back, Mr. President

    March 27, 2024

    Watch your back, Mr. President

    Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but these days every conspiracy theory seems to come true, and then some. Consider the incredible planning that went into the 2020 election theft. Massive amounts of planning in multiple states, and executed si...

  • The Left’s Love Affair With Mandates

    March 19, 2024

    The Left’s Love Affair With Mandates

    The hype over EV’s is sinking fast, like enthusiasm for COVID jabs. But our government is truly in love with mandates “for the public good” that don’t work. What’s next? One of the ways engineers solve complex problem...

  • Speaking truth to school boards

    March 13, 2024

    Speaking truth to school boards

    This is a story you won’t see in the mainstream media. If this can happen in a rural Indiana town of only 15,000 people in a Republican “fly-over” state, it can happen in your town. A brave 11-year-old girl spoke out at a Lebanon...

  • They won’t replace Biden

    March 12, 2024

    They won’t replace Biden

    The good news is that after his SOTU, it appears Biden is solidly on the ticket for 2024. Breitbart reports that “President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign raised a record-breaking $10 million in the day following his State of the Union s...

  • Capitol Police confirm disrupting Congress is just a $50 fine

    March 8, 2024

    Capitol Police confirm disrupting Congress is just a $50 fine

    I had no intention of watching the SOTU, preferring instead to scan the headlines this morning for key takeaways, but this one caught my eye: HuffPost via AOL reports this morning: Steve Nikoui, whose son in the Marines was killed during the ...

  • More Hidden Risks of EVs

    March 7, 2024

    More Hidden Risks of EVs

    An EV will likely not exceed five digits on the odometer because the cost to replace the battery in the typical 10-year span of a battery life will exceed the vehicle’s resale value, therefore making it economically impractical. Other author...

  • Waking the sleeping giant in South Bend

    February 20, 2024

    Waking the sleeping giant in South Bend

    Pete Buttigieg’s old stomping ground in the northern Indiana county that includes South Bend turned red in 2022 for the first time in history. Why? For one, people are fed up, but for another, and perhaps more significantly, good people are get...

  • January 4, 2024

    What happens if… ?

    This is a very scary essay to write, but it must be said and deeply considered. Tucker Carlson has long opined that Trump’s greatest threat is being “Epsteined.” Democrats have pulled out all the stops to prevent him from ever en...

  • December 20, 2023

    Do your part for global warming: Stop breathing.

    As if we aren’t already incredibly weary of climate hysteria where everything is to blame from cow farts to your lawnmower, spoiler alert:  they’re not done yet.  Not until the earth is completely sanitized with Globalist Elite ...

  • December 13, 2023

    Those darned Trump supporters

    Seems like everyone from the far left to the far right are stunned at the tenacity of Trump supporters. Trump has topped the polls since polling on the 2024 election began. Townhall headlines 12/11: “Another One: Trump Leads Biden Yet Again...

  • October 26, 2023

    What Is the Long Game for the EV Push?

    There are now nine states dotting the country who intend to ban the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035, with more expected to join.  Banning their use altogether isn’t far behind, since vehicles do wear out; most statistics concl...

  • October 14, 2023

    Saving the planet? Then cut down trees, of course

    Epoch Times reports that Bill Gates (as you all know is second in command to Fauci in the “I Am Science” hierarchy) has decided that eliminating trees and burying them is the best practice idea to reduce carbon in the atmosphere....

  • September 27, 2023

    There’s something fishy about eating bugs

    Most of you have seen numerous reports that eating bugs, not meat, will save the planet.  Epoch Times just released a new film showing just how seriously the Left is pushing this agenda.  Roman Balmakov, who directed the film, explains in d...

  • May 17, 2023

    Why Are There so Many Militant Democrats?

    As an engineer and scientist, I am never happy to accept “what is” but am always in pursuit of “why is it?” For many years I have pondered why there are so many militant “ground troop” Democrats.  Thes...

  • April 22, 2023

    An update on 'Long COVID'

    On April 21, Tim Meads of the Daily Wire reported that nothing has come of the $1 billion in funding provided to the NIH for "Long COVID" research. He is right.  A brief internet search for "Long COVID" reveals a comm...

  • April 13, 2023

    What were they thinking at Bud Light?

    Something about the sudden shift in marketing strategy for Bud Light doesn't pass the smell test. An iconic brand that, based on some of the best commercials you'll ever see, never ceased to hit the target of its intended customers ha...

  • March 17, 2023

    Putting fertilizer on the seeds of division

    Our country is openly and actively discriminating against straight whites, doing nothing but fertilizing the seeds of division the left has already sown.  One of the most prestigious Catholic schools in the country, one that prides itsel...

  • March 10, 2023

    A different take on two controversial AT commenters

    Most of you know two people who post routinely in the American Thinker comments section, typically with opposing viewpoints to the authors and/or other commenters.  Not long ago, there was an article suggesting how to block a commenter from y...

  • February 21, 2023

    Indiana public schools announce partnership with a state university, and objectivity has gone out the window

    Recently, the Indiana Department of Education (INDOE) announced a partnership with the Purdue Climate Change Research Center (PCCRC) and the Purdue University College of Science.  The release read: The Indiana Climate Change ...

  • February 18, 2023

    Is there a looming trash crisis?

    Will our sudden appetite for electric-powered everything cause a trash crisis? I have designed many innovative and successful products over my long engineering career, so when I started my own manufacturing company 25 years ago, it was with the pr...